Well…one of the things that has struck me lately is how stark the differences are between the right and the left and how the right has basically abandoned any idea of governing that is not related to scoring political points or pushing their crazy, regressive agenda on the US when the polls show that more than 60% of the people here don’t want to hear it anymore. How legislation used to work before the ideologues took control of the repubs was that you would look at the needs of the country, you would look at the problems of the times whether it was economic growth, unemployment, hunger or any other goal that would make the country better and then try to do something about it….and, normally when legislation was passed and after time, it was found that there needed to be changes to make it work better, both the right and left would get together to make it better…something that needs to be done for lower income middle class people in the ACA…but, with the right’s rabid fervor to kill government in any form other than the parts that would advance their social agenda, they have decided to not do their jobs so they can continue to try to score political points….with no thought to what the citizens of this country need to make their lives better. That sums up the difference…that repubs only thought is to score cheap political points and drive their ideology while the dems really do want to solve the problems of the country….geez…
Tag Archives: republicans
Just trying to stay current…
Well…I have still not recovered from the day yesterday but I have started to feel guilt about not getting things done here so I am back for another one…it is funny how the right has gone off the rails today with ole Boehner having to use the dems to get the clean debt ceiling bill passed…the right is calling for his head since they want to keep fighting and being asses and he had a brief bout of sanity….and it is just so funny that sanity is the one thing the right just can’t tolerate…and the fact that he took this club away from the neanderthals until after the next election later in the year….I am still waiting for ole “Carnival Cruz” to try to make mischief while Reid tries to get it through the Senate….should be fun to see…
What the hell is it with Michigan Republicans?
Well…you would think after ole Dave Agema went off on gays, Muslims, and everyone else who is not a repub here in Michigan saying that gays use up all of the insurance for everyone since they all have aids, that the repubs would understand that this is batshit crazy and would tone it down some…but nope, now we have another Michigan repub who is running to represent Michigan in the national repub party saying pretty much the same thing about gays, saying that “Satan uses homosexuality to attack the living space of the holy spirit” and that all gays should be purged from the party…don’t really know what to say about that but it does show a pattern from the repubs that they have tried and tried to hide to appeal to people who aren’t haters…I find it telling that there are still such backward, idiotic people and that they are all from the repub party…I just don’t understand what has happened to the repubs here in Michigan…a party that gave us Bill Milliken and Jerry Ford…but, I will say “keep it up” define yourselves so we don’t have to….geez…
More republican lies about the ACA…
Well…I am laughing about the typical repub spin on the new CBO report that came out in the past couple of days that says, as a result of the law, there will eventually be 2 million less full time workers…and of course the repubs say it is the result of the law, that employers will be eliminating jobs because the ACA forces them to provide healthcare to their employees…but, of course, the repubs take the headline and try to turn it to political advantage when it says no such thing…what the report really says is that with independent health insurance available that is not tied to any employer, more people will say “go to hell” to bad employers that they have been tolerating just to get health insurance…and many of those people will be able to finally retire with insurance they can afford before Medicare. So, what to do the repubs have against freedom? Oh, they are okay with freedom if is the freedom of employers to screw with their employees who couldn’t get health insurance before the ACA, but they just hate the fact that the ACA has taken away some leverage from employers to do whatever they want…to keep wages low since they had their employees over the healthcare barrel…and now, that the needle has swung just a little back to normal, ordinary people, the repubs are going crazy…under the orders of their corporate masters, of course….geez…
Here’s another problem with the right…
Well…not sure if you watched the interview that Obama did with ole Billo before the SB, but I thought Obama did a good job at stabbing at the premise of Fox news and the fact that the “scandals” they report on are mostly only scandals since they are the ones pushing them as scandals. One of the inferences that has been made on Fox news for quite a while now is that Obama must have know what was going on in some IRS office in Cleveland and probably even was in on planning who was to get audited by that office…even though there is no paper trail or any person saying that he was…and, what president would have time for that? Then, of course, the right then goes on to complain that, if he didn’t know what was going on, he should resign since he is a bad president by not knowing. Got that logic? Okay, now let’s look at the reaction of the right to Christie’s shenanigans in NJ….and the theme that comes through all of the right’s reaction is that of course he couldn’t have had anything to do with it…after all, he said he didn’t and that should be good enough for anyone…and how dare you question anything a repub does? So, Obama should resign for something some far-removed subordinate did but Christie should stay in office for something his inner circle did….yep, doesn’t make much sense but the right never does…they always feel that they can do whatever they want even if it is against the law, but if they even think in their fevered brains that a dem might have, could have, or thought about doing the same things, they should be lined up and shot…what must it be like to live in one of those fevered brains? Don’t want to find out….geez…
Some of the rich truly are evil….
