August 10th

Well…damn, it’s almost 7 and I just poured the first cup of coffee and I need to get that one and one more down before I get on the bike…it got down into the 50′s last night and the wind is blowing so the rides are going to be a chore today…pretty worn out again today…just like every day and that will continue until I can take a rest day at the end of the year…that seems like a long time from now and it is…got some work done yesterday but I’m not sure what I’ll do today…I do need to work on the back door frame on the house and I may start scraping the paint off today so I can get a coat of paint on it soon….I did wash the walk in door on the garage yesterday and need to figure out if I want to paint it or not…some color would be cool and I’m thinking about some dark blue for it…just damn tired of white everywhere…but I’m not going to buy a gallon of paint to do one door…might make some potato soup today to use up some of the potatoes I got for a buck and then I won’t have to cook at all this weekend…need to figure out some new food to eat since I’m pretty damn tired of what I’ve been eating lately…not much to do today…just need to get my ass moving and get on the bike…more later…


Well…it seems that every day is a busy one these days and that is getting old…started out with two rides starting at 8…then I had to run an errand…on the first two rides the bike started to complain to me that I hadn’t maintained it in a while by squeaking so I washed it, and while it was drying, I took out most of the garden and bagged it up, then lubed and adjusted the bike, and got back on it for the third ride…on the way back, the idiots going to the concert down the hill at Heritage had blocked off the trail with all their crap so I had no way to get back to my house and that pissed me off…along with all of the other residents who pay for the damn trail and were blocked from using it…and since the concert is general admission, they start lining up out there when I do my first ride at 7am…not sure how much the city gets for giving up use of the park for two weeks but it better be a lot for the pain in the ass it is…so I didn’t get done with everything until 2 in the afternoon and that is getting to be a pain, too…oh, well…i did get a little scorched today with being out for 4 hours but it’s manageable and I think I’m figuring out this sunscreen…reading time…

Lawrence was on fire last night… know I’ve been railing against the bias in the media when covering the idiot trump and last night, Lawrence O’Donnell had enough and just lambasted the entire media including his own organization MSNBC for covering idiot boy’s entire speech and not one network cover the huge Harris/Walz rally in Detroit…he started by asking if the media had learned anything from 2016 when they gave trump a pass on everything and didn’t challenge his lies and they are doing the same thing now…and his point was that there was not one sentence in the entire screed that did not include a lie and went on to remind the media that they gave trump over a billion dollars in free coverage during that election and they are doing the same damn thing right now…and the point to me is if they’ve covered one trump screed, they have covered them all since he does the same damn crap all the time…so now maybe some part of the media will get back to covering idiot boy as how should be…as a carnival barker and criminal whose mental capacity is gone…or Lawrence will be fired and the media will keep cheer leading for the idiot…geez..

August 9th

Well….up at 3:34 and out of bed by 6 but I slept okay so I can live with it…have to get on the bike in less than 30 minutes so I need to wake up and drink lots of coffee right now…didn’t take any ibuprofen for my many places of pain last night and I survived it so I’ll take it…but my right shoulder is screaming at me  and I wonder if I should hit it with some voltaren before I head out on the bike? I do have an errand to run this morning and I think I’ll do it after the second ride…I do need to start taking the garden out today so I can put the bag out Tuesday so that means another busy day today and I won’t be done until 3 or 4…and I’m tired…the frickin pollen has been so bad out here that I’ve been suffering for weeks now and the goldenrod and ragweed has just started to bloom so it’s going to get worse…I remember the days before my allergies kicked in in my 40′s and I really wish I could go back to that…not much to do today…just the rides and errand along with the garden work but that will keep me busy all day…I really need a day off to rest and heal but that will wait til the end of the year…more later…

Might have figured it out…

Well…this new sensitivity to the sun has been getting to be a big pain in the butt but I may have made some progress today…after the first two rides, I applied another coating of 100spf and then did the third ride and mowed the lawn and I’m not too red so I’ll take it…I think I’ll try the sunscreen before every ride and see if that helps tomorrow…didn’t get to taking the garden out today since I needed to limit my sun minutes so I’ll work on that tomorrow…I did see two Kestrels today with one of them just standing in the middle of the street with some crows right next door when I was mowing the lawn…strange…I did get some food grilled today that will last me through the weekend but I am getting bored with chicken and pork so I may make some pasta and garlic bread or dig out the recipes that my daughter left me and try one of those…have lots of canned goods to use so I should get using them…my damn right thumb started hurting again an that is just so disappointing with having no pain for a few weeks…oh, well…tonight is the night I can watch some of the good shows that I hoard just for this night so that will be cool…but I need to read until 7pm…

