Category Archives: Politics

The results are in…

Well….I thought about doing one of these on the fake “memo” that the right is screaming about but, I don’t want to…so, I’ll talk about the tax cut scam again since some of the results are in. As you know, this scam was pushed by the repubs as being a “middle class” tax cut that would make the sun shine and would shower the MC with money…yeah, you know where this is going…as the results come in there is huge cherry picking going on in the reporting even from the “mainstream” media….centering on the “bonuses” that a few companies are dribbling out to their employees but not talking at all about how much excess profit the companies are getting at the same time. One of the biggest selling points of this scam was the same old “trickle down” bullshit they have been using since the 80′s…that if you shower money on the rich and corporations, that money will end up in the pockets of workers, something that every frickin study has shown just does not happen…and this new tax cut scam reinforces those studies if you look at the numbers. So far, less than two percent of the tax benefits that are going to the already rich has “trickled down” to workers…and most of that is in the form of one time bonuses, not wage increases that would have a lasting impact and that workers could count on every year…giving corporations one more hammer to hold over the heads of their workers. This is all crap and the repubs know it…but they had to deliver to their donors after the donors threatened to turn off the money tap if they didn’t get the payoff they paid for…impeach them all….

Let’s compare…

Well….throughout this whole debacle of lawlessness that is the trump administration, and with the daily comparisons to Watergate, we really need to take a look at the two scandals to see which one is worse…got any idea? Over the course of the Watergate investigation/prosecutions, there were 40 Nixon administration personnel who were convicted of some sort of crime and went to jail, mostly for lying to the FBI or obstruction of justice. As of today, there have been twice that many people interviewed in the idiot trump’s crime administration…and Mueller isn’t done yet. While Nixon’s crimes were essentially domestic and dealt with political crimes…trump’s crimes are so much more than that…I mean working with a foreign government to steal an election and then trying to cover it up is both domestic and international crime…and that is not even touching on the money laundering, bribery, and spying for our enemies to try to undermine the US foreign policy. So, while the Watergate comparison is shorthand for a criminal conspiracy and is of some use here, trump and his cronies crimes are so much worse that to lessen them to the level of Watergate ignores the scope and scale of the idiot trump’s and the repubs lawlessness….this will turn out to be the biggest criminal conspiracy in the history of this country and has been coming since the repubs started thinking that the laws of this country don’t apply to them and they can do whatever they want…and I blame Obama for part of that, letting the torturers in the Bush administration get away with hundreds of felonies and breaking international law…after that, why wouldn’t they believe that the law doesn’t apply to them?  Impeach….

Bye, bye, Trey…good riddance…

Well…with all of the bad stuff that has been happening with the repubs refusing to their jobs to rein in the idiot in the WH, there has been some good news with the exodus of many, many repubs who see the writing of a dem tsunami coming at them for November. The latest idiot repub to bail is the easy to hate Trey Gowdy,  who spent tens of millions of dollars investigating Benghazi only to have to admit at the end that there was nothing to the “scandal”…but we knew that when we heard at the time that one of his cronies on the committee admitted that it was all just to hurt Hillary’s election chances. Now this smarmy little shit is retiring to go back to the “legal system” whatever the hell that means…probably as a trump appointee to the justice department where his incompetence will be a feature and not a bug. All I have to say is good riddance…Trey, you are nothing but a waste of air….

Nunes worked with the WH on his “memo”

Well…with the little tidbit that I just read, Devin Nunes behavior is explained in regard to the “memo” that was supposed to expose corruption in the FBI and Mueller’s investigation….he was working with trump and his cronies and was given marching orders to do the attacks…and this was done by selectively including and editing secret information that was given to Nunes by the justice department. So, let’s get this “bombshell” straight…..lies, lies, lies, lies, and more lies under the direction of trump and his minions…does this sound familiar? I mean the lies…this is a totally fabricated attempt to derail the Mueller investigation….I wonder if ole Devin is so stupid that he can’t see that this is obstruction of justice? Yep, he is…and he doesn’t understand that congress is supposed to be a check on the executive branch…not a co-conspirator in committing crimes….and Paul Ryan has to know what Nunes is doing and that brings him right in to the conspiracy, too…cripes, I don’t think there are enough jail cells for all of the repubs who are going down…impeach….

Not watching the SOTU tonight….

Well…there is no one in the world that makes my stomach turn as the orange nightmare in the WH does so I WILL NOT be watching any of the idiot’s speech tonight…you know what it is going to be anyway…trump is the greatest human to ever live and has accomplished more in his first hour than all the other presidents combined….that is in between touting his hotels and trying to remember how to pronounce the big words his staff has written into his speech….he will NOT be “presidential” he will NOT be pivoting to normalcy, and this will NOT be the night that he becomes “president”. So, find an old movie or anything else to watch tonight…it’s not worth anyone’s time to listen to this crap…especially not mine. Impeach….

