Well…was just reading about the repubs and their blocking of the new senate bill that would take away the exemption that the Hobby Lobby decision gave to for-profit corporations to refuse to cover contraception for women and the first thought that came into my head was “of course they blocked it”…of course these asses don’t give a damn about women’s health needs…of course they are going to give in to the christian taliban and allow them to force their beliefs on anyone that works for them…and last, of course, just of course…religion just needs to go away and as soon as possible…it is nothing but a tool that is used to be an ass to women and to control them…it’s probably why it came into being in the first place…to keep the wimmen in their place…why this isn’t a 14th amendment issue I just don’t understand…everyone should have equal protection under the law…geez…
Tag Archives: republicans
Do they think we have time machines?
Well…I am getting a little worn down by the stupidity on the right these days…it seems that everything that happens is a scandal, especially everything that the government does while Obama is president…and now, with the crashing of a hard drive at the IRS, there is a brand new fake scandal the the right is pushing….they really do think they have found the smoking gun here…and that the IRS is hiding things from the house committee that is investigating the “scandal”…using the recycling of the crashed hard drive of an IRS official as “proof”…the only problem is that the hard drive crashed and was recycled in 2011…three years before the “investigation” started…so now, do these repub idiots think we have time machines? Do they really think someone planned for this crash and made it happen because the knew they that at some point in the future, there would be a made up “scandal” and that all of the incriminating evidence would be contained in the one single hard drive? It is getting really fatiguing listening to these idiots and their continual conspiracy theories that are never true…geez…
Minnesota wins…
Well…there was an interesting article in the Free Press today that compared the difference of two midwestern states…one run by dems on dem principles, and Michigan run by repubs on repub principles…want to guess which one is doing better…I mean after you get your car out of the huge pothole it just fell into here in Michigan. Of course, it’s the one, Minnesota, run on facts and sound economic principles…not Michigan that is run on ideology and wishful thinking by the crony capitalism that is the repub party. In Minnesota where tax rates on corporations are much higher than here in Michigan, they have enough money to fund their schools, fix their roads, revenue share with their cities and do the infrastructure spending that will pay off in the future with higher growth rates for all their citizens. One thing you have to note is that even with higher corporate tax rates, there is no big exodus of jobs…in fact, their unemployment rate is 3 points lower than Michigan and they have not hollowed out their middle class. Here in Michigan…taxes were raised on retirees, cut for corporations and you can see the results whenever you drive your car….as the roads pound it into dust since there is no tax money to fix them….cities crumble as revenue sharing tax money is given to the rich and corporations, and not one job is created except for more accountants for the CEO’s that have to figure out how to spend all of the new money the have gotten from those tax cuts. All the while these tax cuts hollow out the programs that benefit workers and make Michigan competitive…but the repubs just don’t give a damn about that since workers are just “takers” that take food out of the mouths of the rich. I think everyone needs to read of the failures of the repub economic policies and call them out on it…I have had enough…geez…
They were wrong then, they are wrong now…
Well…I am just so angry at the media for allowing the idiots that pushed the Iraq war for no reason to chime in on the current strife or civil war that is going on there. Let’s just remember that all of these loud mouths, like Graham, McCain, Feith, Cheney and the rest of the couldn’t get it right squad were just dead wrong on everything about Iraq, and yet we have the media treating them like very serious people and allowing them to bang the drums for war again. Remember one more thing, they are wrong now, again….this new war is certainly a result of the constant litany of mistakes ole GW and his cronies made…especially thinking that the sectarian violence that had been suppressed for a hundred years by military force could be disarmed with platitudes and money….and now these same folks want to destroy what is left of our military by sending them back to Iraq for more of the same nonsense….what a bunch of idiots….geez…
Republicans are just evil…
Well…I’m not sure how many times I’ve said this over the years but, from their behavior, repubs are just evil, evil people who only care about ideology, not about the people they are supposed to work for. The latest example comes from Virginia, where the dem governor there is trying to get almost 400,000 people without health insurance covered under the Medicaid expansion from Obamacare, but the repubs are doing everything including bribing a dem senator to quit his job so the repubs will control the senate and block the expansion. Yep, you heard that right…this traitor dem tried to trade his senate seat for a place on some tobacco board and for his daughter getting a judgeship…bribery, plain and simple…but the thing that just galls me here is that selfishness of this guy…to trade the health and welfare of all of those Virginians and allowing some of them to die just so he can take care of his family. What about the rest of Virginia’s families, senator? Just ugly republican double dealing just like they have done everywhere they have taken power…and they continue to be returned to power by the very people they are saying “screw you” to…geez…
The normal right wing lies…
Well…with the release of the new carbon regulations from the EPA this past week, the right wing lie machine has kicked into high gear again…spewing the same tired, old crap they always do…that regulations cost jobs, money, etc. etc….but the problem is that they have been saying this since the 60′s and they have been wrong every time…yep, every time…here are a few examples:
In 1990, the WSJ editorial board said the Clean Air Act amendment would threaten the economic expansion…but, the result was the best economy the country has ever seen…
Again in 1990, Mobil Oil officials testified that the new cleaner gasoline standards would cause major supply disruptions…didn’t happen.
