Well…I am still trying to find a big topic for today but until then, I think I’ll just do some short ones again….I find it funny that Rick Perry is now the repub frontrunner…it makes me think of a pack of dogs that are shown a new ball and immediately drop the old one to play with the new one…I think they are easily distracted by shiny new objects and, for some reason, that Texas tough-guy nonsense resonates with the righties. As they say in Texas…”that boy is all hat and no cattle”…hmmmmm….what else….I wonder when the repubs are going to blame hurricane Irene on Obama? I wonder when Obama is going to start being a democrat again? I wonder when George Will is going to get a brain? He asserts that because the dems didn’t take back the senate in Wisconsin, that liberals are going to constantly be defeated….George, do you know that Ohio exists? There, the liberals that you hate so much have put the Kasich nonsense about union stripping on the ballot for the voters to decide on…and the polling shows that over 60% of the population there want the repub ideas repealed….and Kasich is now trying to negotiate to keep this measure off the ballot. So, no matter what ole George says…we are coming back in 2012 and might just make the repubs a permanent minority…we can all hope…
One last thing…Greg Sargent at the Washington Post took ole George to task for the outright lies that are in his column today….the only way that the Wisconsin repubs got elected was that they concealed what they were going to do….if they would have campaigned on their union busting attack on the middle class, there is no way they would have been elected…and that is the truth George…
Well…I’ve been noticing a trend lately where I do a column here and the read almost the exact same thing in one of the major newspapers….I wonder if I’m just getting obvious or if it is some kind weird time travel paradox…not sure which yet…so, today is going to just be rambling around a little since I don’t really have a topic yet…I do question the intelligence of Americans when I see the latest polls have Obama and the repubs basically tied…tied with the idiots that promise to dismantle what is left of the safety net for the middle class? Tied with the idiots that thought that defaulting on our debt was a good thing? Tied with the idiots that are selling the soul of America and want us to go back to the days of the robber barons? Yep…if the US votes for this nonsense, I guess we will all get what we deserve….but not me….I was cured of my republicanism when the party went nuts on social issues….and embraced the voodoo economics that are based on faith, not facts….geez….
Well….I think I’ll give ole Rick a rest for the day and just muse about a few things…first, can the repubs get any more blatant about their disdain for working people? They pledge to fight to the death to continue tax breaks for the rich and business but when it comes to the extension of the payroll tax cut for workers, they have pledged to fight it’s extension….just more evidence that they have no idea how the economy works…workers will spend that money while the rich will just bid up the prices of luxury items like paintings, Maseratis, etc. and other non-productive uses…when do we get back to the America where we think big and do big things? I was heartened to hear Warren Buffet come out and say that he knows that the super rich like him are undertaxed and he can’t understand why the repubs are lined up one and all to give him more breaks….we all know why they do it…the repubs have been bought by these people and that’s what money does…it distorts the political process and puts people into office that know they can ignore the people that vote for them and continue to steal the rest of the country for their owners….okay, that’s enough for now….I may be back later if something grabs me….
Well….have a couple of things that I want to talk about and, as I said, Rick Perry is going to be fun…first, I still marvel at the way the repubs keep chanting “get government out of the way”, but in Texas, over 500 million dollars of “government money” has been handed out to Perry’s cronies that are his biggest campaign contributors; a “pay for play system” that says that if you are not ready to give millions to Perry’s political campaign, stay out of Texas because you won’t get any government contracts. Politicians used to go to jail for that kind of stuff and now it is held up as a miracle? Now, we have the idiot stand up and calling Obama the greatest job killer in the history of the country….never bothering to do the math that more jobs were lost in the last year of ole GW’s term than there has been in Obama’s term…so how are you going to blame that on Obama? That companies were cutting jobs in anticipation of Obama getting elected? Just more nonsense from another Texan who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple….geez….
Well…two days on the campaign trail and we have the first of what I expect to be many gaffes coming from our latest Texas tragedy, Rick Perry. This idiot came out a a couple of days ago with one of the most telling statements of the strategy of the repubs to keep the economy in the tank until the 2012 elections when he said that if the Fed did anything to help the economy in an election year it would be akin to treason and that Bernanke would not be treated well if he came to Texas. So, Rick, because there is an election over a year away, we should do nothing to help people get back to work and ease their financial distress because it may help Obama get elected? We can see that the repubs are no longer even lying about caring about anyone but the rich and powerful that buy them elections and that Rick Perry is just another underachiever who thinks that the minimum wage jobs that he has created in Texas is a template for the rest of the country in the repubs race to turn the US into another Mexico or China…geez….
Well…this is going to be a quick hitter for now….as the world has been gripped by the nonsense of the right across the world that austerity is the right path to take in a recession, we have started to see what the results of these programs are in Europe and they mirror the slowdown here in the US. I cant wait to say that Keynes is right and has always been right…the proper path to take in a recession is to continue to stimulate until the economy’s growth is self sustaining by the increase in demand that comes with rising incomes. It’s not really that complicated and it works every time when there are educated adults in charge….that are not so ideologically driven as the right is here….and since the austerity program was enacted first in Europe, the troubling slowdown in France and Germany that is happening now is what we can expect here, too…nonsense, nonsense, nonsense….thank you tea party….geez…
Well….I was just shocked a few minutes ago when I read of the newest way that the repubs are excluding people…even their own constituents….they are now charging people from 15 to 35 dollars to gain entry and ask questions at their political events. Yep, folks…the repubs have sunk to a new low in trying to exclude people from their right to petition their elected officials…what are going to do next? Sell autographs? Turn their houses into bed and breakfasts? I’d like the tea partiers like Paul Ryan to try to find charging for access to them in the Constitution….what a bunch of hypocritical idiots….gezz…
Well..now that Rick Perry is in the repub race, I thought I’d do a preemptive strike against his boasts that he is a job creator that can do a better job than Obama has done is this nasty recession. I laugh because he is trying to tie the creation of jobs in Texas on his watch to the same old tired repub lines of tax cuts and union busting. What has really happened is that the run up in oil prices has added the only jobs that have been created in his term, oil related jobs…yep…and as I have said before, that means that everyone else in the country has subsidized these jobs by paying more for gas and oil…basically, the entire state of Texas is only growing because of the corporate welfare that the rest of us pay to the companies based there. So, the next time you hear this right wing religious zealot talk about his success, take away the accident of oil in the ground there and you have the same no growth policies that have never worked and will never work….but that doesn’t matter to the repubs….
Well….I just can’t believe the hypocrites in the repub party and the latest talking point that was released yesterday that is taking Obama to task for taking a vacation while the economy is in danger of a double dip recession. Man, these guys have the best selective memory I have ever seen….I just want to remind you here that their darling pres, ole GW, took more vacations than any president in history and Obama is nowhere close to the time off that GW had at this time in his presidency…so repubs, get over it and get your own house in order. I do have one other question….when did Grover Norquist become the constitution? All of the repubs that have been appointed to the “super congress” that is supposed to find solutions to our economic problems have signed the no new taxes pledge that ole Norquist has forced upon them….does their oath of office include to preserve and protect Grover Norquist?
Okay that depressing post from yesterday….it’s hard at times to keep your sanity when the world appears as if it is imploding in front of your eyes but as the Who said….”we get hungover but we always survive it”….and that is what is going to happen here….we’ll all survive it…I hope….
Well…after the Koch brothers bought another election in Wisconsin yesterday, I’m too depressed to write much…our democracy is doomed to be the wholly owned subsidiary of the rich here and that is too depressing to take lightly….I may come back to add to this one but the double whammy of the Dow being down another 400 points today is just getting to be too much….