Well…just read an interesting article about the continuing woes that Walmart is experiencing with drops in profit, growth, and stock price this week and the first thing that popped into my head was “couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people..” As you can tell, that last comment is full of snark and aimed at the owners of Walmart, not the people that work there and suffer everyday….it appears that shopping patterns are changing and the weekly drive to the ugly big box retailer is starting to be too big a pain for people…especially since the stuff that they are going there to buy is probably not on the shelf anyway with all of the problems Walmart has caused itself by cutting staffing and going to temp workers instead of full timers…the only thing I have to say if Walmart goes bye-bye, is good riddance…I will feel for the people that lose their jobs but allowing a profitable company like Walmart to push it’s labor costs off on the taxpayers to the tune of almost 3 billion dollars a year is just wrong…it’s just like you and me writing a check to the Waltons every month…and they don’t need more of my money….geez….
Tag Archives: taxes
Another 1% er crying in his beer…
Well..when are the pampered one percent going to learn to keep their mouths shut? I’ve just about had it with these spoiled idiots complaining that they are going to close their business, fire employees, or quit their job because Obama raised their taxes. These guys are so stupid they don’t understand it was the congress that raised the taxes…Obama just signed the law so get your fricking facts straight. The latest of these idiots to spout nonsense is the golfer Phil Mickleson, who late last week talked to a reporter and whined that he was going to quit golfing because California raised state taxes and the federal rate went up 3% on people like him that make millions…notice I didn’t say “earned” millions because getting 48 million dollars in one year from making commercials and playing golf is not earning it by any stretch of the imagination. Well Phil, go ahead and quit..go back to your gated community and the other one percent idiots that you seem to identify with so much…and, let me give you one piece of advice: the money you make is paid for by people like me who buy the products that you endorse so it’s probably not a good idea to rub our broke noses in the shit that you are spouting…we’d love to have 24 million dollars after taxes so, shut the hell up…geez…
Another hostage drama….
Well…with the negotiations that have been ongoing across the country on the debt ceiling and even the NHL, one thing has struck me is the similarity between them and the way that they resemble hostage dramas on tv…when did we lose the ability to negotiate as adults? Why can’t the people running out government just stop this crap and do their jobs? I will place the blame on the government problems right where it belongs, on the repubs who were sent to Washington to govern but are so crazy that they only want to destroy the government not work with it to do the people’s business; trying all the time for partisan advantage instead of governing. That was highlighted by the idiot McConnell’s statement that “we’re done with taxes” implying that all of the rest of the movement toward cutting the deficit is going to have to be cuts in expenditures when there has been absolutely no work done to reform the tax code other than some noodling around the edges….what about the tax code that allows billionaires to pay 10% on income while the rest of us pay three times that? We are not done with taxes and Obama needs to come out today and tell the country that, that ole Mitch is wrong…and stupid…geez…
Just a little noodling…
Well…I’ve been sitting here thinking about what to write for the second one of the day and have had no luck…so, that means I have to just wander around a bit and see what happens…I think I’ll go out to the Post and try to find something…okay…no luck…so I’ll pose a question…why is work taxed at a higher rate now than investment? Why shouldn’t all income be treated the same? Why should a billionaire who makes his money through investment pay 14% while the worker sweating in a foundry or auto plant pays 30%? I think it all has to do with the lack of respect the repubs have for workers as evidenced by all of the ways they have tried to hurt them over the years. The Ryan budget would do more of the same…give more tax breaks to the rich while raising our taxes…doesn’t anyone else see this as immoral? This, coming from the party that holds themselves out as the morally superior one…the family values party…since when did stealing the whole country for the rich become a family value? And, when did women agree to give up all of their rights to their own bodies when they become pregnant as the repubs are putting in their platform….I am getting a little tired of pointing this stuff out to people…but, if not me, who? geez…
This is what the 1% does…
Well…I didn’t get back to the first post yet since this has been a recovery day for me…mostly from not eating enough yesterday…but, I did read an interesting article in the Guardian UK that states that the rich have gamed the system across the globe so much that they have been able to hide 21 trillion dollars from being taxed anywhere…yep, that’s trillion with a t…more money than the entire US economy with Japan thrown in for good measure. So, the next time you hear the rich start bitching about paying too much in taxes, you know it’s a lie….the tax rate on the upper income folks is at an 80 year low right now and where are the jobs these low tax rates are supposed to create? Not here in Michigan that I can see…geez…
More GOP nonsense…here in Michigan…
