Well…just a short one a little article that just came over Twitter about the student loan debacle…in case you haven’t heard, the interest rate on student loans is set to double if the senate doesn’t do something about it in the next week or so….and the dems had a perfectly reasonable plan to pay for it by cutting some corporate subsidies and tax loopholes for the rich..but, in typical fashion, the repubs are protecting these tax giveaways and have basically said to all the students that have loans to go to hell…they would rather have students pay more tax (and that is what it is is a tax and the extra money goes straight to the big banks) than to have the rich folks pay their fair share. I just can’t believe…oh, wait…I can believe the repubs would do that…it just shows they don’t give a damn about anyone but their donors…geez…
Tag Archives: republicans
Haven’t been doing much thinking lately…
Well…it’s been tough lately to think about anything of any importance and I’m not sure why my brain has shut down….I seem to have lost my sense of outrage or maybe it is that I have finally resigned myself to the crazy state of this country where we have a tiny minority of crazies who are ruining it for everyone…bridges falling down, potholes as big as my Miata, and children going hungry seem to be acceptable now. When the hell did this happen? I think it’s the result of the “I’ve got mine” attitude of the repubs here in the US and the fact that they don’t believe there should be any government..or that the purpose of government is to be subservient to business and do what will make more and more profit for the 1%. Yeah, maybe that’s it…when we have millions of people out of work, millions of college grads flipping burgers, and million of people like me that can’t find work of any kind…and no one seems to give a damn…maybe that’s why I don’t anymore….who knows?
No one does stupid like the repubs…
Well…have been thinking about doing a weekly series on the abject stupidity coming out of the repubs these days, and that may happen, but I just think I’ll do this one first and see how it goes…not sure if you know but there is still a huge controversy going on in Alabama where the repub idiots there are spending most of their time trying to get around court decisions that outlaw teaching creationism in their schools…and one of the reasons that was used in the debate why evolution just can’t be true is that no one has been able to take an e-coli bacteria and make it evolve into a human in a laboratory…yep, I am not making this up…this was suggested by one of the elected repubs there…man, the stupid runs deep in Alabama.
The second bit of stupid goes out to all of the repub governors who have decided that the poor residents of their states do not deserve any type of healthcare and have rejected the Medicaid expansion that would be paid for by the feds…and the funny part (well..none of this is funny) is that it has been calculated that rejecting this expansion is going to cost these states almost 9 billion dollars in uncompensated care that these idiots are going to end up paying for anyway….so, to recap, cover all your people for free, or cost your states billions….which would a smart person choose?…as always, it just all ideology to these idiots…and poor people pay…geez…
Why do repubs hate women so much?
Well…you know that I’ve talked about the continuing lack of respect for womens rights that oozes from the repubs daily from the 967 laws that have been introduced in repub controlled legislatures to limit womens access to abortion and even to contraception over the past year…and, with these idiots, you knew there would be new attacks. The latest is the hand wringing over the fact that some married women make more money than their husbands and the repubs are blaming this fact for all of the ills in society and they think this is the reason that men are being marginalized…if they are. My thoughts are that, yeah, on the right a woman earning more than a man is a huge problem…on the left, not so much. But, the whole thing comes down to the control that men on the right think they should have over the women in their lives and they are threatened that if they continue to be the mistreating assholes they are, the woman in their life that has the means to kick him to curb, will. It’s just about fear of change that these guys can’t take….it’s one thing that I taught my children over the years is that men and women are equal…period…no discussion on that point..just wish the idiot repubs would do the same…geez…
Republicans are the biggest damn hypocrites…
Well…I can’t say I was surprised the other day when I read about two of the repub thugs who are driving the cuts to food stamps for the poor are also farmers who have received millions in crop subsidies and other benefits from the government. Stephen Fincher from Tennessee and Doug LaMalfa from California are the idiots who see their corporate welfare as being a good thing since it “saved their farms” but they can’t see that cutting food stamps is not such a good thing for all of the working poor and veterans that depend on them to keep from going hungry. In Fincher’s case, his family has received over 3 million dollars in subsidies over the past 15 years while LaMalfa’s family has received over 5 million dollars in that same time frame…what happened to the “free market” that the repubs worship? If these farms can’t survive without subsidies, then they shouldn’t be in business according to every repub in the country and then we can use the millions and millions to ensure that people in this country don’t starve….what a bunch of hypocrites…geez…
The war on women is still on in Virginia…
Well…I thought I’d heard it all from Virgina with the attacks on womens rights coming fast and furious with mandated vaginal ultrasounds, personhood for embryos…and the rest of the right wing hooey…but, they are still at it…with the nominee for AG there being the author of a bill that would require any woman that has a miscarriage to report it to police within 24 hours and then put her grief aside and be interviewed by police so they can file a report on it…if she doesn’t, she faces a year in jail and 2500 dollar fine…I am just speechless how mean these repub bastards are and how little respect they have for a woman that has just gone through this terrible thing….not much else to say….geez….
