Category Archives: Politics

Okay, here’s some outrage…

This is just a place holder for now until I get back from coffee…but I will touch on the fact that the Bushies have admitted torture and no one is prosecuting them for it. This one really pisses me off….more later…but not until I get the workout and a bike ride in…probably about 1 Eastern time….so, come on back…I know your work is boring at times (as I am) and I’ll bet you don’t have a window to stare out of…

Okay…looks like I’m having lunch with T again so the entry won’t be until 3 or so….come on back…

Back from a nice Lunch with T which tempers my outrage somewhat…but I still have enough of it from the happenings here in Gr last week. As you probably know, ole GW was here to speak to some organization or other and he reiterated his comments from many other occasions that he did. in fact, order the waterboarding of terror suspects and he glibly said that if he had the power, he would do it again to keep us safe. Sitting in the armchair on stage, with the smarmy little grin on his face, he admitted that he would commit a felony again, and again, and again. Doesn’t anyone see anything wrong with that? When they are locking up people for possession of marijuana for years, you have the one person who is supposed to uphold the Constitution saying he would repeatedly break the law, and admitting he had, being able to roam the country free and not being held accountable. I fault the Obama administration for making the political calculation that prosecuting the criminals would be unpopular; but that is not what the justice system is about. It is about the ideal of equal protection under the law and that there is no one that is above the law. But the Bushies never really cared about the law except when it was used to increase their power.

Doesn’t anyone remember that we hung Japanese interrogators after World War Two for doing exactly what Bush and his ilk approved….no wonder there is no respect for the US in the world anymore…geez…

Have to go after Newt again….

Well….I wish Newt Gingrich would get the hell out of Michigan and stop spouting his class warfare nonsense that has polluted our air here for the past few days. His latest prescription for the ills that were visited on Michigan by his repub buddies that were rewarded for moving jobs out of the US is to make anyone who is getting unemployment benefits work to get them. Doesn’t he get how stupid that sounds? If there were jobs for the people on unemployment, they would have them. Or does he think that people will lose their homes and devastate their lives to just cruise on the generous benefit of $300 a week? The next question that comes to mind is: whose work would they do? Newt’s answer is, of course, the jobs that union workers do now. Which goes along with his other suggestion that Michigan be made a right-to-work state for public employees which would destroy the gains that people have fought for since the early 1900′s. These guys don’t give a damn about anyone but their little, inbred world where they talk about merit but practice the ugliest form of preference to their own kind through connections that are passed from generation to generation.

Haven’t you gotten tired of these idiots who have never had to work a day in their lives telling you what’s best for you? I know, I’ve used that phrase before but I have to keep repeating it to make people understand.

One last comment that I have to pass on that came from ole Newt, someone that is supposed to be a spokesman for the Repubs: “Poor people respond to money and will turn to illegal activities if it’s not available through other means” Which is funny since I don’t think he knows any poor people and the ones I know (including me) work hard and just want the game to stop being rigged for the rich. Geez….

Cut, Cut, Cut….

well…reading the newspapers over the last few years has revealed a troubling theme the I just have to comment on. Even with the overall middle-class tax burden at it’s lowest point in the last 50 years, the prevailing wisdom is that the only way to get the states and federal budget under control is to cut services, to cut the wages and benefits of workers, and cut the gains that have made the middle class the engine of our economy. Just yesterday, ole Newt suggested in Michigan that the only way out of the problem is to cut benefits that teachers and other workers have fought for the last 50 years to get.

I just have to relay what one of my professors in grad school told our class; that you can’t cut your way to prosperity and growth, that a monkey can come in and take away benefits and lay off people…but that is all I hear today…cut, cut, cut….is this jealousy from the people that are now on the outside looking in without protection that comes from being part of a unionized workforce? Where is the shared sacrifice that made our country unique in the world? I truly believe that this is a plan by the righties to fragment the opposing powers that they have fought with for control of the profits of the economy; and they are winning the battle to demonize workers to the benefit of their corporate sponsors. Why is there no uproar on the right when their leaders champion the outsourcing of American jobs which puts downward pressure on the wages of the remaining workers here? Why doesn’t anyone think that a rising middle class in wages and benefits is a good thing? Who is going to buy the 40,000 dollar Suburban when the average wage is being pushed down to minimum wages level?

I think it’s sad that our supposed leaders have stopped leading us to the future and the ideals that have been part of this country since it’s inception; that we can do anything if we just work together and that the future will be better than today….small minds think small….geez…

Karl Rove is at it again….