Well…I was going to comment on the doubling down of the repubs on their nonsensical tax plans, or their hatred of gays, or anyone else that is not like them….but, for some reason, the bike ride emptied my brain of all of the thoughts that I had in there…and lately, the thoughts have been thin to say the least. Okay, going back to the papers to look for the topics that were there….there is one that I wanted to tackle is the whole transfer the tax burden from the rich and corporations to individual workers and retirees. First, there was the lie of the direness of the financial state of Michigan…we were told that without the corporate tax cuts and increases on individuals along with benefit cuts, that Michigan would have an unsustainable deficit that would stretch into the forseeable future…but, let’s take a look at what really happened…magically there is a billion dollar surplus in the state’s coffers at the end of the year…before any of Snyder’s tax changes took place and it looks like Snyder and his cronies were lying again to reward their corporate masters with 1.7 billion dollars in tax cuts. How much longer do we sit here and allow the looting of our state by these thieves? Geez…
Okay…it’s just noodling around…
Well…it’s been an okay day today and I got tons of stuff done so I don’t really feel that bad about not doing a political one today…I do have another Manny Lopez one for tomorrow that I should have done today but I didn’t really have the outrage necessary to do it justice…I did get a charge out of the demonstrations in NY last night that saw over 10,000 people come out to protest… a large amount of people for a movement that the right has been declaring is dead for the last couple of weeks…but when have they ever been right on anything? Oh, there was a nice little piece in all of the newspapers yesterday that showed what is really happening on taxes here in Michigan… we are now one of only three states that are raising taxes on the poor while giving tax cuts to the rich and corporations…doesn’t anyone else see this as immoral? Okay…..the repubs don’t think it is but how about anyone else? This is just one of the reasons for the “Occupy” movement that the right just doesn’t get. It just isn’t fair that the poor have to have their taxes rise so ceo’s can get bigger bonuses…geez…
Where are the jobs governor Snyder? Hey…I guess this one was a little political…see what noodling can do for you?
Even millionaires want to be taxed more…
Well…this will be a short one but I think it is an important development in the ongoing tax nonsense by the repubs…the other day, a bunch of millionaires tried to get to the deficit “supercommittee” and ask them to tax them more…I was shocked but heartened when I heard this…maybe some of the rich do have consciences….and maybe there are some people in his country that are finally starting to think? I think that the repubs are going to be in for a big surprise next year in the elections….this country is starting to wake up to their ruinious tactics and their fealty to Grover Norquist and his anti-tax pledge. But, one thing I do fear is that the dems have not learned anything and will give in again to the repubs extortion..then, the only hope will be winning the election and reversing what happens over the next couple of months.
Oh, one other thing, I am starting to hope that the supreme court will overturn the healthcare law…then we can go back to the best idea…a single payer system that will allow us to cut the insurance companies and their egregious profits out of the equation…that will save 20% right from the start….
More Snyder taxes on the people…
Well…the latest move by our gov here in Michigan is another slap in the face for the working people here…in case you haven’t heard, his latest proposal to transfer all of the tax burden here to the people of Michigan comes in the form of a proposal to pay for all of the road improvements that are sorely needed by raising the fee to register a car here by $160 per car. Yep, you heard it right…he wants to install another regressive tax on individuals in this state that can’t even afford what the fee is now…and this will be in addition to the current fees that can run upwards of $200 per car. All of this to raise 1.4 billion dollars that is necessary to fix our roads….all this after he raised the taxes of everyone but corporations…all of this after he gave away 1.3 billion dollars to corporations to create jobs…and guess who doesn’t own cars? So, all of the damage being done to the roads by trucks that carry to goods for corporations is going to be paid for by you and me? What does he want next….for us to build factories and offices for them? Oh, that’s right…we’re already doing that with the 1.3 billion in tax cuts that you and I are paying for….can you say class warfare again? Geez…
Where are the jobs Governor Snyder?
Musings about politics and other things…
Well….when are we, as a people, going to stop allowing billionaires to buy elections…when are we going to climb out from under the thumb of banks and business and take our country back…when are we going to find the principles that made this country great and start living by them again? I am edging up on the concept of civil disobedience as useful tool to combat the nonsense from the right and their owners…what if everyone took a month off from paying their mortgages; what would the banks do? What if we all come out and tell the politicians we want an ideology free set of solutions that are based in the science of economics; not the failed “gut feel” economics that the right is pushing? What if we said no to more tax cuts? What if we said yes to paying more in taxes to help get the country out of this mess? What if we boycott any company that sends even one more job out of the country? What if we stop this warfare on working people and support the unions who are the last line of defense for the middle class?
There are so many things that we can and need to do to make this country better…not just for the rich but for all of us but it won’t happen on it’s own…it’s time for all of us to say enough of going backward and saying what we can’t do…what if we become aspirational again? We need to think big again…there is more than enough money for it here….we just need to get it back from the right wing thieves who have stolen it all over the past 20 years….geez…