Let’s stop this “presidential” crap….

Well…I want to put an end to the idea that if the idiot trump can get through reading a speech off a teleprompter that will make him “presidential”; the trap that every damn pundit falls into if idiot boy doesn’t drop his pants and moon the country. The idiot is not now and never will be “presidential”….he has no idea what the word even means so let’s just stop right here…he has not earned any benefit of the doubt with his behavior over the past two years and if the repubs would do their jobs, this would be his last speech anywhere and he would have been impeached and convicted for the thousands of lies and all the lawbreaking that he and his cronies have done in the past year. So, spare me the “presidential” crap….the bar has been set so low for idiot boy that you have to dig a six foot deep hole to find it….shame on you repubs…impeach…

Here’s the pro quo…

Well…if we didn’t already know that Russia has trump in their pocket, the pro quo of the Russians quid of electing the idiot happened yesterday when idiot boy refused to place sanctions on the Russians for interfering in our election…and those sanctions were voted on by the senate 98-2 to apply them…but trump and his cronies are ignoring the separation of powers that require him to apply the sanctions. Now, what’s your move repubs? Are you going to let trump continue to wreck this country and ignore the rule of law or are you going to do your jobs and rein in this thug? It is clear why Putin and his intelligence apparatus worked so hard to elect the idiot since they knew he could be manipulated so damn easily….like a 5 year old child…never in the history of our country have the needs of a foreign power been put before ours and there has never been a political party like the modern repubs who just sit back and let it happen…this nightmare will be over in November if we get off our asses and get out and vote to make these traitors go away…impeach…

Should do some politics…

Well….sitting here a little bored this morning and thought I really should get back to talking a little about politics…there was a little nugget in the news this morning about testimony that the heads of twitter gave to the senate committee that is investigating the Russian attack on this country during the election…oh, and one more thing…the attacks are still going on and trump and his cronies are not doing anything about it…not one damn thing…okay back to twitter…when the people at twitter investigated, they found that there were 50,000 bots that were tweeting and re-tweeting trump propaganda….to the total of over 2 million tweets from September ’16 to the election…and the kicker is that trump and his campaign knew it was happening and didn’t report it, which they are required by law to do. But, when has breaking the law ever been a problem for trump and his idiots? I’m not sure how much longer it is going to take for charges to be filed against these idiots…but there is one little fact that everyone should remember…guess who the prosecutor was who finally got John Gotti, the “teflon don”? Yep, Robert Mueller…this is going to get good soon…..impeach….

Okay, had to talk about obstruction again…

Well….just got back from a really fun top down drive to get some cheap food at Aldi’s, and I thought I’d talk a little about the latest development in the idiot trump’s obstruction of justice investigation….I know I talked a little about that with the Hannity post earlier, but I wanted to put a little detail to it…..I will admit I am smiling about it this afternoon. Yesterday, the NYT reported that, in June of last year, the idiot tried to get the WH counsel (who works for the office of the presidency, not for trump) to fire Robert Mueller for undisclosed reasons and the counsel refused, telling trump that if he kept up the pressure he would quit and let the world know why. As all bullies do, trump backed down and just muttered about it for the past 10 months….not understanding that he just made the case for obstruction against him even stronger that it was with his firing of Comey since the only reason trump gave for either the firing or the attempt was to “take the pressure off” from the investigation. So now, it is not a matter of IF trump is going to be charged with obstruction but WHEN…and that just has to penetrate his thick skull at some point…even with all of his staff continually blowing sunshine up his ass….impeach…

The rest of the world has figured out trump…

Well….as the idiot trump continues to embarrass all of us with his antics across the world, there are heartening signs that the rest of the world has figured the idiot out. The latest one comes from the financial meeting in Davos where the idiot just had to go to to spout his ignorant stupidity to the world, again, and where the correct response was made by people listening to his press conference…and that response was boos and hissing as idiot boy trotted out his tired attacks on the media and tried to assert that he is a “successful businessman”…and that lie led to the entire room laughing at him; recognizing what a ridiculous ass he is. Now, I’ve been around a long time and I can’t remember any other president in my lifetime getting booed at Davos…never happened to Obama, that’s for sure…oh, and now we have his wife packing up the kid and fleeing to Florida today…probably something she has been planning since it was reported that trump paid off a porn star to keep her quiet about their affair that was going on just after their son was born…it just keeps getting better and better for those of us who had idiot boy’s number from the start….and the obstruction case just got stronger…I feel like a kid in a candy shop….impeach….