Had to say this….

Well…this whole idea of the gulf oil spill being “Obama’s Katrina” that is being pushed by the delusional righties is so egregiously political that I have to add a few more comments before I let it go. First, the idea of comparing a natural disaster to a man-made one is a false analogy at best; and at worst a blatant attempt to re-write history and minimize the failures of the Bushies to do what government is supposed to do…take care of it’s citizens in the event of natural disaster. The role of government is not to go around cleaning up after companies that have made world record profits on the backs of Americans, and then, just like the banks, move the costs for their mistakes to the government. Why are the righties screaming that Obama is not doing enough when they yell out of the other side of their mouth that government is too big and we are on the path to socialism. YOU CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS….or I guess you can when all of the their followers only watch Fox news…Geez….

May 14th

It’s been kind of uneventful for the last couple of days so I don’t have too much to say today. I did figure out what was wrong with the grill (spiders in the gas tube) and I am ready to use it…bought almost 90 bucks worth of food today so I’ll have burgs, fish and steak over the weekend. Made some ocean perch with G’s mustard honey glaze for lunch and it was okay..neglected to skin the fish and it curled up and didn’t cook evenly…and I need more mustard since the fish has such a mild flavor.

No real plans for the weekend as yet, except drinks with K Sunday…so maybe a Sunday Funday this week. Haven’t seen her for a couple of weeks so that should be fun.

I WILL get back to change sometime later this aft but I just got back from riding and I need to take a short break…

Oh, one thought popped into my head today that I thought I’d share…but it might be one that only us old guys have to think about…why am I trying to take good care of myself and live 25 more years when the money is going to run out in 4 or so? Just asking…

Okay, here’s some outrage, finally…

Well….I have to point out this new set of hypocrisies coming out of the righties and their attempts to paint the Obama administration as a failure. Throughout the Bush administration, even when their policies were objectively abject failures, (read that Katrina, lies to get us into Iraq, etc.) the supporters of Bush and his cronies, and Bush himself, had not one word to say on the failures or even a word of criticism of his dilution of civil liberties that the courts have since ruled were illegal.

So what do we see happening now from the right wing attack machine? They have now taken to comparing the oil spill in the gulf as Obama’s Katrina, now trying to make the point that Bush’s handling of Katrina was a failure. Well guys, you can’t have it both ways, your beloved GW was incompetent (which most of the evidence points to as being true) or the comparison could not be made. I’ve had it with these supposed “experts” whose only claim to fame is that they have been the upholders of a failed philosophy; not unlike the southern apologists who are still revering the south’s role in the civil war. Geez…

May 13th

Had fun out in Ada last night and finally won the night at pool after losing for the last 4 weeks. Kept it pretty low-key so I feel okay today but this whole not sleeping thing is starting to get to be a pain. Looks like no bike ride today and I’m not too motivated to work out but if I just get my butt on the machine and get started, it will be okay. What else do I have to do anyway?

I so have to say thanks to the Montreal Canadiens for knocking off Pittsburgh in game seven of the East hockey semis…go home and cry Cindy…I just hate these guys after we let them win in the finals last year. Still not as good a rivalry as Colorado used to be but it’s nice to have a team that you dislike. Could it be an original six matchup with Chicago and Montreal? Hope so…the Sharks have to lose but I didn’t see anything in the Hawks playoff perfomance that would give me hope…oh, well.

Global warming must be fake…

Well…a day in the second week of May with a windchill? I can’t remember that happening in a long time, maybe ever. So, the logical conclusion that I have to draw is that, by my observation, global warming is a fake. After all, it snowed in New England this winter and they had the largest one-day snowfall on record in DC.

So I say to all those scientists that have spent their lives trying to figure out our climate, tough luck, you wasted your life. The repubs are right again…as they always are. Yea..go troglodytes! Geez…

May 12th

Well…this is new for me, I don’t have a lot to say again for a second day…did have some manhattans last night so I got up feeling kind of crappy but did work out already and am going to get on the bike in a few minutes to beat the rain.

More later…I promise..

May 11th

Well…didn’t go out to LC last night since the place is closed for some mysterious reason. Did go over to G’s and sat outside around the fireplace and had a few beers…got home pretty early. Still working on getting the tire sealer out of the carpet today, this place still smells like it has just been repainted so, even though it’s 43 degrees outside, I have the slider open to try to get the stink out of here.

I know I promised more outrage today but just can’t work any up right now…maybe some more life stuff later. No plans for tonight as far as I know…with the Wings done for the year there really isn’t anything I want to do…

May 10th

It’s been kind of an interesting day…well…not really, did have a flat on the bike and when I tried to put sealer in it so I could ride today, the damn thing blew all over my carpeting. I know that white latex on beige carpeting is not such a big deal, but the solvent that they have in the cans stinks like crazy and I have my slider open with the heat on to try to air this place out. the tire may be okay, though..

Looks like a night out with G since it is Monday…first drinks since thurs so this might be fun…still have the damn allergy headaches so I’m going to take an allergy pill right now to see if that helps. Not much else to say but I can feel some outrage building for tomorrow..so check back and I’ll try not to disappoint….

False equality in the news

Well….I am fed up with the tendency of commentators and of the righties to push the proposition that there is an equality in the bias that runs through the reporting of the cable news networks. I want to make this as clear as possible…Fox news is the Pravda of the American news channels and the others that are held up for comparison, i.e. MSNBC, NBC,and CBS are in no way close to being the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party as Fox news is to the Republicans. I hope you remember the bad old days of the Soviet Union when Pravda (ironically, Pravda means truth in Russian) would print blatant lies that were used to keep the populace stirred up and in line; but one of the sad things that is different about these two organizations is that the Russians had no choice but to read Pravda, it was the only news the Soviet rulers would allow. In America, the righties choose to listen to the propaganda that spews from Fox…but the result is the same; a significant part of the population that has abdicated their responsibility to think; succumbing to the visceral hatred of all things Obama or Democrat that makes them feel good but bodes I’ll for the continuing success of our society. Geez….

What you never want to be….