Suzanne Summers is a “medical expert”?

Well…got another nice laugh on how far the Wall Street Journal has fallen since ole Rupert Murdoch took control of it a few years back by the events this week where they named the “Threes Company” star a medical expert for its editorial page. Yep, a hack actor who has spent the last twenty years hawking informercial crap to the American people is now qualified to critique Obamacare…what’s next? A puppy to critique the state of veterinary care in the US? This idiot goes on in her screed that healthcare in Canada is better for pets than it is for people…using fake “facts” about how long you have to wait and that doctors are becoming vets since they can make more money and that Obamacare is bad for the elderly here in the US even though they are covered under Medicare and have nothing to do with the ACA. Then she goes on to misquote both Lenin and Churchill (reading off one of the many right wing websites that have the quotes wrong) trying to make the point that healthcare is the path to controlling everyone. What a piece of crap the entire article is…who wants to listen to an idiot who thinks that when a woman goes through menopause, it is a signal for the body to create cancers and kill itself unless you buy the hormone supplements she is shilling….geez…

October 30th

Well…it was a low energy day yesterday and I didn’t do much other than the normal stuff….and today looks quite the same other than I have to go up to the office here and straighten out my lease….and I am going to do that right now so I’ll be back later to continue…okay…that’s taken care of and I got a cut of 20 bucks a month for signing for another year…not going to be out of here before then anyway….slept okay last night but I do think I have a bug of some sort that is sapping my energy some….I do have to send good thoughts to T for her two interviews today….but that is about it…I still need to get caught up today but I made some strides toward that yesterday…and I do have topics for later that are just as jaw dropping as yesterdays….more later…

Dick Cheney really is crazy…

Well…my jaw is dropping after just reading an article about an interview that ole Dick did the other day pushing a new book…I don’t know why he needs the money…especially after all of the loot he stole along with Halliburton…but, that’s not what this is about…it is about his absolute lack of irony since, when he was pushing the Iraq war, it was all about he just KNEW there were weapons of mass destruction there so that was the reason for attacking Iraq…now, in this new interview, he has morphed that into we were justified going into Iraq since it proved they didn’t have WMD…what a hypocritical lying piece of crap….this idiot war criminal should be in the dock at the Hague answering for his crimes…over a half million Iraqis dead and 1.8 trillion of yours and my money wasted there….why does anyone still listen to this idiot who has been wrong, wrong, wrong about everything in his whole career…I guess it’s the old boy network at work…you never need to succeed…just cash the checks an move on to the next scam…geez…

Some good news…in politics anyway…

Well…there have been some signs starting to appear that are pointing to what many of us have been hoping for for a long time now….that the crazy assed repubs are starting to pay for that craziness….the latest place this has come to light is in
Virginia where the repubs have been in control of the entire government for a few years now and have done what these asses have done everywhere else…go after women’s rights, vilify gay people, and try to give the states away to their corporate masters. But, it appears that there are enough people in Virginia who are saying enough with this crap…the final polls for the election next week appear to say that the entire top of the ticket, from governor, lieut governor, attorney general and more are going to the dems….and that means no more vaginal ultrasounds or other nonsense from the legislature there…the repubs will still own both houses but there will be a significant erosion on their power…and, maybe the opportunity is there to take the whole state in two years…something that didn’t look possible even last year….keep at it dems…we can exterminate the crazy if we just turn out….geez….

October 29th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday with having lunch with T and the out for a couple with G later but now I’m completely broke so I need to just stay around here for the rest of the week….and, it looks like I’ll be eating out of the freezer the rest of the week…slept okay last night but I didn’t eat enough yesterday so I am a little sluggish this morning…going to have a bagel here in a minute and then get on with the workout….have to find a new battery for the walkman so I can use it again…riding the bike is not anywhere near as much fun without it….and, I’m waiting for the maintenance folks to come and do the furnace inspection today….it is really dark in here today and I don’t like it….more later…

Going to have to cheat a little…

Well…with the end of the month rushing up, I do need to cheat a little to make sure I don’t miss the 62 necessary to keep the sting alive…well…not alive since I did have the problems with the servers for the site back in March and missed that one by a bunch…there has been some good news in politics lately with the ship finally starting to turn our way…it will probably take until 2016 to clean out the nuts here in our legislature and regain some sanity and caring for people that the repubs have even quit faking…and maybe even make Snyder go away…we can hope anyway…just had a nice lunch with T…good to see her and have an adult to talk to…not sure what else to write…but, this will get me toward the goal and cheating is okay for that….back later for more….

October 28th

Well…it was another uninteresting day yesterday but the Lions won so that is something….didn’t do much except watch sports…I did go out to meet up with the new car club but no one showed for the drive so I just came back here and vegged…slept okay last night but I am still tired today and sore…both elbows are now hurting and it is really no fun…and I didn’t come back for another one so now I am really behind for the month so I have to get it in gear and get a few of these done today….I may have lunch with T today so that may be something to look forward to….but, not much else….I really hate getting to the end of the month but you know that…more later…

October 27th

Well…it was a dull day yesterday but I did get the bike ride in so that is something…slept okay, too, but still feel a little crappy from cocktails that I think will go away after the ride this morning….at least I hope so….there is really not much to report on yesterday so I’m not sure what to write about today…I am going to go and meet up with a new car group this aft for a color tour and I hope they are not as old as the folks in the Miata cloub…I am the young guy after all in the Miata club and I am tired of hearing how many houses, cars, etc, that they own….okay…not feeling this right now so I am going to finish the coffee and get out on the bike before it rains…more later…

Just wow…

Well…I have been laughing a little today about one of the features out on Kos where Kos goes out to the right wing echo chamber and finds the craziest ideas and people out there…and this week was a special one since there seems to be a surge in people hating us over at Kos since we are starting to win some of the political battles that are being fought…and what I find the funniest thing are the comments that we are violent socialist, totalitarians that are the worst people who have ever lived on the earth because we care for other people, want healthcare, and want the tea party to go back under the rock they crawled from….and then the righties that are posting invariably say they are coming with their guns and we’d better watch out…and much other violent imagery… who are the violent ones? I’ve never seen anyone on Kos say anything but that we need to continue to win elections…and the right thinks that is violent? I think these idiots are really, really, confused, since they equate losing elections to coups, government takeovers, and a loss of freedom….just a big ole bag of stupid over there on the right…geez…

October 26th

Well…another day gone by with nothing to show for it….I did win at pool but it was mostly that the luck has returned and that is okay…I need a little luck right now…it was just another night last night, too, getting pretty boring just sitting around here every night but I do need to conserve cash so I guess that is all I can do right now…tonight should be better with a Wings game to watch….not much to do today…I did get behind with not coming back for another one yesterday so I’ll have to do a couple more today…not even going to cook today since I have leftovers to use before they spoil…and I do have some smoked fish that Tom gave me that I am going to have right now…bagels, cream cheese, and smoked fish with coffee as I wait for the rain to end so I can get a ride in…

What you never want to be….