Well….I still can’t bring myself to watch any of the delusions being presented as fact at the repub convention…but I did read of one that was put forth by the VP pick of the repubs, Mike Pence, during his speech the other night where he asserted that “conservative economic principles work wherever they are tried..” Now, this is one of the delusional “facts” that is just so easily debunked the only place that he could utter such nonsense would be in front of a crowd of idiots like those at the convention. In reality, everywhere “conservative economic principles” have been tried it has been a disaster…you just have to look at Kansas, the test lab for the huge tax cuts for the rich and business that is the core of conservative economics…that state is on the verge of collapse after the cuts and the cuts have hurt revenue so much that they are trying to eliminate public education as a way to pay for it…also decimating help for the poor since the state “just can’t afford it” according to the idiot governor Brownback. The same thing has happened in Louisiana where the other conservative genius, Bobby Jindal did the same thing and now the new democratic governor has come in to try to clean up the mess of deficits as far as the eye can see….so no, governor Pence…conservative economic principles have never worked for anyone but the rich so you are either an idiot or you are lying through your teeth…which is it? Sad!
Monthly Archives: July 2016
Trump foreign policy run like a Trump business…
Well…in a very scary interview with the NYT, it is clear that any Trump foreign policy is going to mirror his business practices…and that is not a good thing. In particular, he said that he may not uphold our obligations to NATO if one of the countries is attacked….only if they have met their “obligations” to the US…whatever that may be. Now, to even a novice in foreign policy, saying that Russia can attack anywhere and we might support out allies and we might not is an invitation for Putin to expand his mischief in eastern Europe…but, it looks just like his business practices…where he might or might not pay the people who have done work for him…and it is entirely up to his whim whether he will…just like saying that he will “negotiate” on the repayment on our national debt to get the people who hold our bonds to take pennies on the dollar…which would destroy the credit rating of the US…just as his reneging on our NATO treaty obligations would obliterate any trust the rest of the world has in our word. These are just two reasons why this idiot should never be even considered to be president…he just has no comprehension of how diplomacy or the world works….sad!
July 21st
Well…running a little late today and it was a long grocery run that did it…slept okay last night and feel pretty good today but my back is really sore for some reason and I’m not sure why…haven’t done anything different but it hurt like crazy carrying the groceries this morning…oh, well…the pain free time had to end sometime….I did have to put the air on yesterday after I got back from the bike ride since I just couldn’t cool down without it….will probably need it again later today with it being even hotter today…it is really humid out there right now and that will make the bike ride a little bit of a chore…I am coming up on 1500 miles for the summer today and I’m not sure if that is enough to get to 3K for the year yet…going to be close…I do need to clean the car since C lives on a gravel road and it is covered in dust….not much to do today….had a craving for chili dogs so I am making those for lunch today along with making some homemade pickles…should clean the bathroom and I just might if I continue to feel okay…and I have some errands to run so maybe not…more later…
A little music…
Well…have been thinking about this one for a bit and thought I’d get the thought down before it passed…I wonder if Geico knows what the ZZ Top song “LaGrange” that they use in their motorcycle ads is about? And, I wonder if they care…that it is about a little whorehouse in Texas? Just another instance of a corporation using music that sounds good without thinking what it is really about…just like GMC using “Emenince front” by the Who…weird…oh, just watching a small concert by Peter Framton on tv…he sure looks like he is having fun and appreciates that people are still coming out to see him…
All hate, all the time….
Well…I don’t know if you’ve been watching the repub convention…I haven’t…just too much hate and lies all the time coming from a bunch of unbalanced idiots….but I guess that is my point here…normally, you get some policy proposals from the people that are speaking there…like last night was supposed to be about jobs and the economy…but not one speaker said one damn thing about either…it was all hate of Hillary all the time with the crowd getting into it by chanting “jail her” over and over in response to the felon Chris Christie attempting to “try” her in the convention using lies and debunked conspiracy theories…all that have been investigated NINE times by repubs and that not found one bit of wrongdoing by her…but, if you are a modern repub wrongdoing is not necessary…just your hatred of an individual who has been vilifed with lies by the right wing press for more than 20 years now…again…none of them have ever been true and again, that doesn’t matter to the ignorant asses that are the repub base these days…they just love to revel in their hate and they just KNOW Hillary is guilty…they just haven’t found the evidence yet….that is the definition of delusion that is aided and abetted by Breitbart and Fox “news”…there is nothing more to the modern repub…just hate…and the convention shows it…sad!
