Well…despite all his promises (lies), the idiot trump has not been able to save one job here in the US as the pace of offshoring has accelerated with the huge tax giveaway to corporations….so now, he is going to try to save jobs in China. The jobs in question are with a Chinese company called ZTE who makes mobile phones and other electronic devices…the only problem is that the company is under sanctions for selling American technology to the North Koreans and Iran. So now, the most lawless *president in the history of our country is going to favor a law breaking company for some damn reason…maybe to curry favor with the Chinese? Who the hell knows? trump thinks there is no need for the state department since he makes the “best deals” and he just doesn’t care at all for the rule of law….god, I am so tired of this crap…oh, and there have been 50 people killed in Gaza today protesting the move of the US embassy in Israel that the idiot trump made to make Netenyahu happy…so much winning….impeach…
Tag Archives: impeachment
Rudy got fired…ha, ha…
Well…if you have seen any news the past week or so, you saw the entirely deranged Rudy Giuliani on almost every show trying to protect the idiot trump but making his legal troubles much, much worse….and it now looks like that performance has gotten ole Rudy fired by the law firm he was working for. Now, they say he resigned but you and I know how that goes…”here’s the paperwork, now sign it and get the hell out.” No law firm that has clients of any importance could let their name be associated with the trump dumpster fire and Rudy boy did that….it is just so amazing that anyone who works for or with trump ends up losing almost everything and many of them are going to end up in jail…..so, I laughed at this one…being a partner in a prestigious firm is worth millions a year and now that is gone….I wonder how he’ll make up for it? I’ve heard that Michael Cohen has a slush fund that has millions of dollars running through it….or maybe he could sell a condo to a Russian oligarch…I think they have a lot of money….
It’s a slush fund…
Well…now we know a little bit more about why trump is so freaked out about the raid on Michael Cohen…it looks like he has been running a slush fund where corporations and Russian oligarchs have been pouring millions of dollars to buy influence with the idiot trump and his minions. I wonder if this is like the time they caught Obama’s personal attorney running a slush fund? Nope, that never happened in any administration but this one…well…Nixon’s, too, so I guess these idiots are in good company…the next question that will be answered is where did the money go? Just like the 100 million dollars from the inauguration slush fund that just disappeared, this money has to have gone somewhere and I wouldn’t be surprised if it ended up in trump’s pockets. One of the companies that were pouring cash in this slush fund was A T&T who just happened to want net neutrality repealed and just like magic, their 200K contribution got them just that….and there is a list of other companies that bought what they wanted by contributions…how much longer do we have to read about this rampant corruption every day? I am getting tired of the thinking of the ruins these assholes are going to leave when they are finally in jail where they belong….impeach…
How’s all that winning going?
Well…the fallout has started from the idiot in chief’s violating the Iran nuclear agreement by putting new sanctions on Iran…and the ink isn’t even dried on that piece of stupidity when Iran announced that it is cancelling almost 40 billion, yep, that’s BILLION, dollar order for planes from Boeing….and, according to the president of Boeing, it is going to destroy over 100,000 jobs that were needed to make those planes….How’s all that winning going trump voters? China is laughing all the way to the bank with that one since they are now the frontrunners to sell their new airliners to Iran to replace them. That’s not the only effect of this moronic move, on the Russian news shows this morning they are gleefully cheering on the US for violating the agreement since oil prices are soaring and that means billions of dollars more in their coffers…and higher gas prices here…up almost 20 cents a gallon this morning with more to follow. the rest of the signatories to the agreement have stated that no matter what the US does, they are staying with the agreement, leaving the US to do sanctions on their own which will never work. Stupidity, stupidity, stupidity….impeach….
Can’t think of anything…
Well…have been trying to think of a topic for today and I just can’t do it…so where do I go from here? Maybe just talk a little and see what happens? The idiot trump is going to announce that he is going to scuttle the Iran nuclear agreement today and I really can’t believe how stupid that is…they have lived up to all of the requirements and have stopped their nuclear weapons program but I guess that’s not enough for the morons running this country….the rest of the world is still going to abide by it so how are re-imposing sanctions going to work? Who the hell in their right mind is ever going to talk to the US again? Okay, that’s a lot of questions and I have only one answer…and that is no one…no one is going to believe a thing we say and the “greatest negotiator in the world” is going to get lots of people killed as he continues to screw up the middle east…and the rest of the world…god, I can’t wait until he’s gone….impeach…
This is just too funny…
Well…as you probably remember, the idiot trump was specifically told to stay away from Barbara Bush’s funeral since they didn’t want the worst person in the world (to steal from Keith Olbermann) anywhere near them…and now it has happened again. Just the other day, John McCain pointedly told trump to stay away from his funeral since he is in the end stages of brain cancer and is in the process of planning his. I find this to be just too damn funny and it must be just grinding on the narcissist in chief since he thinks everyone loves him….I just want any reporter to shout that at him and troll him a little…that would be fun….especially since Obama is invited….impeach….
