Tag Archives: republicans

The family values, integrity party?

Well…I had been watching the SC house race with Mark Sandford with some interest and also with some incredulity since he was so close through the race. I can’t understand…no, let’s change that…I do understand how his getting elected could happen…it is the same cynical political crap that runs through the repub party….everyone should be held to a high standard when running for office unless it is a repub…and we see the worst of this crap here….we have ole Mark…the cheater, the liar, the thief, the trespasser running on a platform of family values and the ignorant masses in SC only seeing that he is against the black man in the WH…what a bunch of hypocrites the repubs are these days…so, the next time they say a word about the foibles of any dem…just repeat Sandford, Sandford, Sandford, over and over again until it becomes a mantra….I know SC deserves this idiot…but why do the sane among us have to put up with his crap?….geez…

Mourning is over..

Well…the mourning period is over and I do need to get done with a political one….so that’s what I’ll do…I find it heartening that the poll numbers of all of the repubs that voted against sensible background check legislation have hit the tank with drops of 10 to 20% and the spin has started with the idiot Kelley Ayotte trying to lie her way out by saying she voted for the legislation…and that is a big lie…what the hell do they expect when 90% of the country is for the legislation and the repubs ignored their constituents to vote for their owners at the NRA….

The purge continues across the country when any repub comes out in favor of all citizens having the same rights whether they are gay or not, or they are brown or black….I think the repubs should enjoy this next two years since they are setting themselves up for being the permanent minority party…and we need to help them along at the state level, especially here in Michigan so we can repair the damage these thugs are doing here…okay…that’s enough for now…not feeling it really, but I gave it a try…

The repubs are officially nuts…

Well…have been having little snippets of news percolate over the past few days and the result is finally clear…the repubs are officially nuts…this whole thing started with the NRA convention and the suggestion from one of the speakers that the best place to store your guns is in the kids room since that is the place you will run to when the big, bad boogieman breaks into your house…and that is going to happen next week so you better get to it….next, at the same convention of the delusional, we have another one of the “brains” there organizing an armed march on DC where he wants all of the “patriots” to bring their loaded assault rifles and march into the city to provoke an armed response so it will justify the “armed revolution” that these idiots just know is coming….and, this morning, I read of a poll that shows that more than 44% of repubs think that an armed revolution will be necessary in the next few years to protect their “liberties”…but not one of these abject morons could name one liberty that has been taken away….what the hell is it with these people? Are they just too stupid to know that all of this crap is just nonsense? I do hope these folks march on DC and every one of them is arrested…then they will have a felony on their records and can no longer own guns…crazy like this just shouldn’t be armed…geez…

They grow them crazy in NH…

Well…just reading a little article about this crazy assed NH republican rep who has been leading the charge for the nuts on the right regarding the Boston bombings saying last week that it was an “inside job” done by the Obama administration to justify taking away all guns…yeah, I know…no reality here…but today, she went even more crazy trying to support her absolute nuttiness by saying that of course it was an inside job since in the the pictures of a guy with his legs blown off, he didn’t appear to be in shock or screaming in pain…so it must be an inside job! What the worst excuse for a human being this piece of crap is…oh, her name is Stella Tremblay…give her a call to let her know just how big of a piece of crap she is….geez…

Beyond stupid republicans…

Well…I am just amazed how these idiots ever got elected….another really, really stupid repub from SC has now proposed legislation that would eliminate the government from calculating any data that has to do with the economy…yep, you heard it right, this moron has proposed that the census department only be allowed to count how many people there are in the US…so say goodbye to unemployment numbers, GDP numbers, housing numbers, and every other statistic that every business in the US uses to make business decisions, like whether to hire, whether to invest in new equipment, how to invest, etc, etc, etc….and the reason for it? This absolute idiot is afraid that the federal government is collecting data that will be used to round people up and put them into camps when the UN comes to take over the country. I really have nothing more to add….people this stupid would end up digging ditches or raking leaves when I was growing up…not screwing up the whole country..geez…

Okay, gonna cheat…

Well…needing one more to get the goal for the month…I am going to cheat a little and just free-form it a little and see what happens…it seems that there is a lull in politics right now other than the disdain that the repubs have for the cuts to programs for poor children that have come from the sequester…they are just fine with letting poor kids starve, but if one rich guy has to stand in line at the airport for an extra half hour, we just can’t have that…so they restore the cuts to aviation and propose cutting food stamps more to pay for it….have there ever been a more evil bunch than the repubs now in congress? Then, we have the idiots that voted against background checks and we now have the NRA running ads thanking them? Against the 90% of their constituents that wanted them? I am tired of having to wait years to have these idiots pay for it at the ballot box…but, keep it up repubs…people are starting to notice and you will pay the next time….what else? Nothing right now….just trying to hit the number…might be back to add to this one later if I think of something…

