Tag Archives: tea party

The repubs punch the tea party in the face…

Well…if there was any doubt that the repubs have been cynically using the tea party to consolidate their traditional power, the punch in the face on the trade bills should put that doubt to rest. In the last couple of days, the repub controlled house and the senate repubs all voted against the wishes of the tea party and approved trade agreements with Columbia, South Korea, and others that was one of the key reasons for the tea party’s existence. How do you feel now tea party? It’s what I have said here many times that these folks in the tea party were just being used by the billionaires and business to get a compliant congress that would give them whatever they want…no matter that these agreement will cost many, many, jobs here and most of them will be from people that make up the tea party. With these agreements, the real power behind the tea party has been exposed for what it is…just the rich, powerful and business stealing more and more from the rest of us…geez…

Nice job conservatives….austerity in a recession does not work…

Well…this is going to be a quick hitter for now….as the world has been gripped by the nonsense of the right across the world that austerity is the right path to take in a recession, we have started to see what the results of these programs are in Europe and they mirror the slowdown here in the US. I cant wait to say that Keynes is right and has always been right…the proper path to take in a recession is to continue to stimulate until the economy’s growth is self sustaining by the increase in demand that comes with rising incomes. It’s not really that complicated and it works every time when there are educated adults in charge….that are not so ideologically driven as the right is here….and since the austerity program was enacted first in Europe, the troubling slowdown in France and Germany that is happening now is what we can expect here, too…nonsense, nonsense, nonsense….thank you tea party….geez…

How do you like the tea party now?

Well….the stock market tanked today and the damage is spread across the world….since the tea party terrorists started the whole debt ceiling nonsense, the dow has lost almost 20% and you and I and everyone else that didn’t vote for those idiots have paid real money for their ignorance and stupidity. How do you folks that voted for these idiots feel now? The entire blame for the damage done to our country should be laid at the feet of these so-called patriots and we need to ensure that they are all one term congressmen….or impeach the lot of them for malfeasance and for shirking their oath to the constitution. I am almost speechless…nope, I am speechless…geez…

Another trillion dollar tea party tax…

Well….I hope you’ve had a chance to see that what I predicted last week with interest rates rising for the first leg of the tea party tax on the middle class has happened and there is a new leg to that story that is occurring as we speak….the Dow is down almost 400 hundred points and that means any of us that have 401K’s or IRA’s (and that is most of us) have just paid another trillion dollars for the tea party nonsense that held up raising the debt ceiling. Yep, but you shouldn’t be surprised…the republicans are always wrong on the economy…every fricking thing they do is the exact opposite of what should be done…and remember, it was the tea partiers led by Michelle Bachmann that wanted the US to default on it’s obligations and truly believed that there would be no effect…what do you say now Michelle?…what do you say now Cantor? Geez…what idiots….

Oh, one last thing, where are the jobs Boehner?

Another trillion dollar transfer to the rich…

Well…by now you’ve heard that S&P has downgraded the US credit rating and I can’t figure out if the tea partiers are the most stupid bunch of politicians in the history of this country or they are the most brilliant…running the longest and most Machiavellian con ever on the American people. With this downgrade, the cost of borrowing for everyone who has a mortgage, credit card, or car loan is going to go up with the cost to the entire economy being almost a trillion dollars over time. Now you could call the tea partiers stupid for making this happen with their antics on the debt ceiling debate (and the failure to consider raising taxes was one of the primary factors in the downgrade)….but I see a darker theme….and I’m going to wade into the swamp of conspiracy theory here for a lark. What if this is what they planned all along? Who benefits from higher interest rates? The rich and corporations who make money lending….so the tea partiers won’t have tax increases on the rich, then with their nonsense in the debate, they essentially raise taxes on everyone else by the higher interest rates that result from the downgrade. They’ve taken another trillion dollars out of the middle class and given it to the rich and corporations….now who is going to buy the goods and services that keeps the economy moving? Stupid, Stupid, stupid….

Delusions on the right…..

Well…in some of the reporting today, it appears that one of the greatest sticking points in this whole debt debate for the righties is they won’t agree to anything unless there is a constitutional amendment to balance the budget included in any deal…even though this “cut, cap, and balance” plan passed the house, both the senate and Obama have said that this legislation is dead on arrival in either the senate or the president’s desk. Even if this absurd amendment to the constitution were to pass both houses with the required 2/3 majority, it still has to go to the states for ratification; a process that will take years and that has about as much chance to pass as a return to prohibition. So, these idiots want to put the entire US economy on hold while they live their delusions that they never have to compromise and should get everything they want even though the majority of America does not agree with them? Even John McCain has called out these morons on the delusional state of their thinking….but that is what you get America when you believe anything the right tells you…..and I agree with McCain when he says the tea party folks are lying to the country when they say that their agenda is even possible….I’m not sure if the lie is deliberate or if they are just so ignorant of how the founders wanted the government to work that they think a minority in one house can set the entire agenda for the country…doesn’t work that way…

The new religion of the right…

Well..just had this thought come to me while I was reading some of the online papers this morning but I’m not going to finish it now…just a little teaser to get you to come back…yep, not fair I know, but the idea is not fully formed yet. Here’s the question or premise…Doesn’t the right’s and tea party’s new found reverence for an unchanging constitution look like a fundamentalist religion to anyone else?