July 20th
Well….running early today since I have another busy day today with lots to get done….slept okay last night and feel okay today with being good last night and I could get used to this….the trip to Mt. P was good yesterday with the car being flawless again but I think the 30 sunscreen I bought is not really a 30…came back a little scorched and was only in the sun 3 hours….got about 30 mpg on the trip which is pretty good at 80…..so it only cost about 15 bucks to go up and back…I did get the bike ride in yesterday since the guilts got to me…went out around 6 pm and that was way too busy on the trail but it leaves me with the option of skipping today with all the work I have to do….still do need the rest day for my legs but we’ll see how long the work takes…if I can still get out this morning, I’ll probably go…lots to do today….need to get going on the workout and then get right into the work for the day….more later…..
Lying is just another tool for the right…
Well…after reading about the first day of the repub convention…all I can say is that mendacity is the new watchword for the right…lying has become just another tool for the right, the supposed “family values” party. The entire night was filled with lies…starting with the fully debunked “stand down” order from Benghazi to Melania Trump’s speech that blatantly stole whole paragraphs from Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech to the Democratic convention. But, lies don’t matter to the repubs these days…in fact, the bigger the lie the bigger the cheer at the convention…..and now they are lying about Melania’s background, saying she graduated from college when she quit after a part of a year…now, I’ve said this before…don’t these idiot repubs understand that there is an entire industry devoted to fact checking? The funniest thing I have seen with the plagiarized speech is that people have put both Michelle and Melania up on you tube side by side to show that the speech was stolen…and yet the Trump people continue to lie and say that the entire thing was original thought…god, I hate the fact that lying is now acceptable to one of the major parties here in the US…the damn repubs are ruining this country….sad!
July 19th
Well…running early this morning since I have to travel to Mt. Pleasant and need to prep for it….slept okay last night and Had some dreams again but not any good ones but, there were vintage planes in them so that was something…did get a few things done yesterday but today will just be travel…won’t even do the bike ride today since I have been thinking of taken a maintenance day for my legs and today is as good as any….travel is tiring anyway and I won’t feel like getting on the bike after 3 hours in the car….I can’t wait to come back and do one on the first day of the repub convention and the plagarized speech that Trump’s wife did…along with the other crazy assed things that were said…those people are just not grounded in reality….more later…
More Trump dump…
Well…every time I read more of the truth behind the Donald, it feels like there is a little bit more pollution in my karma or that I have come too close to a black hole and had some of it ripped away. After reading the latest article in the New Yorker magazine, I think I need a shower to wash off the slime….the article, written by the the guy who actually wrote “The Art of the Deal”, the book that is responsible for making the sociopath Donald famous, paints a really, truly, scary picture of a Donald that has the attention span of a housefly and lies as easily as the rest of us breathe. One really salient point that the author makes is the insatiable need that Donald has for ever increasing doses of attention that logically led to him running for president…just like a crack addict that needs more and more to get the same buzz…I think one descriptive phrase was the Trump would run for emperor of the world if he could…he has that large of a need for attention….and truly believes that he would be “the best” at anything that he does…even though the evidence shows he is a mediocre businessman at best whose entire career has been propped up by his father’s money and cheating everyone he comes into contact with. This is the thing that the modern repub party thinks should be president and that 40% of the country says they will vote for…sad!
July 18th
Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I got a little done…not enough, but something….slept okay last night but I feel exhausted this morning and I’m not sure why….I think the heat may be getting to me some with little or no relief the past week or so…I am tired of being damp all the time….and my allergies are getting worse and worse so I guess I’ll start taking medicine for it today….I counted 8 spiders in the bathroom this morning so that will have to get done today along with cleaning the rest of it….maybe I’m not eating enough and causing the exhaustion? Can’t think of anything else and all I want to do is go back to the couch an take a nap and I’ve only been up an hour and a half….not much to do today…just the bathroom and the normal stuff today and a nap later…..more later….