Category Archives: Politics

Snyder tries to shift the blame for Flint…

Well…with the hearings going on in congress about the screwups that led to Flint residents being poisoned with lead…we see the typical repub response from our governor Snyder that it was the “bureaucrats” in his administration that were responsible for the crisis…of course not him, even though he knew a year before he acknowledged it that there were problems in Flint. But, the most sick thing was his trying to shift the blame to the EPA, basically saying that they should have known that Snyder’s administration was poisoning people in Flint and should have stopped them…imagine what that would mean for criminal defendants if this crap was allowed to excuse this behavior….a murder suspect could just say “hey, you guys didn’t stop me from murdering so it’s not my fault…it’s the fault of the bureaucrats in the police department….” And, as you know, these guys are so big on “personal responsibility” until it gets down to them…then, anyone and everyone is responsible but them…especially the government…the repubs on the committee again tried to have it both ways, too, saying that the EPA should regulate  more what states can do…when, just a week ago, they were complaining that the EPA is destroying the economy by too much regulation and the states should be able to do what they want without interference from the EPA. Typical repub behavior that killed people and put thousands at risk…but they never have any responsibility for it..even when they control the entire government of Michigan…what a bunch of liars…geez…

Two bad prosecutors are gone…

Well….I know the attention in yesterday’s elections was on the presidential races, but there were two wonderful things that happened in down ballot races that I just had to comment on…first, Anita Alvarez, the prosecuting attorney of Cook county in Illinois was beaten in a landslide in her re-election race. This is the person who deliberately sided with the police in clear cut cases of wrongdoing by the cops…in one case, deliberately mis-charging an off duty cop who fired his weapon into a crowd, killing a woman that was just walking down the street…who later got off with no penalty due to her manipulation of the process…the second good outcome of the elections yesterday was the rejection of the corrupt prosecutor of Cuyahoga County in Ohio who did his best to protect the cop that shot 12 year old Tamir Rice less than two seconds after he rolled up in his squad car…ignoring the independent assessment of a state judge that said the officer should be charged with killing Tamir….and it got worse from there where this idiot, Tim McGinty did everything in his power to throw the case and make sure the cop wouldn’t be charged….all I say is good riddance to two people who are the poster children for what is wrong with our justice system…I hope the new prosecutors keep their thumbs off the scales of justice and follow the law…geez…

Bye, bye, little Marco….

Well…as expected, Little Marco Rubio got his butt kicked in his home state last night…winning only the county he lives in…which led to him dropping out of the race…and the concession speech was one that turned my stomach…where he decried the coarsening of the campaign by the rhetoric that was, to be generous, trashy on the right…something he was partially responsible for with his dick jokes at the last debate. But, the worst part was his invoking of god 30 times during the speech…saying that god said it was just not his time…now, if this idiot truly believes that god has a hand in an of this, then god must want the Donald to win since he is far ahead of everyone else and looks like he will get the nomination. To go back a little farther and extend this line of thinking, then god must have wanted Obama to win, too, since he won two terms….how does that square with the right’s supposed monopoly on god’s good graces? Just glad this little empty suit is going to be nowhere near the presidency….he’s never done any job he was elected to, and the presidency would be no different…geez….

Little Marco’s 2.1 GPA…

Well….have been reading a lot lately as I try to recover from this darn bug and ran across a funny little tidbit of information that describes Little Marco Rubio to a T…..some enterprising reporter was digging through his past and found his high school transcripts and the GPA he achieved explained a lot of what we see today….now, a 2.1 GPA is nothing spectacular…that’s just a bit better than a C and really shows that his backers who think he is a brilliant person or politician have got it all wrong…I mean a C average? Cripes I had a 3.4 average and I skipped 46 days in my junior year while I was working full time….what this makes me think is of the consistency of his lack of effort in everything he has ever done…skipping his job in the Florida legislature and then skipping his duties in the US senate…and half heartedly campaigning for president….depending on his rich backers and the next big thing he is going to do to ensure he does his present job in a half-assed way he has done everything in his life….now, to base an evaluation of this guys entire life on his high school GPA is not something I would normally do, but when he continues that same slacker mentality through everything he has ever done, it is one part of the puzzle that shows he is not a serious person….just another grifter looking for the next payday…geez…

Some good news….

Well…haven’t done a political one in a while since the crap that is going on over on the repub side has just gotten to be too much for me to follow…I mean, a presidential candidate telling his followers to beat up people they don’t agree with?  With that, there is no room for any policy discussion on that side but we’ve heard it all…tax cuts for the rich…blah, blah…so I guess we don’t really have to hear any more….but, there was one bit of good news that came out of a national poll on the general election that was released the other day…and that is that either Bernie or Hillary would beat Drumpf by about 10 points with Bernie doing a little better….and those numbers are sure to go up as people hear more from the idiot….how far has the repub party fallen since I was young….when we had people like Vandenberg, and Ford and Bill Milliken….and now we have Drumpf, Cruz, and Rubio….have never seen a worse set of no talent hacks in my life….geez..

