Tag Archives: fbi

Watergate, watergate, watergate….

Well…only thirty days in and the trump administration is breaking the law just as much as Nixon did…or even more…the latest revelation is that the wh chief of staff leaned on the FBI to have them say that there is nothing to the investigation into trumps ties to Russian intelligence…essentially trying to quash the investigation and use the FBI as another propaganda arm of the administration, just like Fox news. Now, I have no trust in the FBI and Comey, but at least this time they told the wh to kiss off and stop trying to meddle in an ongoing investigation….the thing here is that one of the articles of impeachment that was levied against Nixon was that he tried to get the FBI to drop the investigation of Watergate and that is obstruction of justice…see any parallels? Okay Jason Chaffetz…is THIS enough for you to get an investigation going? No…I didn’t think so you partisan hack….geez….

Flynn lied to the FBI…

Well…the new revelations today that Mike Flynn lied to the FBI and told them he had no contact with the Russians puts a new spin on this whole affair….the FBI knows he did with the NSA tapes of the conversation and there is no way that he can get around the felony for lying to them…unless…they are now questioning him and he is rolling over on ole trump and the rest of his minions….and now the guy who screamed “lock her up” at the repub convention is either going to go to jail or will bring down trump and his idiots….I just can’t wait to see how this one plays out….get the popcorn for this one….


Well…just as I said has been found to be true…that there is nothing in the new e-mail “scandal” that the repubs have breathlessly screamed about for the past week….Comey just sent a letter to the idiot Chaffetz saying that their conclusion has not changed after looking at this new “evidence”…that Hillary did nothing wrong and all of it was created out of thin air by partisans on the right…just like Benghazi, just like Whitewater, and every other damn ‘scandal” that the right has tried to smear Hillary with…there is nothing there…I wonder if this will even be reported on Fox news? After they spent a week pushing the “Hillary is going to be indicted” meme…ha, ha, ha….that even made ME laugh…..but none of this excuses Comey’s blatant attempt to get his guy Trump elected…and it doesn’t excuse people that work for him doing the same kind of crap out of the NY office…they all need to go….geez…

This is why the FBI needs to be reformed…

Well…if it wasn’t bad enough that the FBI director tried to swing the election to Trump last week with a breathless letter to congress that said there were new e-mails to be looked at from Hillary’s server…never mind that they were not sent to nor from Hillary…he still had to try to help his guy Trump…now we find that the investigation into the Clinton Foundation was not based on anything but a book written by a noted Clinton hater that was pulled by the publisher since it was full of provable lies. But, that it was against the Clintons was enough for the FBI to spend millions of dollars investigating the right wing propaganda from the book. Now, this is a pattern of the people in the FBI and the director using the agency to forward their right wing views when it is supposed to be a neutral fact finding institution…and that is enough to reform the organization from top to bottom to weed out the people who are, on a daily basis, letting their political views and their Clinton derangement syndrome color and delegitimatize the entire organization….something needs to be done…and no more “internal investigations” that are just CYA…geez….

Even worse for Comey….

Well…I know I’ve been harping on the idiot Comey and his attempt to affect the election by his ham-handed letter to the repubs in congress that he knew would be used as ammunition against Hillary, but there is one more thing…or a couple of things that need to be said. First, this idiot does this breathless nonsense when he has never seen the e-mails in question…in fact, no one in the FBI has seen them since they are still negotiating the warrant that is necessary for them to be read…so…we do know that they are not from or to Hillary and that they are not classified….so what the hell was Comey doing hyping them to the repubs? Just putting his finger on the scale any way he could to help his man Trump….but, this little mess might just cost Comey his job…there has been a complaint made to the government ethics office that Comey at the very least has broken rules of the justice department and may have broken the law by revealing details of an ongoing investigation…that would be just the height of irony..that the country’s top cop breaks the law for political advantage…or just stupidity…not sure what one is worse…geez…

The head of the FBI just made me laugh…

Well…just read an article that quotes the head of the FBI, James Comey, and it made laugh so hard…the gist of it is that if Google and Apple go ahead with their plans to encrypt their new phones, every murderer, or other criminal is going to get away with every crime since the cops won’t be able to search your phone without a warrant….that may be a little hyperbole on my part but what this idiot is saying is if we can’t spy on the 99% of people don’t commit crimes, then the criminals will get away. My question is “what the heck did they do before smartphones?” Actual police work? Follow the 4th amendment? I think it’s great that they will have to now do their jobs like they used to and that my privacy will be ensured…tough luck FBI…geez…

I understand this one….

Well…just reading an article that, in the weird way my head works, brought to light other small articles and congealed into something I want to talk about. I know, still burying the lead in some of these but this isn’t a newspaper and those rules don’t apply here….and, how long does it take to read a couple of sentences? So, on to the subject….the whole thing was started by an article about a guy who couldn’t figure out how to get the security to work on a new wireless router, gave up, and left the thing running overnight. Later that night, a pedophile neighbor logged on to his router and downloaded millions of child porn pictures. Of course, the police and their captive judges don’t really need probable cause anymore and issued a warrant for the guy whose only crime was that he couldn’t figure out a wireless router. But that’s not the worst part…the FBI, ICE, and local police then had to form up a swat team that kicked in his door, threw him down some stairs and held him at gunpoint until they took him in to be charged, tearing up the house and confiscating all of the electronics in the house; many of those belonged to his wife. The question I want to ask is “when did every police action in the US become one that these thugs have to abuse American citizens? What is wrong with a couple of detectives just walking up to the door, knocking politely, and asking if they can talk? What, in this man’s history, would make them think he was violent? The answer to that one is nothing….that’s right, never in trouble, no violence, no nothing. and, if the police would have done the very simple job of checking out the username that was involved…they would have seen that it was not him…but that doesn’t matter to the thugs that infest our police today.

There are too many stories like this in our country today…that the citizens are more scared of the police and government than they are of terrorists….if that is the case, then who are the terrorists? And, to those that always come back with the tired old saw “if you aren’t doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear”…..that’s just not true anymore….if this man would have defended his home and his family, he would be dead…dead for an unprotected wireless router…is that what we’ve come to in this country?