Tag Archives: extortion

Extortion and bribery, too…

Well…if the NYT reporting is accurate, it looks like the idiot trump is on the hook for extortion and bribery, too…if you haven’t read it yet, the NYT reported that idiot boy stole a lot of the classified documents so he could trade them for the material on the 2016 Russian interference in the election to try to “prove” that it was all a hoax…now it’s bad enough that he stole the documents which is  a felony, but to try to extort the government and bribe them to give him other documents is another two felonies to go along with obstruction of justice that he committed by hiding the documents in the first place….and it’s not just me saying this…there have been quite a few former prosecutors that have said the same thing and same as me, they can’t figure out why he hasn’t be arrested and charged since the illegal possession of the classified documents has been proven way beyond the standard for a conviction…so come on Garland, perp walk this criminal now before he can do any more damage…geez…

This should end it but it won’t…

Well…with ambassador Gordon Sondland going back to congress to “clarify” last weeks testimony and confirming in no uncertain terms that yes, he did tell the Ukraine that they wouldn’t get any military aid unless they issued a statement saying Russia had nothing to do with helping trump in the 2016 election and that they were opening investigations into the Bidens. On top of that, trump and his minions dictated the statement that they wanted Ukraine to say….I think that Sondland saw the transcripts that were released this week of the other people testifying and saw that, crap, he was in big trouble and then used the typical liars dodge that the other testimony jogged his memory and NOW he really remembers…all the while hoping that this “clarification” will keep him out of jail. Now, with this testimony that, yes indeedy, trump and his cronies did try to extort Ukraine to lie and help trump in 2020, this should be enough to end trump but it won’t be with the repubs carrying around their own moveable goalposts…and now saying that a crime isn’t a crime. One thin is certain, that even if they do keep trump from being removed and he serves out his term, he will be prosecuted after he is out of office and, with the evidence that is now public against him, a first year law student could get a conviction and send him away for the rest of his life…can’t wait for that perp walk…and for everyone else from Barr on down who will go to jail too…

It only took four…

Well…with all of the people that the house committees investigating trump’s Ukraine extortion want to talk to and who are going to talk over the next week or so, it only took the first four to prove that trump and his cronies committed multiple crimes in trying to get Ukraine officials to lie about Hunter and Joe Biden. Since the ex US ambassador testified last Friday, and with the three since then, all have told the same story…that Rudy, Mulvaney, Pompeo, Pence, and Barr all were involved in the scheme that was fought hard by career diplomats who all knew that what they were doing was not only illegal, but that would damage the US standing in the world by showing that trump and his cronies were just as corrupt as anyone in the Ukraine…or anywhere else in the world, and with them in charge the US could no longer be trusted. That is where the huge problem is…and with idiot boy’s unfathomable abandoning of our Kurdish allies in Syria, no one in their right mind can ever trust a thing that trump says or does…that right there is as impeachable an offense as you can possibly commit….and yet he just keeps on criming every day..and the repubs continue to support the flushing of our honor just to get a few more judges approved….every damn one of them needs to be held accountable…not just voting them out but holding them criminally responsible for being part of this conspiracy…one thing that I want to hear is a pledge from every one of our candidates that none of these criminals will be pardoned if they are elected….life in prison is too good for them….

Do we really want to talk about trump some more?

Well…I for one are sick of trump and his assembly of criminals who are screwing over the country and world…and now, since he hasn’t been held accountable for coercing Ukraine into investigating his political rivals, the idiot boy goes on live tv and tries to do the same thing to China…but, the Chinese are having none of it, saying that they are not going to get involved in US politics (at least in public) and trump is pretty damn dumb if he thinks he can force them to do it. Yesterday’s news that Pence is also involved in extorting Ukraine, basically laying out what they had to do to get the 400 million dollars in military aid…and guess what? Today, the Ukraine announced that they would investigate, for the fourth time, the company that Joe Biden’s son worked for…and that every other investigation found that there was no there there…no corruption that had anything to do with the Bidens but that wasn’t enough for trump and his cronies…they are now investigating a bunch of conspiracy theories that were born in the far right fever dreams of Brietbart and Infowars. At least impeachment is coming…and I hope that will smack the idiot upside the head and get him ready for jail time after he’s gone…

Back to politics…

Well…what did I miss while I was gone? Anything interesting happen? Yeah…just a little joke to get started…of course the further unraveling of the idiot trump is everywhere today when the transcript of the incriminating call to the president of Ukraine was backed up by the whistleblower report that was released by the DNI…and while he is testifying in front of congress, he let go with another bombshell…that the transcript was classified for political reasons, not the normal national security issues that is usually the reason for making anything classified…but the even bigger bombshell is that this political protection and cover up has been going on since Putin installed trump and many other transcripts exist that show that trump is an even bigger criminal than the Ukraine affair shows and that all of them were classified for his political protection…and that everyone from Pence on down have been involved in these coverups…and trump even admitted the other day that Pence was in on the extortion scheme against the Ukraine….hmmmm…can you say President Pelosi? As I’ve told you before, though…the repubs are going to go down with this garbage scow…and they showed that they are just a criminal organization by not upholding the constitution and by protecting trump…I wonder how many more of the WH staff and cabinet were involved? I hope this leads to Barr being impeached as well…if just to wipe that smug look from his face….geez….

“The Justice Department won’t be extorted”

Well….this is what it has come to in the repubs and the idiot trump’s administration….Rod Rosenstein, answering questions at a forum the other day said that…that the repubs in the House are trying to extort the Justice department into stopping the investigation in trump and his ongoing lawlessness…let that sink in for a minute….did you ever hear that about Obama’s administration? Nope, you sure as hell didn’t…and you never had Eric Holder having the threat of impeachment used against him to stop an investigation into Obama…what the hell is wrong with these people? I have a theory that the Russian collusion conspiracy goes way deeper than just trump and his campaign…and is going to dive into the heart of the repub party starting with Ryan and McConnell and going down to Nunes and the rest of the house repubs…after all, the NRA funneled over 30 million Russian dollars to repubs up and down the ticket and they are now hunkering down and getting ready to have all of their dirty laundry exposed to the public…and it is really, really dirty….impeach….

It’s extortion by any other name…

Well…John Boehner has sunk to a new low even for him and the rest of the repubs….in a speech he gave a few days ago, this idiot put forth the proposition that the reason that business is sitting on the sidelines in the faltering recovery is the uncertainty about what regulations my be imposed in the future. He even suggested that Obama fire his entire economic team because of the lagging pace of job creation since they’ve had a whole 19 months to do it. Really, John? After you and your repub buddies had 8 years to screw it up and had a net job creation when you were in control of zero…that’s right…zero net jobs added. And now you’re urging your business cronies to sit on their hands unless you get what you want…that is to extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich and less regulation for business. By anyone’s definition this is just a blatant case of extortion and you should be ashamed that you put your status as a lap dog for business ahead of a nation that is suffering.

What do you offer that is new; that is different than your policies that ruined the economy? Why are you waiting to do something until after the election? If this crisis is so urgent, (and I believe it is) why aren’t you working with the administration to help get the jobs engine going again? Why aren’t you talking to your business cronies and asking them to help get the engine going? Stop the political posturing and tanning and get your butt to work helping America get going again…until you do, shut the hell up and leave us alone….geez…