Elon really is nuts…

Well…I really do think ole elon has gone over the edge…it’s bad enough that he is calling for civil war in the UK and is supporting trump just like the other billionaires and his embrace of  nazis is even costing tesla sales sine the largest customer in Germany just said they won’t buy any more teslas because of the far right bullshit…and now, and this is rich, ole elon is suing a bunch of companies who have pulled their advertising from the hellsite he owns that used to be called twitter and now is a fascist shithole…the great libertarian and free speech advocate that bleats about that every day has now said that free speech now includes using the government to force companies to advertise on his site where their ads will appear right next to the anti semite posts and nazi salutes since that kind of crap is just peachy with elon…so, many, many companies have said they don’t want that bullshit and have gone elsewhere…and musk is so nuts that he thinks any court will listen to him and force the companies back…hey, elon…that’s not how free speech works, and your charge that these companies conspired to leave at once is illegal is not true…you created the conditions that drove these companies away and you are so deluded that you think you are always right…not this time, pal…geez…

August 8th

Well…damn, running late already and there is no way I’m going to get on the bike by 7…allergies are terrible this morning and my eyes feel like they’re filled with sand…and it’s only 57 degrees and that is just not normal for August in Michigan…I think I’m going to refresh the sunscreen after every ride today and see if that will keep me from getting burned and allow me to get some yard work done today…going to start taking the garden out and that will take the stress of trying to keep it alive away….just a crappy year and I’m tired of it…the grind of the last 1,000 miles on the bike starts today and every day will make a new mileage record but I’m pretty worn out so I may take my foot off the gas a bit and let some healing start…I do need to grill today to get the food stocks replenished…more chicken thighs and pork loin fillets and I do need to assemble the potato salad and think about making more potato soup…but right now I just want to sit here for a bit…riding is starting to feel like a full time job and that’s not right…oh, well…more later…

I made it!

Well…After doing the three rides this morning, I made it to a new record in miles by a little over 2 miles…the old record was 6.109 miles and I’ve now done 6,111…and there are still almost 5 more riding months to go this year…I thought about setting a new goal of 10,000 miles but I think I’ll just let it flow and see where I get when I get there…thinking it will be about 8,500 miles since once it starts to snow in November, the mileage per day will drop to 16 a day…so, I gave myself an afternoon off but did make the ingredients for potato salad but the potatoes fell apart so I turned them into mashed and will have to make more for potato salad…so I just searched for it and they wont fall apart if you steam them and my daughter just happened to bring me one that will fit the 6 potatoes I need so I’m going to try that out..okay, need to get the weight work done right now…oh, one last thing…I just realized that the newest car I’ve ever owned is my 1994 Miata…no conspicuous consumption from this boy…

One campaign event?

Well…amid the idiot trump’s public meltdown that the media is doing it’s best to ignore, one thing to look at to see that there is something seriously wrong with idiot boy since he only has one event scheduled for the entire month of August while Harris/Walz have 2 or 3 a day…and the reports are that the senior advisors to idiot boy are telling him to focus on policy instead of name calling…ha,ha…yeah that made me laugh since he doesn’t know anything about policy and doesn’t have the capacity to learn anymore…hell, he can’t even put a coherent sentence together on any topic so the only tactic they have to use is to keep him invisible…every time he is in public his poll numbers drop so what else can they do? The latest polls have Harris/Walz tied or ahead in every swing state and those were taken before the bump that picking Walz will give us along with the convention bounce that is normally about 2% …so, it looks like trouble in trumpland and I can’t be happier…geez…

August 7th

Well…today is the day…only have 32 miles to break my all time yearly mileage record of 6,109 today but it’s only 57 degrees out there right now so that will mean going out in a long sleeved t-shirt or waiting for the temp to come up a bit…slept okay last night but I’m feeling pretty worn out this morning and it is going to be a struggle to get on the bike in 15 minutes…didn’t get anything done yesterday but I do need to figure out meals for the next few days since all the leftovers are gone…not sure what is coming out of the freezer but I need to look in there and get something out….maybe chicken thighs again? I do need to start on getting the garden taken out at some point but the bags won’t go out til next week so I have some time…not being able to go out in the sun is a pain in the ass when I really need to get things done…only went out once yesterday and I got scorched even with the 100 sunscreen on…not much to do today…just need to force myself to get moving now and get on the bike…the rest of the day will take care of itself after the rides once I get going…more later…