Tag Archives: obamacare

Mitch McConnell is still evil…

Well….after reading the reports on the only Senate debate in Kentucky, all I can say is that Mitch McConnell is still evil….after a doddering performance where he couldn’t articulate what he has done for the people of Kentucky, ole Mitch went back to that old attack where he is either lying or doesn’t understand how Obamacare works when he said that he will repeal Obamacare but he will let Kentucky’s sign up website, Kynect, stay.  Wow, that’s big of you Mitch…you’ll throw over 500,000 Kentuckians off the insurance they have for the first time in their lives but you’ll let them keep a non functioning website that is worthless without the federal portion of the law. What a great guy!  And it just shows you what the repubs have become…the party of can’t…can’t fix our crumbling infrastructure…can’t keep our citizens healthy….can’t do anything but give more and more to the rich….that, to me, is the definition of evil…and ole Mitch fits the description…geez..,.

Mitch McConnell is still stupid…

Well…have been reading a little about the senate matchup in Kentucky that has the turtle, Mitch, going up against Alison Grimes and as I watch, I see ole Mitch just melting down…or there is a sea change happening in the media that is finally starting to call the repubs out for their lies…either way ole Mitch is in trouble. The latest lie that Mitch is being called on is the one that if he is re-elected, he will repeal Obamacare completely but that won’t have any effect on the half million people in Kentucky who now have insurance through the state exchange there…which is Obamacare in action. Now, he either is just too stupid to understand that without the federal component of subsidies and insurance gaurantees, there will be no state exchange…or, he knows and just doesn’t care…and he just keeps on lying out of habit since the repubs have not been held responsible for them over the past 20 years. I am happy that Grimes is finally hitting him on this lie but there are newspapers that are doing the same on their editorial pages…is that a turtle in the headlights that I see? Hope it’s a semi that is going to flatten Mitch come November…geez…

Justin Amash is still an idiot…

Well…when I was working out this morning, watching the little tv that is next to the weight machine, I saw an ad by Justin Amash, the idiot tea party rep from west Michigan that goes on and on how he is proud to still be fighting to take people’s health insurance away by repealing Obamacare…but, there is one really funny part of it that made me smile…he has one of the people at his town hall meeting get up and say how scared he is that Obamacare is going to take away his healthcare….but, this guy must be 70 so he is already on Medicare and Obamacare has nothing to do with him….and, if he thought at all, he should be scared that ole Justin wants to end Medicare and turn it into another giveaway to the insurance companies…because that is what ole Justin has said he wants to do…what a frickin idiot…geez…

Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy….

Well…I am still laughing about the abject hypocrisy that is oozing from the repubs in the house today as they try to use hearings on the glitches in the Obamacare sign up website to continue their fight to end it…but, as with most repubs these days, they have no memory of even 6 years ago when Medicare part D was rolled out…and guess what? The same sort of glitches happened…exactly the same sort…and not one dem came forward to say that it should be eliminated since the rollout was glitchy….they agreed with the repubs at the time that people should be patient and allow the fixes to take effect…what is different now? Could it be that these crazy repubs just don’t give a damn about anything but scoring political points and trying to hurt Obama? That is sure how it looks…and they couldn’t look worse…but I’m sure they’ll try…geez…

It’s just a glitch…followed by GOP hypocrisy…

Well…I am laughing about all of the hand wringing in the media about the glitches in the healthcare.gov website that is the portal to sign up for Obamacare for many of us in the US since the repubs in many states refused to set up their own state websites….I guess that kind of stuff should be expected from the troglodyte repubs who think that dial up internet is still just fine…but, for anyone who has ever had to deal with a software roll out, this kind of stuff is not unexpected…just ask Microsoft who just recalled the latest update of Windows 8 since it caused many, many devices to crash…and this is from a company that was founded on software and has decades of experience. But, what I find the most funny is the repubs hypocrisy on the matter…trying 40 times to repeal the law and now switching over to fake concern that some people haven’t been able to sign up for the insurance that they hate…going so far as to hold hearings on why this happened…but, you know the only reasons these asses want to hold these hearing is to try to beat up on Obama since he and the rest of the dems just kicked their butts on the shutdown….and the repubs have learned nothing from that defeat…as they talk more and more about Obamacare it becomes more popular and more people head out to the sites to check it out…nice job repubs for all of the publicity…please proceed…geez…

Another bunch of stupidity from Fox…

Well…was just reading a little nugget about the idiots over at Fox on Kos and I just can’t believe how stupid these folks are…on “Fox and friends” this week, the idiot Doocey tried to make the point that Obamacare is a failure because it has only covered 1% of the 15% of people that are uninsured in this country…never mind that the exchanges don’t open until the first of October and the coverage doesn’t start until January 1st…Obamacare is a failure because it hasn’t covered everyone before they sign up. The 1% they are talking about are the kids that get to stay on their parents policies until they are 26 and would not be able to afford insurance under the current plans…so, the way to look at this is that Obamacare is covering an extra 1% before it even starts….I am really getting tired of the right and Fox…they just don’t give a damn if they lie and lie and lie…they’re just not even trying to be “fair and balanced”…as it they ever were….geez….