This one is not forming up as I hoped but I going to take a swing at it anyway…as it is quite well know,n most of the tea partiers; and most of the people that identify themselves as religious conservatives have beliefs that interpret the bible as literally the word of god…with no interpretation necessary or wanted. Things like the age of the earth being being around 6,00 years, that evolution is not possible because it contradicts the story of Adam and Eve…and many other stories are taken as fact by this group. I see the same type of blind faith being constructed in their interpretation of the constitution as being absolute and only taken in the context of the time it was written; not in the context of the present and a guideline for the society..purposely written vaguely to allow for growth. The question I have is “do they like to not have to think?” The true believers think all of the answers are in the bible and they never change or need to change since they are the word of god. No thinking necessary to apply the bible…just do what it says and everything will be okay. Now, the tea partiers are doing the same about the constitution…genuflecting to the document in every action they take with an unhealthy propensity to ignore the nuance of life and the varying interpretations that come with it…and to force their interpretation of in on the rest of us…just like they do about religion. I think this is a troubling development for our society…zealots of any kind lead to repression of those who don’t think like them…geez….

If you had any doubt….

Well…it didn’t take long for my predictions on the impact of the November elections to begin to be seen….we have all of the tea partiers that were elected hiring lobbyists as their chiefs of staff along with bellying up to the trough to see how much money they can grab from business and lobbyists…nevermind that their primary reason for being elected was to “change” the way things are done in Washington…yep, they changed it alright…from one pocket to the other. Do you feel betrayed yet tea partiers? And, all of this is happening even before they take office…do you think there won’t be strings attached to this money? How is that changey thing working out for you folks? This is identical to what the repubs did to the Christian right in the 90′s…they mobilized them to get elected and then just ignored them; just another piece of evidence that these repubs are a bunch of two-faced liars that will say anything to use their constiuents to get elected and then kneel to their real masters….business and the rich.

We can see this philosophy easily and starkly in the statements of the incoming chair of the House financial committee, Spencer Bachus, who stated: “Washington and regulators are there to serve the banks”….just remember what this kind of thinking did to the country over the last 10 years… but that is the problem…no one remembers who it was that championed the business take all strategy….it was the repubs folks…and you think it was bad before….this next two years is going to make the meltdown look like kindergarten….geez….

A “Target Rich” environment…

Well…It might have been a good idea to keep the posts to a minimum over the weekend…events of today have made me laugh like a hyena…and so this one is going to be a two or three parter, or it’s going to have more than one subject..is it cheating to do that? Nope…these topics are related, in my mind anyway and I hope the absurdity of them makes you laugh, too..or cry…I was on the fence with my reaction.

The first part is the “revelation” that the newly-elected tea partiers have started to suckle at the teat of the K street lobbyists even before they are sworn in, never mind the pledge they made to change the “culture” of Washington…but it’s just a continuation of the tried and true conservative strategy of saying one thing to get elected and then laughing at the people that voted for them by voting against their constituent’s interests. What did you people that voted for these hypocrites expect? That they would be principled? that they gave a damn about you? No, these types are all about privilege and power as an end to itself…and duping the “little people” is all part of the game.

Next, is a subject that I have been shouting about for months now….and that is the blatant theft that the repubs are engaging in for the richest 2% of Americans…but I hesitate to call them Americans….they are not. They are just a greedy cadre that have learned the lessons of banana republics everywhere…those in power steal all they can with utter disregard for the people and the health of their society…and I am calling out the repubs here as I always will since they have elevated this theft to an art form…and their cynicism is breathtaking in holding up UI benefits for the middle class so they can bust the budget and give the proceeds to the rich. They are doing this when federal employees have just had their pay frozen for two years…and do you hear these middle-class people bitching about it…no, the consensus, at least from the comments I’ve read, is that they want to do their part to help in these tough economic times. The strange coincidence is that they are forgoing around 3% of pay increases in the next two years and if the Bush tax cuts are let to expire for the rich, they would pay about 3% more in taxes. Now, we can see who the real Americans are..those who think of more than enriching themselves, who think that everyone should do their part to help, and who don’t have an entire political party focused on stealing for them. Geez….

This is their idea of the constitution…

Well..if you’ve been reading or watching the news over the last couple of days, you’ve seen some quite disturbing behavior by some of the tea party candidates whose reason for running has been their respect of the constitution. Oh, really? Let’s start with Joe Miller who is running for senate from Alaska. This lying jerk (he admitted he is a liar the other day) couldn’t take a non-Fox reporter trying to ask him questions so he had his goon squad (he calls them bodyguards) handcuff and detain the reporter in what they called a “citizens arrest”; and the local sheriff had to come and rescue the guy. So, I guess ole Joe believes in the first amendment only when it suits him…but that shouldn’t surprise us since he has stated his admiration for the East German communist regime because “they knew how to handle illegal immigration”; but what this idiot clearly doesn’t care to know is that it was not immigration but emigration that they could handle well…with something called the Berlin Wall and shooting anyone who tried to leave.

Then, we have the “volunteer” from Rand Paul’s campaign who was shown on video stomping on the neck of a person from Moveon.org who was trying to ask Paul a question and was set upon by the mob that was at the rally. These are the kinds of thugs that are part of the tea party and are who you are going to have on your conscience if you vote for them. I guess the only people that have rights in their vision of America are those that agree with them…watch out the rest of us.

Then, we have Sharron Angle from Nevada…the tea party darling…who has said that if she doesn’t win the election, then there may have to be “Second Amendment remedies” for her loss…yep, she is proposing armed insurrection to “take back our country” if the people don’t want to vote for her. Another constitutional scholar from the right that uses the constitution as a political prop but doesn’t believe in it….don’t these people look like the bullies that tortured you when you were in school? I, for one, don’t want a bunch of thugs representing me or being anywhere near me….geez…