Just no topics today…

Well…I know, I know….there are topics galore out there but I just can’t get outraged about most of it and, as you know, that fuels a lot of what I do here….there have been some things going on that are irritating the hell out of me…like the tax plan that gives tax cuts to the rich and the hell with everyone else, or the assaulter in chief commenting on Al Franken but staying silent on Roy Moore….or the 250,000 gallon oil spill from one of Keystone’s pipelines…something the idiot in chief said would never happen as he approved the next leaker for Keystone…..a good thing was the PM of New Zealand sharing that the entire world laughs whenever they have to talk to trump….and that a fox poll has Doug Jones ahead of Roy Moore…in Alabama? Cripes, things just may be changing for the better….impeach…

New gloves….

Well…you know how bored I am when a little thing like getting a new pair of gloves to wear riding warrants one of these….but, they are cool and kept my hands warm this morning…and they were only 3 bucks…double thickness cotton that have been dipped in rubber up to the big knuckles and the entire palm…and they don’t stick to the foam on my handlebars…..my hands were just starting to get a little cold when I got back here….and it was 2 degrees colder today than yesterday…hey, little things make me happy…

November 17th

Well…running a little early today and I feel a little crappy but I guess I’ll have to live with it….slept okay but lost an earplug overnight and can’t find it…that’s a little odd….didn’t do much yesterday but the grocery run and I got a bike ride in but I was frozen when I got back here…took all day to get warm again and I wonder if it is still the bug…that would be a full week and I am still coughing so maybe that’s it…I do need to get out and get a new pair of gloves today since the ones I’m using are shredding and losing the rubber coating on the fingers….not much to do today….have a couple of errands to do but that is about it…and the bathroom needs cleaning so maybe I’ll do that, too…more later….

Now they’re going after elephants…

Well…we all know that the selfish assholes that infest the trump administration are only out for themselves…to see how they can use their government positions for personal gain or for gain for the idiot trumps…and now they are going after elephants for no reason other than the trump boys like to shoot them. In the Obama administration, it was recognized that something had to be done about the declining populations of African elephants that were being decimated by licensed hunters and poachers….and one of the things that was done was a ban on importation of any trophies taken from these elephants. But now, the idiot trump is now rescinding that rule…which is being done just for the idiot trump boys since they whined to daddy that they couldn’t cut up the elephants they shot for sport and bring back their “trophies”. As we know more and more about elephants and their intelligence and devotion others in their families, it is unconscionable that trump and his cronies don’t give a damn about destroying them just to have “fun”….but, what else do you expect from this crime family? Impeach…


Well…with the lying repubs lying again about their tax cuts for the rich and corporations; saying they will spur investment by the corporations and HUGE amounts of new jobs….well, to listen to the ceo’s. not so much….in a business forum the other day, Gary Cohn asked for a show of hands from the attendees who would be investing and adding jobs if their taxes are cut….didn’t turn out how he expected when only a few raised their hands…and this goes to how the tax cuts are ideological in nature…they have never worked to spur investment or create jobs….not from Reagan, not from Bush, not ever….all tax cuts for the rich ever do is make the rich richer…especially in this time when corporations have more retained cash on hand than ever in history….and would invest it if there was excess demand for their products…but, with how wages have stagnated even as prices rise, demand can’t rise without consumers taking on more and more debt…which they are reluctant to do….so, the ceo’s know what is going on…now, they need to tell the repubs that tax cuts are not needed….geez…

November 16th

Well….running on time today with doing the t-day grocery run…got a 12 pound turkey for under 6 bucks and that was pretty cool….slept okay last night and feel okay this morning but I am sore…have split my right heel and that really hurts when I walk so I do need to remember to use lotion to soften them up…it has been a few days now and I am getting tired of it happening this early in the fall/winter….didn’t get on the bike yesterday and might not today…but the rain is supposed to stop later and I would like to get out….have gone over 2800 miles on the bike this year and am shooting for 3000 in the next 6 weeks….not much to do today…was feeling crappy again yesterday but I hope that is over today so I can clean the bathroom and get some other stuff done….more later….

Trump supporters really are dumb…

Well…I know I’ve harped on this quite a bit since the idiot got elected, but, damn…they really are dumb and do really dumb things the end up in the news every day. The latest one made me laugh at first, then made me fear for the future of this country….last night, for a bit on Jimmy Kimmel’s show, which I never stay up late enough to see, they sent one of their producers out to ask trump voters if Hillary should be impeached…never mind that she is just a private citizen now and the people interviewed either didn’t realize this or they don’t know what impeachment is….every damn one of them, when asked said “yes” that Hillary should be impeached for e-mails, uranium, and all of the laws she has broken…never mind that she is the most investigated person in the history of the US and they never found one instance where she broke the law….they all KNEW she was guilty…I guess this is the result of the billions of dollars of smears and slanders from the right and fox news….and it is a pretty good indictment of the average trump voter…just a bunch of know-nothings…impeach….

Daily deals…

well…just wanted to do a short one on a new grocery store that is out here in the south end…they call themselves a “food outlet” and have some pretty amazing deals…got a 9 1/2 pound ham for 8 bucks…10 pounds of potatoes for 1.49, a pumpkin pie for 1.49, and 2 1/2 pounds of smoked sausage for 5 bucks….all that food for 16 bucks….it was the second time I was in the store and the first time they had everything I needed…now I need to take all these items off my Meijer’s list for tomorrow…

November 15th

Well….it was an okay day yesterday but I was back to feeling like crap again…thought I was over the bug that I had but my lungs hurt all day so I guess not….tomorrow will be a week that I’ve had this thing and that’s not unusual…the last one lasted almost 3 weeks and I really hope this one is about done…I did get a bike ride in yesterday but today looks like the rain will keep me off and I don’t mind that…have been really sore the past few days and could probably use the recovery time….didn’t get much done yesterday but I will clean some today…after more coffee, that is, just can’t get started and I hope that will help….more later…

Coal doesn’t fly in Europe…

Well…the climate change denier administration that we are currently saddled with ran up against reality in Europe the other day when booing and protesting shut down their presentation…or propaganda that coal was a “clean fuel” and everyone should use it. This coal nonsense won’t fly in the rest of the world where every country, except us, has signed the Paris climate accords and are at least doing something to try to keep the planet from frying. Why these idiots thought they would get a sympathetic hearing for dumping more and more CO2 into the skies escapes me…here in the US they have their own propaganda channel that denies that climate change is real, but in the rest of the world, fox news is known for the joke that it is….and now, with the cost of new solar/battery storage constantly falling, coal is not competitive anymore…and almost 1/2 of all coal plants even in the US have shut down in the past 10 years. I’m not sure why the idiot trump an his minions love coal so much…but, there is not a damn thing they can do to stop the downward spiral of coal…impeach…