Well…I have been amazed lately about the tone deaf response that has come from many of the rich in this country when they are criticized for any reason…they truly feel that they are the aggrieved party when people suggest that they share their wealth with the people that made it possible…and this week, we had a guy who truly is one of the worst people in the world comparing the OWS movement that is trying to address income inequality to the nazis and their treatment of the Jews…nope, not making this up. This idiot, Tom Perkins, then just couldn’t shut up and gave another interview where he is proud of his rolex watches and he must be okay because he has relatives that live in trailers…all while he spends 130 million on a new sailboat. But this is not the worst part of the interview…this idiot goes on to complain that he once had to pay a $10,000 fine after being convicted in a french court of running over a small sailboat with his huge one and killing a doctor that was on the other boat. He goes on to bitch that they tried him in French and he got railroaded…and he probably truly feels that way since the rich in the US can basically do anything they want and get away with it…how dare they hold him responsible? I am so tired of hearing from these worthless pieces of crap who think they should be treated like royalty and the rest of us should bow to them since they cheated and stole their way to wealth…geez…
The repub response…
Well…I’m not sure if you saw the repub response to the SOTU last night, but all I can say is wow…wow…how low can you set the bar and still have a bar to jump over? It was the most inane bit of nonsense I have ever heard…but, of course, Chuck Todd is calling it a masterpiece…what the hell speech did he watch? I laughed out loud when the idiot delivering it said that the repubs want everyone to make their own healthcare decisions…but, this is the idiot that voted to eliminate the birth control benefit in Obamacare…40 times…and has gleefully voted for more and more restrictions on women making their own health decisions by making abortions harder and harder to get. Now, I should not be surprised that the repubs talk like this, but the rest of the speech where it was all platitudes, all the time with no specifics on policy is the playbook that was used all across the country to get these hard right asses elected..if they open their mouths about what their true plans are, they would be laughed out of the election…or maybe even the country….so, don’t believe the spin that the pundits are putting on this stinker of a speech…the bar is set so low that even ole GW couldn’t trip over it…geez…
Wandering around…again…
Well…I am still feeling like I have no energy even after lunch with three venison tacos and I’m sure that it is not eating enough….but, how do you eat if nothing sounds good? It took all the energy I had just to walk across my place and sit down here….and, with crap happening in politics…those idiots are going back on vacation after being back a week…and they bitch so much about the unemployed and how they think they’re lazy so they won’t extend UI benefits…since people are living large on the 300 bucks a week avg they get….that wouldn’t even pay my low expenses…what if you had children and a house payment? I hope the repubs pay in this years election…bastards….and now they are back at taking away womens rights to control their own bodies…once they are pregnant, the new laws that the repubs are pushing would make the rights of the fetus supercede the rights of the mother…essentially saying that the woman no longer has any rights to her own body if pregnant….what the hell is wrong with the repubs…I guess it goes back to their “faith” that says that women are property and should do what their husbands tell them to…and now, in Wisconsin, these asses have just introduced legislation that would allow a woman’s family to trump her decisions on abortion…even if a grandmother, or mother, or father objected…the wishes of the mother would be trumped…leaving women second class citizens with less rights than anyone else…this crap even hurts to write about…so, I’ll stop here….
It’s the republicans fault…
Well…with the vote yesterday in the senate that blocked the re-instatement of UI benefits for the long term unemployed…there is only one party that is responsible…and it’s name starts with an R…can you guess which one? Yep, the damn republicans are at it again, showing their disdain for anyone that is not rich and trying to spin it that is mean ole Harry Reid’s fault since he wouldn’t let the repubs add amendments that would repeal Obamacare and add more giveaways to big business. The sickening thing about all this is how transparently political this sham is…when ole GW was in office, the dems never asked for anything in return for taking care of Americans…they went along because it was the right thing to do…but the repubs don’t give a damn about Americans…even the unemployed R’s that vote for them…I think they are going to be surprised at the backlash for this one…there have been numerous stories that have die hard r’s that are unemployed who say they will never vote for a repub again….and we just might get Harry Reid to change the filibuster rules again that will let them get things done with a simple majority…and cut the repubs out of the process all together…they don’t want to govern anyway…geez…
Still in a malaise…
Well…it has been another day of basically nothing..other than going out to lunch…and I am feeling that malaise that had been dogging me for the past month…which is keeping me from thinking about what to write here and finding a good topic…we still have the repubs being dicks by trying everything to keep UI benefits from being approved by attaching amendments that do nothing but punish people….and that is what the repub party has become over the years…all punishment…all the time…punish the poor, punish voters, punish women, punish undocumented people….when are they ever going to try to do something for the country and its people? Oh, that’s right, never….I wish Olbermann would bring back “the worst person in the world” and we could name the entire right in this country….what a bunch of asses…geez…