Tag Archives: republicans

Things are so absurd I don’t know how to comment…

Well…have been sitting here most of the aft trying to figure out how to comment on the politics of the day but they are so absurd that I really don’t know what to say…I don’t think I’ve seen so many idiot repubs in one spot and it is making my head hurt…the worst of the worst are the new set of deniers that have set their sights on the debt ceiling. Led by ole Rand Paul, one of the least intelligent people ever to be a senator, we have this group saying that defaulting on our debt doesn’t matter, that we can just pay it in little drips and drabs and everything will be fine…don’t they remember the same nonsense got us the downgrade in 2011 that cost us over a hundred billion dollars just because these asses wanted to make a point that they are a childish bunch of idiots who don’t understand how the economy works. And now, they want to do the same thing but even worse…any default here will cause the credit markets to freeze and raise the borrowing costs to the US by more hundreds of billions….and will probably crash the stock market to the tune of a thousand points or more…costing investors trillions…I just can’t believe these idiots are in charge…geez…

Let’s keep repeating “the repubs are to blame”

Well…waiting for the Tigers game to start and thought I’d put a few words down about the gov’t shutdown and the debt ceiling fight that is coming up…and let’s keep repeating this…the repubs are to blame…or, more to the point ole Boehner is to blame for this…never in the history of the country has the minority party tried to nullify duly passed laws by holding the world economy hostage with the threats to crash it…and then sitting there in their ignorance and saying that the default on our debt will have no effect…even when every economist in the world says it will cause a crisis that is only rivaled by the great depression….so, we need to keep repeating “the repubs are to blame” and then take back the house in 2014…these are some of the stupidist people I have ever seen in my life…and they just may wreck the country before that….geez…

The repubs hate government unless they can steal from it…

Well…in another scam that has been deployed by ALEC…the group that gave us the stand your ground laws and others….we have repub owned companies that are now stealing education money through the scam of “cyber academies” that have been popping up around the country. One of the most egregious thieves is a company called K12…I’m sure you’ve see their ads on tv, whose former teachers have just come forward to reveal the scam. Aided by laws that have been bought from repubs by ALEC, this company has charged the states where they operate hundreds of million of dollars for students that never once signed on to the so called “academy”, who never once did any homework, or answered any e-mails, etc….as you know, these “academies” are just the last, blatant attempt to destroy education here in the US…or, more to the point, to destroy the teacher’s unions as they have gone after every other union in the headlong rush to the destruction of the middle class. These hypocrites rail and rail against government unless they can steal more and more and more from the American people through these scams…we need to put a stop to it….geez…

Down they go….

Well…it has been really nice to see the desperation on the part of the repubs who are still trying to undo the results of the last election and holding the country hostage by shutting down the government to end Obamacare. I guess what they knew was coming was that once people saw what was available on the exchanges and that they were a better deal than anything currently available, they would no longer be able to demagogue the program an substitute their lies for the truth. Hell, there are many repubs who are now seeing that they have been lied to when they save $1,000 a month on their premiums and see their co-pays cut in half. How are you going to spin that repubs? I am happy to finally see Obama say “no negotiations, do your job” to the idiots that are gleeful they have shut down government….what are the 2 million that have been put out of work going to say and vote in the next election? For the idiots who don’t give a damn about them and their families or the dems who are acting like adults here? This is the first time in history that the government has been shut down by a tantrum of a minority just because they don’t like a law…and we on the left need to stand firm and not reward these asses for being asses…anyone who has ever raised a child knows that you can’t give in to the tantrum or they just get worse….and these folks are just big children…we should treat them that way…geez…

Here’s the cost the crazy repubs are costing you…

Well…I’m not sure if any of you doubted that the crazy-assed repubs would shut down the government in their little tantrum since their extortion didn’t work….and I am really surprised that the dems have held together and said “enough” to the bullying from the right. But, one thing that the supposedly fiscally responsible repubs won’t say is that this little stunt of theirs is costing the American people…that is, you and me, over 300 million dollars a day out of our tax money. The repubs think it’s quite okay to spend money on this little tantrum of theirs while doing their best to take food out of the mouths of the poor and over 180,000 veterans whose food stamps will be cut off if they get their way. It can’t be allowed that only 20% of the country, the tea party idiots, to dictate what happens to the rest of us who are reasonable people who know that government needs to work to make the country better. If we just hold together, we can take back the house and then make the changes to the ACA that may be necessary…as it has always worked throughout the history of this country…we just can’t let the anarchists win….geez….