More ALEC nonsense…

Well…as the days go by, the repubs and their buddies at ALEC continue to dream up more mischief to inflict upon this country and I am getting damn tired of it….the latest is the raft of so-called “conscience” laws that are being proposed in Washington state and here in Michigan….in case you haven’t heard, these laws would allow anyone to discriminate against anyone they don’t like if it is a “deeply held religious belief”….but you know the true purpose behind it is to allow them to discriminate against gays….but, how much further could it go? How about your religion doesn’t allow mixed race marriages so any mixed race couple that comes into your shop or restaurant can be turned away….or your religion doesn’t allow women to drive so you can refuse to sell them gas? It is just another nightmare coming out of the supposed party of “freedom”…they can’t pass anything that would get the economy moving but they have all of the time in the world to try to take away hard fought rights….I just can’t believe this crap….geez…

The republicans are just mean bastards…

Well…I am just shaking my head today with the pattern of meanness that is erupting from the repub controlled legislatures across this country…from pinning poor families assistance to how their 8 year old performs in school in Tennessee to the draconian restrictions on womens rights that have happened in Arkansas and other midwestern states, to the new bit of mischief here in Michigan where they have passed a blatantly unconstitutional law that will force those that receive assistance here to pass drug tests and lose their benefits if they fail the tests…no matter that those on assistance actually use drugs less than the general population, these mean bastards are just continuing being the pricks that they are and picking on those that can’t fight back. As I wrote in an earlier post, it is just that these pricks are bullies and love pushing people around…I know they are pushing these new tests saying they will save the state a lot of money…but, before the law in Florida was declared unconstitutional, it was found that no one was failing the tests and it COST the state money to no effect…just because these pricks think poor people should be punished for being poor. I am amazed that they have so much time to pass all of this anti-people, anti-union, and anti-retiree laws but don’t have a bit of time to pass any jobs legislation…oh, other than tax cuts for the rich that they think is the solution to every problem…geez…

More hypocrisy and nonsense from the repubs…

Well…have been thinking about this one since last night when I heard of the repubs new talking points on why they rejected expanded background checks for gun purchases…but, first, I wanted to talk about the latest bout of hypocrisy…a breathtaking one, at that, that is coming out of the rpubs these days…you have to remember how many of these teabagger idiots voted against aid for the victims of the storm Sandy on the east coast using excuses upon excuses to punish the supposedly “liberal” east coast for whatever crazy-assed fevered reason they had….and now, we have these same teabagger idiots like Ted Cruz immediately asking for federal aid for the people affected by the fertilizer plant explosion and asking that it be done quickly with no offsets or cuts in spending that ole Eric Cantor asked for for the Sandy victims. The worst part here is that these idiots don’t see the irony in their positions and go their merry way using the government to punish those that will never vote for them.

Oh, the nonsense…the latest talking points that are coming out of the repubs on the rejection of background checks is just as breathtakingly stupid as it can be…it goes something like this: Since the background checks wouldn’t catch every person that shouldn’t have a gun, then we shouldn’t pass any law about them…yep, that’s right, if a law is not airtight it shouldn’t be passed…using that logic, there is no reason to pass any law that criminalizes any behavior….since people still murder, there should be no laws that make it illegal, since people still rob banks, there should be no law against it…you get the point…what a bunch of stupid maroons….maybe if we can ridicule these guys for their stupidity, more people will see it and start to vote them out…we can only hope….geez….

Republicans are just bullies…

Well…as I was sitting here thinking a little this morning, a thunderbolt hit me…well, maybe some static electricity, not sure, but the idea that crystallized was that you can reduce all repub behavior to one thing: they are just bullies and love bullying people that can’t fight back. They bully gay people by trying to deprive them of their rights, they bully voters by making it harder and harder to vote, they bully 90% of the country when they gloat (I’m talking to you McConnell you dick,), that they have defeated Obama again on sensible gun regulation, they bully all minorities when you have ole Scalia saying voting rights are a “racial entitlement” and they bully the entire country when they ignore the will of the people and vote to reward their corporate owners at every turn. When this popped into my head, I immediately went to what happened here in Michigan when they stole the retirement income of seniors to give to corporate ceos and they just didn’t give a damn that a large majority of the state didn’t want them to do it….they take politics not as a way to better the lives of all people here in the US, but a game to be “won” by being the pricks and bullies that they are…I am tired of this crap and I think the majority of the people (except for other bullies) want it to stop…and I think we can stop it in 2014…I can’t wait…geez…