Well…the day after the idiot trump extended the EB-5 visa program that allows investors that invest 500k to a million dollars in the US to get a green card and permanent residency here, guess who was in China selling the visas? Of course it has to be someone in the crooked trump administration….or related to it…Jared Kushner’s sister was hawking the visas at a meeting in China over the weekend, making the implied idea that the investment would find favor with trump and his administration…even going so far as to assert that trump himself was the “decision maker” where the visas were concerned. Now, this is such a conflict of interest since trump himself will profit from these investments that I can’t believe that there is not one person in the government ethics agencies that think this is wrong…but, that’s the new world we live in ..a crime family is now running this country…impeach,,,,
Tag Archives: Donald Trump
Clinton and trump treated the same?
Well….have been reading a little about Comey’s testimony in the senate today and most of the response from the idiot repubs come from the WH playbook…that the only problem is that people were leaking information to the press….not that Comey put his thumb on the election scale and cost Clinton the election. When asked about that by dem senators, Comey answered that he treated both trump and Clinton the same….okay, let talk about that a minute…where was the letter to the house about trump’s ties to Russia when Comey just couldn’t wait to let the house know that they had found duplicate e-mails on someone else’s computer? In his testimony today, Comey even admitted that he knew that his letter about Clinton would be leaked to the press by the repubs…but now he is “nauseous” that it happend and the he “may” have affected the election. This is bullshit…he knew damn well what he was doing would damage Clinton and he did it anyway….being a lifelong Clinton hater he even allowed the NY office of the FBI to work openly to help elect trump…and no amount of bullshit backfilling is going to change how much damage he has done to the US and the world…what a load of crap…..
The question was asked….
Well…with the interviews the idiot trump has done over the past few days and his totally deranged demeanor in them…the question was asked of John McCain yesterday if it was time to start talking about invoking the 25th amendment and removing trump from office since he is so obviously unfit to be president. Now, of course McCain changed the subject and didn’t give an answer, but the fact that the question is being asked shows where we are in regard to the mental illness that is trump. This is not a personality quirk or anything so benign as that, but trump has full blown delusional behavior that is indicative of something much more serious that can’t be allowed to continue….this idiot needs to be removed…now….impeach….
Do they have to lie about everything?
Well…I have a question for the idiot trump and his cronies….do you have to lie about everything? With reports out there that the trump inaugural committee got almost double in donations of any other committee….and we all know why that much money was given….basically bribes to trump to get influence and/or government jobs…but now we hear that they are trying to hide who gave money by falsifying the records of the campaign….just making up people and attributing donations to them. I think Rachael broke this one back in April but no other media has picked it up and I find that to be strange in itself….of course fox wouldn’t cover it but what about the rest? I guess it’s up to the rest of us to just keep hammering away no matter the threats that the idiot trump is throwing around to “open up the libel laws” and to start suing people who write things he doesn’t like…I just say bring it on, idiot….the first amendment still exists…for now….impeach….
Trump really is this damn dumb…
Well…I would find this funny if it wasn’t so damn scary…staffers talking off the record yesterday have found that it now their job to “talk him out of doing crazy things” and they have found the only way to get him to listen to anything is to only give him one course of action since he is just too damn dumb to sort out competing ideas and make decisions…he only wants one idea and then the only thing that concerns him is how the media is going to react…not what the policy implications are…but how the media is going to react. These leaks from the inside show all of us that no matter how stupid trump makes himself look whenever he does an interview, he is really even much more dumb than he looks…shouldn’t there be a minimum IQ for anyone running for and serving as *president? Impeach…
More tax cuts for the rich…
Well…it wasn’t any surprise when the idiot trump unveiled his “tax reform” plan and it gives all of the tax cuts to the rich…what did you expect? Here’s the kicker…his treasury secretary won’t even promise that middle class taxes won’t go up…yep, you heard it….the rich are going to get 250 billion dollars a year in tax cuts while you and I are going to be asked to pay for them…so, get out your checkbook, chumps…the idiot you voted for, who promised you “yuuuuuge” tax cut is going to raise your taxes and put the money right into his pocket. Do you feel screwed yet? You’re going to lose your healthcare and now you are going to pay more in taxes since you believed this idiot….will this change anyone’s mind that voted for trump? Nope…they are just too damn dumb to see it…impeach…
What a frickin double standard…
Well…as you remember from the last election, the media went nuts about the Clinton foundation, ignoring the good that it does and the fact that it had been audited multiple times and found to be following every law that governs foundations….but, that didn’t matter to the media or to the right…with the media colluding with the right to push the rumors and innuendo that damaged Clinton. Now, I wonder if the right is going to say anything at all about the revelations that Ivanka Trump has a new foundation that she is funding by gifts from other governments and from shady billionaires from around the world. Yep, you heard that right…the WH special assistant to the idiot president is out there soliciting bribes that are disguised as “donations” to her new foundation whose purpose is going to remain secret if she is anything like her idiot father….let’s tell this like it is…this is just another slush fund where the trumps are enriching themselves by their government positions…clear violations of the Hatch act and probably many other felonies…but do the repubs in the House care, and are they going to do anything about it? Nope…they are all a part of this scam and they all should be in jail…impeach…
Flynn was on Russia’s payroll….
Well….just a shorty on some news that just came over twitter a few minutes ago…Jason Chaffetz announced that it appears that Michael Flynn took money from the Russians and now trump and his cronies are refusing to give the oversight committee the records they have of it….only 100 days in and we have a coverup going on at the WH of treason……the odd thing is that not one news organization is covering this…are they trying to help trump weather his treasonous actions? Okay….having a hard time working up outrage today so I think I’ll leave it here…more later…
The trump damage runs deep here in Michigan…
Well…just watched a show on PBS about the hundreds of dedicated people who spend their lives protecting the Great Lakes ecosystem from pollution and invasive species and who are trying to repair the damage that has been done by both of those dangers…one thing that struck me was what one of the people in the show said about how he looks at the lakes and that is that he is part of the stewardship of the lakes, that he is taking care of them for the world, not just the people around the lakes…after all, 20% of the fresh water in the world is contained in the lakes and they include 3 of the 5 largest lakes in the world. So, when I hear that the idiot trump is going to cut all the funding for these programs, I just can’t believe the damage that will be done….when I was young the lakes were just dumping grounds for industry and they have come such a long way that I am just pissed that the morons in this country voted for the idiot who is going to take us back to the bad old days….impeach….
Noodling again….
Well…got a nice bike ride in and had the pork loin for lunch and that started the day off pretty good…but, I have been looking for topics today and just found a couple that makes me shake my head…first…the idiot trump got twice as much money as any previous *president for his inaugural fund…and the idiot is crowing about it…okay donnie…the only damn reason you got that much money is that you are so damn corrupt that the money is essentially huge bribes from these individuals and companies since they know you can be bought….the second thing is the fact that over 48,000 mental health professionals have signed a petition asking that trump be removed from office since he is clinically insane….I wonder how ole donnie is taking that? His poor little ego must be hurting a little from that one….okay, the MotoGP race is going to start so I’m going to do that….