Impeach, impeach, impeach…
Well…if you were unsure yet that the repubs in the house are stupid, ignorant, know-nothings…you just have to listen to the bleating that is coming from them on all of the “scandals” that have arisen in the past few months and now, they have started to talk impeachment of Obama for “high crimes and misdemeanors”…but not one of them know what the hell that phrase even means let alone that no impeachable offenses even happened. One of the leaders of the impeachment crazy chorus is the really, really stupid Jason Chaffetz who came out, with a straight face even, and said that because he thinks that Obama lied about Benghazi, it is an impeachable offense…oh, really? When it is clear that no one lied, conspired or did anything else wrong other than the repubs cutting the budget for diplomatic security? If lying to the American people is an impeachable offense, where the hell were the impeachment chorus when Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest lied us into a war and cost over 4,000 American lives? I really do hope they keep going down this path since every time they open their mouths their stupidity is further revealed and they lose more and more support from the independents they need to win elections…I have resigned myself to the next two years of nothing but this crap…but then we take back the house and these crying babies can go to hell….can’t come too soon…geez…
Ignorance, certainty, and meanness…
Well….the only thing I’ve been doing today is thinking…and reading some too, and one of the things that popped into my head was the three words that describe the modern repubs…ignorance, certainty, and meanness….if you just listen to these folks for one minute (I know that’s hard), you will hear their ignorance all day, every day…ignorance in economics, ignorance in science, ignorance in biology…hell, ignorance in everything and they are damn proud of it….one example of their certainty is on global warming where 97% of all science done over the past 20 years confirms that we are changing our planet by burning fossil fuels….but, you still have the repubs all saying that they are certain that climate change is a “UN sponsored fraud” and that all of the studies that say the climate is changing are done by liberal tree huggers….then, there is the meanness for no reason…the latest budget that Paul Ryan is proposing cuts off food stamps for 20 million Americans I guess since eating is a character flaw that the poor need to be taught is their fault….and these thugs are still using the fake study by Rogoff to justify cutting programs that keep people alive…even though the deficit is projected to be over 200 billion less than initially projected….just plain meanness and that is all it is….geez…
The real Benghazi scandal…
Well….with all of the repub outrage over Benghazi when there was never really any there there…we now have a real scandal but it is one that can be pinned on the repubs…late last week, ABC news reported on the “smoking gun” e-mails that were supposed to show that there was some sort of coverup by the WH..of what, no one is really sure, and the funny thing is that this was before the e-mails were released by the WH…so this means that some member of Congress must have given them to ABC…and the even worse thing is that the e-mails were doctored by someone (read repubs) to make it appear that there was a coverup…so, what we have is that these thugs are using the deaths of four Americans for pure partisan reasons and when the facts don’t support their narrative, they just lie and continue on as if their lies are the truth….now here is a real scandal that ole Issa should be investigation…oh, wait, that will never happen…the repubs don’t want the truth they just want the black guy gone….geez…
The only thing you need to know about the IRS “scandal”
Well…the repubs have raised hypocrisy to an even new level over the past couple of days with their insistence that the IRS scrutinizing some right wing non profits is the same as Watergate…and Obama should be impeached….yada, yada…what the hell is it with these guys? I really hate to bring up ole GW since he is better off unseen and unheard, but not one repub said a word when progressive groups were targeted when ole GW was in office…and, the head of the IRS during these operations that the repubs are bitching so much about was a GW appointee….this crap is nothing more than a continuation of the throw everything at Obama with as much pretend outrage as they can muster and hope that no one notices they aren’t doing one damn thing to help put people back to work or to solve the college loan crisis or, or, or…and on and on….what a bunch of idiots…geez…