Here’s the worst part…

Well…finally did get to the last one for the month and it is one that just makes me shake my head at the crap the repubs are trying to pull with the government shutdown…what really pisses me off about his whole thing is that the voters rejected everything these idiots are now trying to blackmail the country into by not funding the government…and that is what repubs are all about…they can’t win in elections with their crazy-assed ideas so they try to rig the game with voter suppression and by holding the economy hostage…but, the worst part is what they have put int he CR that was sent to the senate…the so-called conscience clause that would allow any employer to refuse to cover anything they don’t like in their health plans…if this is allowed to go on, the first thing to go will be contraceptive care for women, and then you can bet these bastards would find numerous ways to continue to cut people and coverage until the care will be worthless. Maybe this will be a good thing…when we take the house back…maybe we’ll finally get to single payer and take the employer out of the loop entirely…please proceed repubs…

The delusions never stop…

Well…I am sitting here shaking my head about some comments that were made by one of the idiot repubs in congress where he thinks that the dems will agree to delay the implementation of the ACA since “they compromised on other parts of the law” and that the repubs have compromised from their earlier position that the whole law would need to be repealed and now they just want it delayed a year. Another year of hostage taking for what? This is like any thug extortionist saying “hey, we were going to kill 50 hostages but look how nice we are since we now only want to kill one”. Harry Reid needs to just tell them no…tell them to go ahead and crash the economy…since the polls are all saying that the whole country knows it is the repubs that are responsible. Then, what about the people like me that will finally be able to afford insurance? These crazy bastards don’t care about that…just making points for their rabid, ignorant base is the only thing they care about. Just wait until their corporate masters lose trillions when the meltdown happens….no more repubs…geez…

Looks like the repubs are going to crash the economy…

Well…I have had enough of the political terrorists on the right using the economy as their hostage after they continue to lose elections…and the thing is, only a small fraction of the country want what they are selling…starving people, tax cuts for the rich, and unfettered corporate hegemony over the economy….this is not going to be pretty…and these assholes had no problem raising the debt limit 19 times while ole GW was in office…the only objection they have is that Obama is presidentin’ while black….I wonder when their corporate masters are going to get tired of losing trillions in equity while these idiots play with government…I have no other words…

Not sure what to write about…

Well…as you can see…I started one wrong yesterday with an okay instead of well…and I still can’t think of anything to write about but that really should happen sometimes since I have done 2,600 of these…I did have an okay morning with getting a lot of things done including waxing the car…but now, I think I will just take it easy for an hour or so and just chill….it looks like the repubs are still searching for ways to end the ACA but all the dems have to do is say no and pin the government shutdown on them….since there is still a majority of the country that likes the law…and as more and more info gets out, they like it more…and the polls are saying that more than 80% of the country don’t want a shut down…so, I say let them own it…and bring on 2014…the repubs will be gone…geez…

ACA pricing doesn’t look good for the repubs…

Well…just a shorty on the data that is coming out of the developing pricing for the insurance exchanges…one estimate for a family of four making around 40K in Texas is that, after subsidies, they will pay around 50 bucks a month for a silver plan that covers more than any personal insurance that is even available in Texas right now. So, to the repubs I say “you guys are in deep, deep trouble” if you continue to try to make sure that no one can afford insurance…your time is just about up when people get the pleasant surprise of the rates under the ACA and it spreads like wildfire across this country…and, you are a bunch of immoral pricks…geez…