Call them what they are…traitors…
Well…not sure if you’ve read about this or not, but the higher ups in both the FBI and the Justice Department think that the reason for the repubs in the House asking for documents from the Mueller investigation is to give them to the WH to help the idiot trump defend himself in his conspiracy with the Russians to steal the election….now let that sink in a minute…and now let’s replace idiot boy with any common thug criminal (which he is) and read that again…how would you feel if the House repubs were using their investigative power to get information from an ongoing investigation of crime by the mob, and then gave it to the mob boss being investigated? That’s exactly what is happening here and only a traitor to this country would undercut the Justice department from doing their job….especially since it involves a foreign power who has attacked our country and is continuing those attacks while every damn repub in power looks the other way or actively helps them by supporting the criminal in the WH. As I said yesterday, there is a reason for all of those House repubs trying to protect trump, they are in it up to their necks in Russian collusion just as he is…and some of them will be going to jail…just as he is…impeach…
“The Justice Department won’t be extorted”
Well….this is what it has come to in the repubs and the idiot trump’s administration….Rod Rosenstein, answering questions at a forum the other day said that…that the repubs in the House are trying to extort the Justice department into stopping the investigation in trump and his ongoing lawlessness…let that sink in for a minute….did you ever hear that about Obama’s administration? Nope, you sure as hell didn’t…and you never had Eric Holder having the threat of impeachment used against him to stop an investigation into Obama…what the hell is wrong with these people? I have a theory that the Russian collusion conspiracy goes way deeper than just trump and his campaign…and is going to dive into the heart of the repub party starting with Ryan and McConnell and going down to Nunes and the rest of the house repubs…after all, the NRA funneled over 30 million Russian dollars to repubs up and down the ticket and they are now hunkering down and getting ready to have all of their dirty laundry exposed to the public…and it is really, really dirty….impeach….
Trump just can’t keep his mouth shut…
Well…it has been a strange day so far and I can’t shake the feeling that it is Friday…and I can’t shake the feeling that we are only inches from the idiot boy trump doing his final meltdown….that was really, really evident today with his call in to his propaganda channel, fox news, and the consensus of people who have seen it is that he is “unhinged”….and even the folks on fox cut him off when they understood that he was getting into shaky legal territory with his meandering rant. That was confirmed when the US attorney that is working on the Cohen case filed a motion less than two hours later saying that since idiot boy said that Cohen only did a “tiny, tiny little fraction” of trump’s legal work, they should expedite the review of documents seized in the raid of Cohen’s home and offices…and that the documents are not likely to be protected by attorney-client privilege. That wasn’t the only thing the moron in chief said…he also confirmed he lied when he said he knew nothing about the Stormy Daniels hush money by saying that Cohen represented him when dealing with Daniels. I can see Daniel’s attorney just grinning since the idiot boy just can’t keep his mouth shut….I say keep it up, moron, prison is getting ever closer….impeach…
3 dollar a gallon gas is back..thanks, trump…
Well…I think I got lucky this morning when I decided to fill up the car at $2.69 a gallon and then noticed, when I was out on the bike, that the price has shot up to $2.95 a gallon…and since the repubs always blamed Obama for any price increases, I will do the same with the idiot trump…thanks, trump. Hey, trump voters, where’s your tax cut now? Just this price rise is over double what the tax cut was for most people…and when you couple it with the cost increases for health care that is entirely the doing of the repubs, you have been taken for the saps that you are. This doesn’t even factor in the nonsense on tariffs on Chinese steel that the Chinese have just responded to by raising tariffs on our crops by up to 156% which will put a bunch of farmers out of business this year. This is what you get when you put a moron in charge of economic policy who has no frickin clue what he is doing…cripes, he has no clue about anything…trump is just one of the most stupid people I have ever seen…and we are all paying the price for that stupidity…impeach…