Kroger has gone crazy…

Well…just had to comment on an article that I read this afternoon…I am still shaking my head it is so frickin crazy….as you know, there is a big push by the gun nuts out there to carry their guns everywhere they go…strapping their AK-47′s to their backs an carrying them into restaurants, grocery stores, and others like Target and Starbucks….but there has been a pushback from the sane people in this country that doesn’t want to be around this kind of crap…and I include me in that number…the latest push is to get Kroger to put a policy in place that would prevent the gun nuts from intimidating other customers by bringing their guns to places where they just don’t belong…but, the really ironic thing about this whole fight is the things that you can’t do in a Kroger store…like eat an ice cream cone or go in without a shirt…these the company deems dangerous but a nut carrying a gun is just A-OK with them….what the hell is wrong with the people? Both the gun nuts and Kroger….my question to these asses carrying guns everywhere is “why are you so scared all the time that you need to carry a gun?” I have never seen such a sorry group of pansies in my life…I go anywhere I want to go and I’m never scared that I need a gun…geez….

It’s going to be a close one…

Well…it has been another slow day and I did get the bike ride in so I guess there is that….but, I don’t want to talk about that right now…I really want to comment on the new polls that are out today that show the election can go either way…either we keep the senate and keep the crazies at bay, or we lose it and see the most dysfunctional government there has ever been….can you picture hundreds of Obamacare repeal votes, and an impeachment circus like you have never seen? That is what you’ll get if we don’t get out there and vote…and that is the frustrating thing, if we go out and vote, we win…and I cannot fathom why people don’t see that…do we really want the turtle McConnell…the king of obstruction in charge of the senate? And don’t give me the nonsense that “both parties are bad” it’s just not true…there is only one party who thinks women are second class citizens, who don’t want anyone but white people to vote, and who think that “corporations are people, my friend”….if that is the kind of country you want…I feel bad for you since you have divorced yourself from reality and have bought into the delusions of the right. All we have to do is vote and we can restore sanity to parts of the country…not all, since the repubs have rigged the game so well in the red states…but we can start to change that if we just vote…no excuses, just vote….

October 28th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I did get a few things done…finally got the abrasions on the Miata’s top repaired and got rid of the duct tape so that made me happy…slept crappy again last night but had dreams with Anthony Bourdain and a VW bus in them along with lots of cooking…weird… was such a nice day that I took a long bike ride since today may be a washout with rain all the way down to the southern part of Indiana and heading this way…I am cooking some slow cooker chicken soup today just to see if I can do it…got some chicken leg quarters for 79 cents a pound yesterday so I thought I’d use the carcass from last weeks chicken and one leg…..not sure how it will work but I had to try….not much to do today….just soup and working out so far….might think of something later….

Trains and Locomotives….

Well…being behind for the month, I thought I’d just do one on this weird show that I have become hooked on on the RFD channel…this one is dedicated to farmers, ranchers and country living but has a few shows that I watch when I can find them…one of those is “Trains and Locomotives” that consists of grainy old 8 and 16mm films of huge old steam engines going down the tracks…a little narration is all that comes with the shots and it is somehow sort of compelling to see these million pound machines hauling along the tracks….not sure if it is the bygone era that interests me or that they just sound and look so cool….but, I find myself watching every time it’s on…weird….

I just hate political ads…

Well…I am just getting so sick of the political ads here in Michigan, especially the lying ones from our wonderful governor that have revived the zombie lie that Obamacare cut 700 billion out of medicare and seniors are going to not get the care they need and then will die….this one was debunked so many times but I am going to do it again here…the 700 billion dollars were for cost savings in payments to Medicare providers and slowing the rise in costs…not one senior would even know that these cuts have happened since their care will not change….so, if you hear anyone talking about these cuts..cut them off before they get into the talking point…I hate to hear them and I bet you do, too…geez…

October 27th

Well…running late again today and I just can’t get moving for some reason….it was an okay day yesterday but I totally vegged after the bike ride…still feel tired today but I think the coffee is starting to work so that is a good thing…dreamt about water all night last night…drinking it, that is, and when I got up I was really, really thirsty…I know, pretty weird….it looks like it is going to be quite warm today…all the way up to 74 and that means I should do something that involves putting the top down on the car…I do have some errands to run so maybe today would be the day to do it? Supposed to turn cold later in the week and the dreaded thought of snow tires hit me for the first time today…I did have them on the car the 2nd week of November last year and I do hope that we don’t have another winter like the last one….that would just be too depressing….more later…

End of the month…

Well…it is getting to the end of the month and I don’t want to get further behind so I guess I’ll noodle around here a little and see what happens…the group that I saw last night was not one that I had seen on tv…I think the tv one was the string cheese incident…these guys reminded me of a 70′s hard rock band with a  little funk layered over the top of it…but C and I said the same thing after the first set…very repetitive…all the songs sounded the same and I could only take so much of it….and my ear is still fuzzy this late in the day so I guess I need better earplugs next time….I did get out on the bike today since the Lions were stinking up the place…but when I got back the had come from 21-0 down to win the fricking game…just like they did a few weeks back..weird….okay….can’t think of anything else right now but I just may come back for another one…I am behind after all….

October 26th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done…did go to the concert and it was okay but the group was loud and repetitive and my right ear is still ringing even with the earplugs I was wearing….and I didn’t get to bed until after 1 so I am a little worn out this morning…and it looks like I am going to have to wait to get out in the bike since the Lions are playing in  a little while from London and I want to see that….and then Man U plays right  after that so maybe no ride today…the couch seems pretty inviting and I think I’ll just make this a veg out day….more later….

RIP Jack Bruce….

Well…it not a happy day when another musician that you like dies….and today it was Jack Bruce. Best known for being the bassist for Cream and singing many of their hits like “White room” and “Badge” with Eric Clapton, he also had a long and varied career with groups that read like a who’s who of the 60′s and 70′s…even spending some time with Leslie West in the group West, Bruce and Laing….not much else to say right now except rest in peace, Jack….

October 25th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I lost at pool….but, that was okay…had a long run of winning and I didn’t get skunked….slept okay, too, but I feel a little slow this morning and it’s from not eating enough, again….oh, and maybe the cocktails….had some dreams about snow and trains but they really didn’t mean anything….looks like I can get out on the bike as soon as I finish the soccer game I’m watching since it is already 55 degrees outside…first, I am going to have a toasted bagel with cream cheese and some smoked salmon I made the other day…not much to do today…going to just hang around here until I go out for the concert tonight…will probably have to take a nap some time this aft since the concert won’t start until 9…more later…

What you never want to be….