The idiots waste another million…

Well…it was another red letter day in Washington yesterday with the idiot repubs holding another vote on the repeal of Obamacare…that is number 40 and I just can’t believe that they are getting away with it…especially since none of the laws will ever be taken up by the senate and would surely be vetoed by the president….so, what the hell are they voting for? There has been research done on the costs of these futile votes…from the staff time to write the bills and all of the other costs, and it has now passed the 50 million dollar price tag. Yep, these idiots who supposedly decry waste in government, and who voted the other day to cut food stamps to thousands of people and let them starve to save money have wasted 50 million dollars just trying to poke Obama in the eye. Think about all of the things that 50 million dollars would buy…how many kids could have gone to college? How many retirees could have been fed? How many homeless could have been given a home? These stupid, heartless bastards just don’t care about anyone but themselves and their billionaire bosses….geez…

Keep attacking Obamacare repubs…

Well…as with many, many things that the repubs think are true but aren’t, we now have to add the idea that attacking Obamacare is good politics for them….and, as with many, many other polls, these folks are just reading the country all wrong. When they look at the polls that say that only 40% of the country likes Obamacare, they see a political opening; another wedge they can use to divide the country and gain an edge…but, the one thing they don’t understand, like many, many other things, is that there are 35% of the country that think that Obamacare doesn’t go far enough…there are 35% that think that the country should go to Medicare for all and cut the damn insurance companies out completely. So, if we add the 40% who like the law with the 35% who think it doesn’t go far enough…you get a true 75% that think the law is better than what we have now and want it to continue….and these morons can’t even do the math to see that…they assume that 60% of the country hate the law and that is why they are pushing against it so hard…but, with the new revelation in another poll that says that only 19% of the country identify as being repubs…all I can say is “please proceed” repubs…you’ll be gone soon…yay….


Well…it’s 3:16 and I still can’t think about anything to comment on for the day…at least political stuff and that is starting to get frustrating…again…I have been reading about the repub craziness that has been spreading across the country…what is it about them that allows them to say any damn thing they want without any regard for whether it is the truth or not? We have ole Michelle Bachmann today saying that Obama wants Obamacare implemented so it will increase his personal power and control over the economy…now let’s do a little math…the latest change that will allow companies another year before they have to start paying fines or offering coverage is now set to take effect at the end of 2015..a year before Obama leaves office…so exactly what power does this change confer on him? Is he going to take over the insurance companies after he leaves office? Craziness, craziness…

Then, we have ole Mike Huckabee comparing womens rights to control their body to slavery…and since we eliminated slavery on moral grounds…then, we must eliminate abortion on those same moral grounds…yep, not making this up..this could even be a plan…to drive the crazy so far out that when they pull back to only delusional it will seem reasonable…I think it is our responsibility as being the reasonable party to make sure that even when this happens, to make sure they don’t get a pass on the crazy like the media is allowing right now….geez….

Marco Rubio joins the list of republican idiots…

Well…the great, new hope of the repubs has begun his slow motion meltdown, after the water incident, that is by coming out the other day to say that he is in favor of letting the government shut down if Obamacare is not repealed in trade for it. Now, this is the new repub party? This guy is just not too bright if he thinks repealing a program that over 60% of Americans like is a good idea…but, it is just like the repubs….continually fighting the last battle that they lost…and acting like they won. I just want to hear them tell the millions of people that have pre-existing conditions and have insurance now through Obamacare that “you’re out of luck”; that the ideology of the right wing nuts in the repub party is more important than their health, that the profits of the insurance companies are more important that being able to not declare bankruptcy from the lifetime caps that have been removed…I can just see the ads now…”Marco Rubio takes away your healthcare just because he is a self-centered jerk…”

There seems to be something going on in this country that I never thought I’d see…that people are starting to think again, that people are saying enough to the repubs nonsense and just want the fights to stop so they can get on with their lives….or maybe I’m just reading DailyKos too much…I like hope, though…