The National Assoc of Manufacturers in 1987 said that new regs to reduce acid rain would cost millions of jobs and contract the economy…didn’t happen…
Henry Ford II said that the new seat belt and safety glass rules would force Ford out of business…can you still buy a Ford? Yep…
So, the next time you hear the same old crap about lost jobs and a failing economy that will come from protecting the health and safety of Americans, just remember that these folks lie…and they have never been right….geez…
Obama derangement syndrome continues…
Well…if you need any other evidence that it is not policy differences that is driving the right crazy about Obama, all you have to do is look at the latest event…the release of the last prisoner of war in Afghanistan…which, a few months ago, the repubs were bitching about…that Obama wasn’t doing enough to bring him home, and that to listen to McCain and Graham, anything should be done to make sure it happened. Fast forward to late last week and Obama and his team get this guy released by trading him for 5 prisoners of war that were held in Gitmo…and the right has been going nuts with the predictable talking points like “we don’t negotiate with terrorists” or the men in Gitmo were too dangerous to be released. This can only be explained by ODS…especially since the bitchers like Cheney released over 500 of these same type of people from Gitmo on their watch and traded them for the Taliban coming to the table to negotiate. So, doing exactly the same thing that ole GW and Cheney did was okay when they did it, but now it is an impeachable offense? What a bunch of hypocrites…but we knew that, didn’t we? Geez….
Still cheating…
Well…still not having much luck with topics today…but I did hear that the repubs are using the same tricks that they always use to try to take control of the senate….that is…don’t tell anyone anything…and lie, lie, lie….just what ole Walker did in Wisconsin and what ole Snyder did here in Michigan….try to look moderate to appeal to the independents and then unleash the war on workers, women, and immigrants when they are elected. I think they forgot for a few minutes this past week that no one wants their policies except the idiots and the rich when they said they would come out with policies they would implement….and now they are walking that back so fast their shoes are smoking….but, this is how they always operate…they know everyone hates them so they just lie, and lie, and lie…I wonder why anyone still believes anything they say? Geez…
Heartless bastards…still…
Well…just as I think that the repubs can’t sink any lower…they come up with a way to do it…just this past week, the house repubs that are working put this little stunner into the ag bill…first a little background…in many “urban” environments, most of the children there get free breakfasts and lunches during the school year since their parents make so little money…and, some of those programs have been continued into the summer to make sure the kids have enough to eat…what the nasty repubs have just done in the ag bill is insert a little clause that said that no “urban” areas will be eligible for funding for summer lunch programs but that rural areas will continue to be funded…basically saying that we are going to let your children starve if you live in an urban area since you don’t vote for us anyway and the reason your children are hungry is that you are a lazy “taker”…not like the rural areas where it is a lack of jobs that is keeping children hungry. This is just the latest manifestation of the Paul Ryan hatred and contempt for the people that live in cities since they are not “real” Americans like those who live in small towns or rural areas….my outrage can’t be overstated here…using the power of government to punish children for being born into the “wrong” families…heartless bastards…still…geez…
The lies continue…
Well…BENGHAZI!!!! Just had to get hat one out since the repubs are back on that kick again…as Dave Weigel said this morning that no matter what the repubs say, there is no more there there…still the propaganda wing of the party, Fox news, is on the all Benghazi all the time kick they were on a few months back….all this because the administration trusted the CIA analysis and used it in a press conference…I guess this is so much worse than lying us into war and spending 5,000 American lives and 6 trillion dollars on those lies…and being cheerleaders for breaking international law and torturing people…of course it’s worse, it was done by the administration of the dem in office…and just being in office and being a dem is an impeachable offense to the idiots on the right….geez…