The rule of law only applies to Dems in Kansas…

Well….I was going to write about the demise of ole Marco today but there have been new happenings in Kansas that I just needed to comment on…if it wasn’t bad enough that repub control of the state has left it’s finances in tatters with the huge tax cuts to the rich and business…it is so bad there that the supreme court of Kansas told the repub controlled legislature that the cuts they made to the schools there are unconstitutional…but did they respond by abiding by the court ruling and fixed their failing schools? Of course not, they are repubs after all and they just KNOW that the law doesn’t apply to them….so, they just passed a new law there that says that if any judge in any court disagrees with the legislature…even if the law they pass is blatantly unconstitutional…that judge can be put in jail…yep, you heard that right…the party that screams constitution this and constitution that has just shown that all of that bleating is just the bullshit we all know it is….and they only care about naked power and ideology and that is what we would see if these folks ever take over the presidency…..I just don’t know what to say about the repubs these days other than they are the biggest danger that this nation has ever seen…and they need to go back to the rocks they crawled out from…geez…

Okay…have a correction…the judges can be impeached not put in jail…my mistake…

Michigan feels the “Bern”

Well…it was an interesting day yesterday in Michigan politics where Bernie beat Hillary by 4 points to win the Michigan primary. That was really a surprise given that the last poll in the race had Hillary ahead by almost 20 points and the pundits had written him off…weeks ago…but, one of the things that they didn’t count on was the record turnout on both the repub and dem side of the aisle….one of the biggest surprises was the makeup of the win for Bernie with many more people of color breaking for him that anyone predicted…that, along with an overwhelming win in the youngster vote put him over the top….not sure what that is going to mean with Hillary so far out ahead in the delegate count, and with her winning Mississippi….Bernie is still a long shot but he is pulling her back toward the traditional dem platform instead of the repub lite that she has been selling…better for the country for sure….go Bernie….

Some good omens from the court…

Well…with the death of Scalia a few weeks back, it appears that the conservative stranglehold on the supreme court is starting to weaken….and none too soon. This past week we saw the court basically slap down the conservative 5th circuit court that had allowed some draconian anti abortion legislation to take effect that would close all but one clinic in Louisiana….restrictions that are all but identical to those in Texas that made clinics that did no surgical abortions be brought to the same code as surgical centers and that required admitting privileges for doctors performing abortions…and that are before the court right now. And in that case, we saw the liberal justices on the court shred the arguments that Texas had for restricting a woman’s right to choose…telegraphing that the court is leaning toward throwing out the Texas laws as being too restrictive. It is somewhat gratifying that the liberals are dragging the court back to actually deciding cases based on the law, not on ideology that the conservatives had gotten away with as Scalia bullied the rest of the court….and that business has seen the writing on the wall that they won’t get everything they want from the court…as seen in Dow Chemical settling a price fixing case for almost a billion dollars since they understood that their bought and paid for shills, led by Scalia, could no longer give them the rulings they wanted…’s about time…geez…

A little politics…and more….

Well…it’s primary day here in Michigan and I’ve been out to vote…how about you? I know that the primaries are normally not too important, but this year there is a real choice on our side…even though Hillary is supposed to win today, I still went out and voted for Bernie….have like the guy since I heard him talk many years ago and his ideas line up better with mine than anyone elses do….it looks like Drumpf is going to win on the repub side but they are all so unlikable that I really just don’t care who wins on their side….I will do an update when the results are in tomorrow….oh, I was going to combine this one with one about the bike but being one behind, I think I’ll do the bike one on it’s own…so, this WAS a little politics…but just a little….more later…

Adults on the stage…

Well…if you have watched any of the debates lately, there can be no confusion about who the adults on the stage are…the repub debate was rife with dick jokes, personal insults, and braggadocio…while Bernie and Hillary had a spirited policy debate that showed that either one of them would be so vastly preferable to any repub that is still in the race. But the delusion on the right continues, that anyone from their “deep bench” is better than the dems…and have any chance to be elected in the fall…all we have to do is turn out and we get the presidency and the senate back….I just don’t want to hear any more Bernie supporters saying they will not vote if he is not nominated…don’t be idiots folks…and hand the election to the repubs just because you’re pissed…I’m a Bernie supporter, too…but any dem is better than the best of the repubs…geez…