Well….it was an okay day yesterday but I froze my hands on the bike and I think they are still numb today….it’s weird how a difference of 3 degrees makes the ride go from pleasant to painful….so, I won’t be doing that again any time soon….slept crappy again last night and I’m sure I don’t like that…it has been tolerable the past month or so and I do don’t want to go back to the up and down all night crap…I thought my back was getting better and it might be but it’s not enough better to say it yet…might have to take the ibuprofen this morning to get ready to get on the bike….the damn phone has been giving me problems and I think I’ll have to head over to Verizon and have them look at it…always giving me a low memory notice and I have deleted over 2K texts and it still does it…can’t afford to buy a new one….not much to do today….not sure about pool but I do have stuff to do around here so I won’t be too bored….and Man U plays this aft so that is another thing…but, they have been playing so terribly that I’m not sure I want to see it…..more later…
Monthly Archives: December 2015
An adult in the White House…
Well….not sure if you saw Obama’s news conference last night…it was a nice, measured response to a complex problem that is still unfolding daily…but, to hear those on the right comment, he just gave the country to ISIS and surrendered….not sure what they wanted but the adult in the WH did what was necessary with a thoughtful speech that was devoid of the posturing and spittle spewing that the right takes for action…I wonder if they wanted him to unfurl a “Mission Accomplished” banner behind him or to use the “bring it on” rhetoric that ole GW used for red meat to his rabid followers? The only thing we need to remember about all of those on the right that are criticizing not putting more “boots on the ground” in Syria is that they are always wrong…wrong to invade Iraq, wrong on weapons of mass destruction there, wrong on tax cuts, wrong on disbanding the Iraqi army….wrong on fricking everything….and I am happy to have an adult in the WH that doesn’t posture and shout and act agitated…that’s leading……not that the right would recognize that…geez…
December 7th
Well…running a little late this morning…was over at Kos reading some articles and lost track of time…it was an okay day yesterday and I got a nice bike ride in…not sure what the change was from Sat but it was much better so I’ll take it…slept okay last night and my back seems to be a little better today so I’ll take that, too, but we’ll see the extent of the healing as the day progresses….didn’t really get anything done yesterday and the kitchen needs some work so I’ll get on that today…maybe….I do need to try to find some new recipes for chicken since I am in such a rut that I don’t even want to eat anymore…it is so easy to just bake it and that is getting old…maybe use the crock pot? Not much to do today…the normal stuff is about it…I do need to get the snowies on the car this week but I’m not sure if they will be needed…I guess I’ll check the weather channel and see when the next snow will be…I know it’s going to be about 60 later in the week but I think rain comes with that….more later…
December 6th
Well…running a little late this morning since I am having a little trouble getting moving…it was an okay day yesterday and I did get a few things done…finally did the bathroom and today looks like the kitchen will be in the plan…slept okay last night but my back is still killing me and it is really wearing….not sure what to do about it….I did get the bike ride in in the aft since it just didn’t warm up until then but it was just torture and I’m not sure why….just can’t get comfortable on it lately….will try another one today but probably not until the aft again….not much to do today….going to try to get to the kitchen and maybe start the living room but I’m not sure if I’m motivated enough to do that….more later….
My idea for gun control…
Well…with all of the shootings that continue to happen all across the country, I have an idea for gun control that dovetails quite well with the repubs continued insistence that the constitution be read and interpreted as it was written with no exceptions for the 2nd amendment especially. But, as you know, they are selective when it comes to the rest of it…ignoring the first and 14th with the latest row about Muslims and gays. Given this insistence, I propose that, if they want to live with an 18th century interpretation of the 2nd, they need to go back to the 18th century’s interpretation of arms. So, the only weapons that should be allowed for anyone would be a smooth bore, flintlock musket or pistol since they are the only guns that were available back then. So, let’s get right on that repubs, since you just frickin love living in the past, live there with your weapons too….geez…
December 5th
Well….it was a pretty good day yesterday…bet you didn’t see that coming…had a nice lunch with T that brightened my day and there are not enough of those these days…slept okay last night but my back is still really sore and I’m not sure what to do about it….I did get to put the top down on the way back from lunch and that was fun and I got my December top down run in…didn’t get anything else done yesterday so today has to be different…the bathroom needs a total scrubbing and I will get to that today….there is something weird going on with my phone where some of the apps know where I am even without the GPS turned on…the Weather Channel just did it yesterday adding Cutlerville to the cities and switching automatically to that when I got home….not sure if I am cool with that…not much to do today…need to watch Man U play at 10 so the bike ride will wait until this aft and I may be able to go out in shorts if it warms up enough….more later….
The scariest thing about climate change…
Well…there has been lots of discussion about the effects of climate change like riding seas and growing season changes for crops…but the other day, I read an article about climate change that was the scariest one so far. If we do nothing to limit CO2 emissions and we get the predicted 6 degree rise in temps by the end of the century, one of the most important ocean plants, phytoplankton, will state to die off. Now, this will play havoc with the food chain since phytoplankton is the base for all of the life in the seas…but that is not the scary part, the scary part is that phytoplankton is responsible for almost 50% of the oxygen production on Earth and if they go away, there won’t be enough air left to breathe. Now, how’s that for a direct danger to us from climate change? But, I think that will not be enough for the climate change deniers out there…after all, that’s 85 years away and they will all be dead by then anyway…that’s the way they think…that’s the way conservatives think and I continue to shake my head at the stupidity that is on display every day from these folks…geez…
December 4th
Well…running late today and it is because I didn’t get up until 7:20…..I know, that’s is just so odd that I was in bed that late…and I feel pretty crappy today…had the hiccups all night last night and I think that wore me out…it can’t be the cocktails can it? Nope…..slept okay last night and had some dreams that I don’t remember so they couldn’t have been that good…I did get out to have a couple with K last night and it was good to see her…might see her and her sister again this weekend and that would be fun….got a bunch of stuff done yesterday and now I settle into a lull again for a few weeks…still haven’t done the bathroom yet and I don’t think I’ll get to that today…might have lunch with T but I haven’t heard from her so I’m not going to plan on it….not much to do today….need more coffee and a little time to get moving and then I’ll get on the bike….more later….
I’m tired or writing about these….
Well…another day, another mass shooting here in the US and I really don’t know what to say…that is 355 of these this year…that’s right, more than one a day so far this year and the only thing we get out of the repubs is more sympathy for the victims…you know what? I’m tired of sympathy and treating this crap as if it is inevitable….there is something to be done if the repubs will just get off their asses and do it…from background checks to limiting the kinds of guns that can be bought to buybacks of guns to get them off the street. Something needs to be done and that is not more hand wringing….it not “more guns everywhere” it is not a “good guy with a gun”….it is admitting that there are just too many damn guns that have no purpose other than kill other people…and I have had enough….geez…
December 3rd
Well….it was an okay day yesterday and I won at pool for the first time in a month so that was cool…slept okay, too and feel okay today except for the cough that has come back this morning and I can’t figure that out….I have been good all week and I think that is part of feeling good today and I may just continue that for the rest of the week…my back is still giving me fits but I am learning how to deal with it again so I won’t mention that again….I did do the grocery run this morning and I am still on time with this even with having to let the car run for a while to get the ice off it…and now I have food for the week and can change to something other than turkey…that was getting really tiring and it will be good to eat something else…but that something else is chicken so I’m not sure how different that is….not much to do today…I do have lots of stuff to do around here today and then the bike ride and cleaning the bathroom…and I will get to that today….more later….