Well…with the idiot trump on his latest vacation…this one a 17 day affair…it is pretty obvious that trump is the laziest damn *president this country has ever had by a wide, wide margin….even though he protests that this vacation is full of “phone calls and meetings”, all you have to do is look at his normal schedule when he is at a golf course…18 holes takes him about 5 hours…maybe even 6…and then lunch for two hours, then he HAS to watch tv for at least 4 hours…and that would make a full day for the idiot in chief…where in there is the time for “phone calls and meetings”? And now, the idiot has banned any photographers from the golf course so there is no way to confirm what he is doing…and with the latest poll saying that almost 80% of the American people not believing a word that comes out of his mouth…what’s the point of even listening to him about anything…oh, and he cheats at golf, too….what a useless human being…impeach….
Tag Archives: Donald Trump
Trump is a child….
Well…the self centered child idiot is at it again…with the uproar from his tweet basically trying to throw the 15,000 trans service members out of the armed forces, it might be a good idea too look at the motivation behind the tweet…other than the guy is just a transphobic idiot. There are reports out that had military lawyers trying to make the idiot understand that it was a complex issue and they spent hours and hours trying to get that through his big melon head…but, as with any child, trump couldn’t take that it was complex problem and that the lawyers continued to try to make him understand it….so, what does the child do? He tweets out the new policy to make the mean old lawyers go away so he could go back to watching tv…..he is ready to hurt 15,000 patriotic Americans just to get back to being the lazy ass that he is. I know I write a lot about this idiot…and I wish I didn’t have to…I wish he would just go away and leave us all alone…impeach…
A new grand jury….
Well…these are the kind of posts that I like to do….it was just reported today that Robert Mueller has impaneled a new grand jury which will start it’s work by looking into the meeting where all the trump campaign bigwigs met with a bunch of Russians to get information about Hillary that would help the idiot trump’s campaign. As of today, they have started to issue subpoenas for any and all information about that meeting which I assume will include testimony from all of the people who were there for it….and that means Manafort, trump jr., and kirschner are all in their sights now….but it doesn’t end there…this grand jury is looking into money laundering that trump and his cronies were part of for years…and it is pretty obvious that they have them on that count given all of the information that has leaked from the investigation….these events tell us that there is there, there, and Mueller is close to indictments for at least some of the parties to the meeting at least, and maybe for the entire trump crime family. It is going to get delicious and I’ll pass on Keith Olbermann’s advice to the entire family…”flee now, while you still can”…impeach…
Lies, lies, and more lies….
Well…is this enough repubs? Is this enough for you to finally rid us of the idiot trump? Oh, forgot to tell you about this first…my brain is out of synch….I really hope you’ve heard the last bit of lies to come out of the mouth of trump and his cronies…it starts with trump telling everyone that he got a phone call from the “head” of the boy Scouts telling him that his speech was the best one that was ever delivered to them…one little problem…the call never happened..in fact the scouts apologized for the hitler youth rally that trump turned the speech into…then we have the idiot telling everyone…again…that the president of Mexico called him to tell him he is doing the “best job” at immigration…again…never happened…no phone call, no praise, just trump living in his delusions and that should worry you repubs…and you should do something about it…he hates you guys, anyway…so why do you continue to protect this idiot? Impeach….
The White House is a dump?
Well…I don’t think I can be surprised anymore by the shallowness and crassness exhibited every day by the idiot trump. The latest lowest point (and it won’t be the last) has the idiot bitching to his friends that he spends so much time at his golf clubs since the White House is such a dump….now, let’s let that sink in for a minute…our house, the house that is the symbol of the US is a dump? If you’ve been paying attention over the past 6 months, you know that the idiot has no respect for the traditions or laws of our country, and now this…okay, trump, the only reason the WH is a dump is the fact that you live there…that you pollute the idea of the country’s house, living there illegitimatly, after you stole the election by colluding with the Russians…if you hate it so much, just leave, resign and leave…you are not going to be living there much longer, anyway…I wonder what you are going to think about the federal prison that is going to be your home for the rest of your life? What a colossal asshole….impeach….
