Category Archives: Politics

Forget about the polls…

Well…with all the dems running around like their hair is on fire from a couple of polls that showed the serial felon idiot boy trump ahead of Joe Biden in a couple of swing states, I think we need to take a step back and remember that the polls have been wrong in the last two elections and they predicted a “red wave” last year that didn’t happen…and Joe pointed that out to the idiot Doocy in a press conference yesterday as the fox hack asked about it and Joe came back with the retort “read the polls, we’re ahead in 8 of 10 states” and Doocy didn’t respond other than to try to conflate Biden’s age with abortion access for some reason…all I can say is that if you want to hear someone who is failing mentally, just listen to the idiot trump who can’t string two sentences together…or no, don’t do that…if I ever hear that voice again I’ll poke my eardrums out…geez…

Glass houses, Comer…

Well…isn’t this way it goes every damn time? James Comer goes on and on how he thinks the Bidens are crooked and launches investigation after investigation that find nothing but his brother paying Joe back money that he lent him…that’s it…and I really don’t think there is anything shady about that…but today, reports are out about Comer and his deals where he swaps land that he inherited for other land and seems to make millions doing it…he claims that the land belongs to his “companies” but no one can find one company that he owns…and he pays his brother over 200 grand for “reasons” that he won’t reveal…payoffs maybe? So who would make a trade where he gives up land worth millions for land that isn’t?  And who is paying the taxes on all of that profit? He sure didn’t and that is a fact…so I guess the old saw of “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” really applies here….Jimmy, give it up and just go away before someone really digs into your shady deals…geez…

Abortion is still the issue…

Well…the results are in and the dems did pretty damn good in the elections yesterday…expanding their house margins in Pennsylvania, flipping the house in Virginia, keeping the Governors office in Kentucky, and voters enshrined abortion rights into the constitution in Ohio…and that one was by around 60% of voters…so abortion is still the issue across the country and everywhere that it has been on the ballot since Roe fell has passed it…so the dems need to keep hammering on that fact…polling says that almost 70% of the people want those rights to be returned…even in red states that are doing their best to criminalize women’s healthcare….like the new laws being passed all over Texas that makes it illegal to travel through many counties to seek reproductive care….I have to thank the folks that worked tirelessly to defeat the repub cheating in Ohio as they threw everything but the kitchen sink at it to try lie to people and saying that the moon will fall if people voted to protect women’s rights…so, let’s keep it up, no matter what the polls say…We can take back the house next year and expand our margin in the senate…and Biden has said if they do that and re-elect him, Roe will be codified as law in January 2025…let’s do it…

He just isn’t very bright..

Well…not sure if you’ve read anything about the idiot trump’s performance yesterday testifying in his business fraud trial but damn, from what I read, it was nailing the rest of the nails in his coffin…not just because he admitted to doing everything the government alleges but along with that he attacked everyone from the judge to the prosecutors to the AG…and this moron just doesn’t understand that this judge holds his fate in his hands since this is not a jury trial…he is so dumb that he didn’t even ask for a jury trial where he may have been able to get some of his moron followers on it…and there is one thing to remember and that is that this judge has looked at the evidence and ruled that yep, the people running trump’s company have committed fraud and this is just the penalty phase where he could be on the hook for up to a billion dollars…if he has it…the prosecution knew that trump basically gave up the game in his testimony yesterday so they rested the case…or they are only going to call one more witness and that is the evil daughter who will be on the stand tomorrow…but you can bet she didn’t know anything or did anything…that company seems to run fine with the people running it not knowing anything that was going on…geez…

A congressman with no bank accounts?

Well…as we find out things about the extreme right wing speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, he gets more and more hinky…like how does anyone in this day and age not have any bank accounts, checking accounts or any other financial records? But that is what ole mikie reported on his financial disclosure forms that he is required to file…do you think you could get along without a bank or checking account? His wife ran a “business” and the same for her…no bank account, no checking account…so now my question is “do they pay cash for everything? They have a half million dollar house in Louisiana…how is that mortgage paid? do they walk into the bank with  a couple of grand in cash each month and pay for it? You get the idea…there is no way that this guy has no savings or any money trail anywhere…I’ll bet he scrubbed those records just like he scrubbed all of his internet presence in the past couple of weeks…poof, all gone so none of the extreme right wing bullshit he believes in is easily accessed….but it’s still there and as time goes on, this guy looks worse and worse…typical repub…geez…