Well…I hope you’ve heard of this last outrage from Karl Rove…he has a company that is going to funnel corporate money into repub campaigns with the express purpose of making sure that the companies have a hand in writing any new regulations that they will be subject to. Doesn’t anyone remember what happened the last time that Rove was involved in anything? And does no one remember what happened when Cheney wrote our energy policy behind closed doors with the only input being from those that were being regulated? Can you say Gulf oil spill and the meltdown of the financial markets due to deregulation? Well…these guys are promising more of the same; more running of the economy into the ground to benefit only the rich and the sad thing is that their voters, who were hurt the most by these shenanigans, are going to fall in line and buy into the propaganda that will be used to sell it as good for them and the economy….geez…

I don’t understand…

Well…was just sitting here thinking tonight..(yeah, I know, that’s dangerous) that I don’t really recognize what this country has become..or what it’s people have become over my lifetime….maybe it’s just a perspective thing on my part but I really do think we’ve lost our way. And, I think that some of the posts that I’ve written have added to the polarization that I think has taken away our Americanness and continues to be part of the wall that keeps us from finding our way back. That’s not to say that I’m going to stop writing about my particular way of looking at the world and venting my outrage…and won’t apologize about.

How have we allowed corporations to have so much power over our everyday lives? nope not feeling it right now…more later…okay…back now….

Corporations have the power to destroy our environment, to take away our jobs, to buy our elected officials, and run roughshod over American’s lives and the people that are getting screwed keep electing officials that help them do that. Have we become so stupid that we can’t even think in our own self interest?

This one is not as lucid that I envisioned when I started it…just not feeling as sharp as normal tonight….oh, well….

Truth is not truth anymore….

Have been reading a bunch about how many of the righty politicians have been able to build careers on saying whatever they want without regard for the truth and their followers are so thick (to coin the English slight) that they will just believe it without any critical thought…takes me back to the Bush years that had us listening to Cheney who thought that truth was what he said it was and it could be created by repeating lies over and over and louder and louder….geez….

Oh, one other thing, how many times do politicians that Sarah Palin backs have to lose before the Repubs start to run away from her as fast as they can?

Same old story…same old song and dance…

Well…I have to say something about what many of the righty commentators have been spouting for quite a while…when Obama tries to figure out how we got into the messes of the Wall street meltdown and the gulf oil spill to name just a couple, it is a character flaw that he doesn’t take responsibility for what’s happening but tries to blame everything on the Bushies. The character flaw to me is from the righties who, throughout the Bush years, chanted the mantra “so what if we lied to get the US into war…it’s over and let’s move on”. This crap from the party of personal responsibility that made avoiding responsibility in government an art form. How do you know to not make the same mistakes if you don’t know what happened? And how can Obama know everything that was done by the Bushies to damage the governments ability to do it’s job; to protect it’s citizens. They had 8 years to screw it up and did…it’s easy to slam a car into a brick wall…it’s not so easy to fix the damage caused by the wreck…and a wreck of that magnitude takes more than 16 months to repair…geez…

Okay, had to comment on Rand Paul….

Well…I guess this shows you where the tea-partiers are coming from once the skin is peeled away. Rand Paul, the Repub nominee for senate from Kentucky, in an interview with Rachael Maddow on her show, stated that the federal government has no place in halting workplace or public discrimination based on race. He feels that the marketplace would take care of those types of things; if someone discriminates based on race, gender etc. even in a public restaurant or any other business, that no one would patronize those businesses once the discrimination is revealed. What planet is this guy living on? What does he want next, the Klan coming back? The laws against discrimination were a response to people doing exactly what Paul says won’t happen. Then, to make his Republicanness even clearer, he comes out today criticizing Obama for leaning on BP after their negligence led to 11 people dying and the biggest environment disaster in decades; calling it “Un-American” to criticize them. He says that sometimes no one is to blame…that it was just an accident that is no one’s fault.

You remember what “Un-American” meant in the last Presidential election and what the crazy birthers are still apoplectic about.

Can you imagine an administration that completely defers to business and cuts them loose to do whatever they want with no regard for their responsibilities? Oh…we just had one of those…you remember…run by Ole GW…Geez…

Beware of Krauthammer…

I have only one word of advice for the Obama administration, when Charles Krauthammer agrees with one of your trial balloons; specifically shrinking the use of or modifying the Miranda warnings, you’ve got it all wrong just like he does most of the time. I just marvel at these guys who are so inconsistent that they howl about government intrusion in healthcare, then want government powers increased by the gutting of Miranda. Shame on Obama and Holder for even considering changing what has worked over many decades and that has resulted in much more actionable intelligence than any person held without trial at Guantanamo.

I am going to continue pointing out this blatant pandering to the base on both sides in an effort to force some honesty on the national conversation about these important issues.

One other example that I have to point out was some repub bitching about healthcare (again), and his premise was that since he has polls showing that the majority of Americans don’t want the changes, they shouldn’t happen. Where was he when the majority wanted Al Gore to be president and the Supreme Court installed Bush? If you look at history, public opinion sometimes is not right on these issues; look at the violence that came with the repeal of the Jim Crow laws. Geez…