Keystone XL dies…
Well….an interesting thing happened over the past week that went mostly unnoticed by everyone…but, I read a little article that didn’t really surprise me given the rapidly changing energy market. You know how the idiot trump has been pushing for more and more fossil fuel use…lying to the people in coal country that he will bring coal jobs back and approving the building of the Keystone XL pipeline that would move tar sands oil through the US to be exported for use in the rest of the world. Just the other day, though, the proposed builders of the pipeline, Trans Canada, said that due to the changes happening to the energy market around the world, where the sharply lowering price of solar, wind and natural gas has made the tar sands oil uneconomical, will probably prevent them from building the pipeline. This is the problem with confusing economics with ideology, trump and his minions are mired in the past…well…maybe not mired in the past but mired in the kleptocracy where the oil and coal companies pushed the cost of their pollution off on the taxpayers while they screwed everyone…and they are setting the US up to be a second class energy country by ceding leadership of new energy technologies to China and the rest of the world while we continue to burn and pollute. But, with this decision by Trans Canada, we can see that economics can trump the idiot and his minions…they can’t stop solar or wind…no company is going to pay more for their electricity just to keep trump and the oil companies happy…and there is not a damn thing the idiot can do about it…Impeach….
A mish mash….
Well…haven’t been doing too many political ones lately…I guess I’m just numb from the idiot trump and his antics….and I really don’t have a single topic to write about so this one is going to be a mish mash of small ones….the repubs failed to take health insurance away from 32 million Americans and we have three repubs to thank for coming over to our side….but the cheating and lying that went into trying to get trumpcare passed was breathtaking to see…almost every rule of governing was broken by McConnell but what do you expect from the guy who stole a SC seat? Then we had the idiot trump lying more in the past week than in any other week since he stole the presidency…I am just stunned by the repubs revealing themselves as the America haters they are since they are still protecting trump even though it is now a fact that they colluded with the Russians to steal the election…what would they have done if Obama had done a hundredth of the crap that trump has done? We know the answer to that one since they are now proposing to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hillary….15 months and 50 million dollars wasn’t enough for them from the fake Benghazi investigation? I found it funny that the sec of defense and sec of state are taking vacations so they don’t have to talk to the idiot trump for a while…and the sec of state, Tillerson, is contemplating quitting already…and the idiot’s chief of staff either quit or was fired yesterday….we’ll never know since they lie about everything….okay, that’s enough for now…going to watch a race….
Blackmail from the White House…
Well…of course the idiot trump and his minions don’t have any idea how government works…I think they got all of their examples from watching “The Godfather” and today they confirmed it. When one of Alaska’s senators voted against the debacle which is trumpcare, the immediate response was to try to blackmail Senator Murkoswski by telling her that if she votes that way again, every federal agency will be used to punish Alaska….now, I’ve been around for a long time but I have never seen a so called president blatantly blackmail a senator by telling them he will hurt their constituents if she doesn’t cave in to him….now, I’m pretty sure that this is against the law…and even if it isn’t…it is so damn unethical that it should be added to the articles of impeachment that are coming down the road….America, aren’t you tired of this thug yet? Impeach….
Things are swirling…
Well…things are swirling around DC today with the idiot trump’s tweetstorm that he is going to kick any transgender member of the military out since they are a “danger” to the military…and he lied while doing it, saying he talked to “his” generals and they agreed with him….nevermind that no one in the department of defense even heard about it before the idiot tweeted it…and the sec of defense is on vacation and never heard from trump….now, we all know what this is about…trump needs to shore up support from his idiot base and to distract from all of his failures and investigations….and his torture of Jeff Sessions…but it is more about his hatred…his hatred of the LGBTQ community, his hatred of immigrants, and his general hatred of anyone who is not trump….but the noose is closing…even his idiot daughter just lawyered up the other day with Mueller getting closer every day…I just can’t wait for the meltdown to continue and take the whole racist bunch of cronies with them….impeach…
Trump truly is deranged…
Well….I know I’ve harped on this a bit over the past couple of years but, with the new New York Times interview that was printed yesterday, there just isn’t any question that the idiot is truly deranged. The interview touched on everything that trump hates, and was a tour de force of anger, delusion, victimhood, mangled history, and a clear proof that he knows nothing about healthcare or insurance. I mean, he actually thinks that people pay 12 dollars a year for insurance…and then when you’re 70 you “get a really good plan”…yep, this is actually what he said….just draw droppingly ignorant….but that’s not the whole of the interview…his comments on Sessions, Comey, and Mueller sounded like that of a petulant child who had been told it was bedtime and was stamping his feet….then there were the threats to Mueller to stay away from his finances or he would fire him….no matter that Mueller doesn’t work for him and for the fact that Mueller is already well into trump’s money laundering and, no matter what happens, it will come out that trump has been the pawn of the Russians for years….I think you should go read the article at the Times….it will confirm what I have been saying for quite a while now….trump is truly deranged…impeach…