The new speaker is whitewashing his past…

Well…isn’t this to be expected from any repub who crawls out from under his/her rock? The new speaker of the House has started to delete his electronic past, eliminating his radical website that compared gay people to beastiality and pedophiles and his wife is doing the same with hers that was even more radically right wing and was cheering for the end times of armageddon where the final war takes place and jesus the comes down to save all of the people like them who are trying to cause it…but again, they don’t understand how the internet works and that there are hundreds of copies in archives across it…so now, why would they spend their lives spouting their hate for anyone who is not a white, straight, christian and now try to whitewash their past? Could it be that they are trying to hide who they really are sine now they are exposed to the general public instead of their inbred right wing bubble? They know that a large majority don’t support their truly radical policies so now they will try to hide them behind the lie that they are moderates…lies which should be challenged every time they open their mouths….geez…

Unions on the rise…

Well..with a settlement being reached with all three of the big three automakers and the UAW, the only conclusion that can be reached is that unions are on the rise in the US…and it really does appear that the worker are starting to get their fair share finally after sacrificing pay and benefits to keep the automakers afloat during the great recession…on average, it appears that the pay raises are going to be 25% over the next 4 years along with better retirement benefits and lower healthcare costs…and this is only fair after all of the companies announce record profits over the past 5 years…and this whole settlement is a  result in a change in tactics by the UAW that saw strikes against all of the companies at once and then a continual adding of more and more plants until the companies came to the bargaining table with no bullshit this time…and with all of the union activity going on in this country across almost every industry, workers have finally realized that their employers are not going to give them what they deserve out of the kindness of their hearts so they are banding together to use the power they have as a group to be compensated for their true worth….there are still people like Jeff Bezos of Amazon and the movie/tv studios who are willing to take on hundreds of millions in lost profit just to keep from paying workers, writers, and actors and small percentage of that they are asking for….showing this is just a bunch of assholes who run these companies…keep it up folks, we need a middle class again….geez…

Where the heck do they get these lawyers?

Well…a judges ruling today actually made me laugh out loud…in the 250 million dollar fraud case in NYC against the idiot trump, his daughter Ivanka’s lawyer told the judge that since she was released as a defendant she didn’t have to testify in the case, ignoring the subpoena that the prosecutors sent for her…yeah, that’s not how this works and I really do wonder where the heck they get these lawyers? Look, even non lawyers know that you can be a witness and have pertinent information without being a defendant…cripes, what lawyer would ever try to pull this bullshit out of his ass? So, the judge said she’d better get her butt into his courtroom next week and essentially told her to get better lawyers…yeah, no one wants to work for the trump crime family…can anyone say perjury? Geez…

So now it’s evolution…

Well…damn, where the hell do they find these guys? The new speaker of the House, Mike Johnson,  came out with a statement on the mass shooting yesterday in Maine where 18 people were killed and 30 more people wounded and guess what the repubs are blaming for this one? Not the easy availability of assault weapons that are flooding the streets…nope, it can be that…according to ole Mike it’s the teaching of evolution and any other science in schools…and everything can be fixed if they let god back in the schools which is against the constitution…but sine ole Mikey was in on January 6th and the attacks, we know what he thinks of the constitution…so should we be able to ignore the 2nd amendment, too? According to Mikey, we can….geez…

Is anyone surprised?

Well…if you thought the repubs in the House couldn’t get any worse, they did and they loved doing it…last night those idiots called a “press conference” to announce that some yahoo repub from Louisiana was going to be the new speaker and they all huddled behind him for some reason that I don’t get other than they just wanted their faces on tv…but, isn’t the purpose of “press conferences” to take questions from, you know, the press? Not when repubs are involved…once a reporter started asking questions about this yahoo’s role in trying to overthrow the government on January 6th, they all started shouting her down and when she tried to ask a second question about policy…they all agreed that they were not going to talk about policy of any sort…and I agreed with that since they don’t have any policy other than to kiss trump’s ass…I wonder why anyone is surprised by this behavior? After all, in 2020 they didn’t even produce a platform for their party at the convention…again just kissing trump’s ass was the only thing mentioned…geez…