Tag Archives: republicans

The repubs are still delusional…

Well…I have been amazed over the past few days with the behavior of the repubs in congress and their response to the Obama plan to start to tame the deficit…I am particularly amazed that these guys are still so unserious that they offered the Romney plan that had no details or numbers in it other than some general numbers that it looks like they pulled out of their asses. Repubs, you lost the frickin election and if you think you have any leverage, you are certifiably crazy. Who the hell are you representing? When the majority (over 60%) of the American people looked at your plans and said HELL NO….you must be delusional that you think that anyone other than your rich masters want what you are selling. Let’s get this perfectly clear..tax cuts for the rich DO NOT LEAD to jobs….every economist, except the one the repubs listen to, Arthur Laffer, tells you the same thing and yet you want to keep doing it expecting different result…this is the definition of mental illness…and some of the repubs in the house even came out today and said that they wanted to let payroll taxes rise on the working class saying “they have to feel some pain”…I kid you not…they want to protect the rich from any “pain” in the form of higher tax rates, but they are willing to push that pain onto workers…these folks do not deserve to have anyone take them seriously…I hope the White House see it the same way…geez…

More deception about Social Security..

Well…have been reading a lot about the proposals that have been floated over the past few years about how to “save” social security since it is not going to be too long before I’m going to be that age…so, it has a real meaning to me. One of the things that the repubs are lying about again is the need to raise the retirement age since people are living longer…and, as always, they are just bad at math or are deliberately misleading people about the changes in life expectancy…which one do you think? I’ll go for the deliberate lies…I will admit that life expectancy has risen over the past 50 years, but you have to look into the numbers to see why…and the major reason is that less children are dying young from preventable diseases so the average goes up…not hard math to understand but it appears they don’t understand it. But, the second part of this puzzle is that the people that are living longer are concentrated in the upper classes…people who have had easier lives and good health care their entire lives…these people actually do live longer, but those that have done physical labor their entire lives don’t…so, raising the retirement age for these folks puts them at an age where they will probably die within a few years of retiring…just what the repubs have said jokingly is the solution to SS’s problems…don’t let them get away with this lie…geez…

More noodling…

Well…I do need to get this one in to get to the quota for the month so I thought I’d just noodle around a little and see what happens…I can’t believe how stupid the repubs have been in this whole deficit fight…last year, they wouldn’t take a deal that gave them 10 bucks of cuts for every buck of revenue increase because they really thought, in their deluded little minds, that they were going to win the presidency and the senate and then be able to do their slash and burn on medicare and Social security while given even bigger tax cuts to the rich. Guess what repubs? You lost and the dems ran on raising taxes on the rich and preserving the social programs…so why the heck are you surprised that this is what the dems are doing? Are you just stupid? You lost, and now you roll out the rejected Ryan budget as your one and only attempt to avoid the fiscal slope? I just hope you keep it up…keep showing the American people you don’t give a damn about them while we salivate about the prospects of 2014…what a bunch of idiots…geez…

Words mean something…

Well…listening to all of the talk, talk, talk that is going on about the budget negotiations, I have a piece of advice for both sides but for the dems in particular. Stop using loaded words when you talk about the negotiations….watching the news last night all I heard from the commentators on the left and in the middle was that the repubs were going to “cave” or “buckle” on tax increases on the wealthy to start to work on the deficit…and I think that these kinds of words mean something and are making any such deal even harder. I think it goes back to the Japanese concept of “face”, and it would be a good idea for the dems to think about how they can work to help the repubs save face in these negotiations and stop rubbing the fact that they got smacked in the last election in their faces. Of course, I would propose that this would only go so far as the repubs actually governing for the entire country and not their rich bosses….if they can come to the table with facts and be adults, I think it would be good for those of us on the left to help them…and go back to governing the country, not just fighting all the time…

Keep it up repubs..

Well…I am today still marveling at the gall of the stupid repubs and their delusion that they have any leverage in the fiscal cliff negotiations….they really don’t, but they are acting as if they have a mandate when they got their asses handed to them in the last election. But, you’d never know it listening to Boehner and Cantor…who has put forth as their plan the exact Romney plan that was rejected by the voters…they still want tax cuts for the rich and benefit cuts for everyone else and again, ole Eric came out today and said that Obamacare and Medicare have to be on the table or they will stamp their feet and hold their breath until they get their way. All I have to say to these idiots is “keep it up”…and we will control everything in 2014 and maybe we can even send ole Eric back to wherever he comes from…I do have one message to Obama…don’t compromise with these folks…we won the election an the majority has spoken…tax hikes for the rich and breaks for everyone else…and leave Medicare and Social Security alone…geez…open your ears and listen for a change…

Gonna repeat this one…

Well…I not sure why the repubs are being allowed to get away with the delusion that it was just a bad candidate, not bad ideas that lost them the election…so, I’m going to repeat this one at least once a month to remind people just how batshit crazy these folks are…just remember rape, rape, rape…and the fact that these idiots think that a woman’s rights end when she gets pregnant…that that little lump of cells growing in her, and that could possibly kill here has more rights than the woman and she can be held hostage to a fetus…then, we have the idea from the right that math is subjective and can mean different things to different people…no, folks, math is math and when the math says that tax cuts for the rich do nothing but make rich people richer it’s not a liberal conclusion….it is THE conclusion and you need to accept it…then, we have the clamor from the right that we must cut “entitlements” like social security to cut the deficit…geez…how can these folks be so stupid? SS is funded on it’s own and has absolutely no effect on the deficit…and the same goes for medicare…so, let’s stop letting the repubs bring these into the argument…and, let’s talk about the deficit…doesn’t mean a damn thing when there is slack in the economy and the entire world is willing to lend us money at NEGATIVE interest rates…they are paying us to take the money so we should! The idiot repubs ideas have been proven to be wrong…let’s stop taking them seriously….geez…

The secessionist nonsense…

Well…are the republicans crazy or what? In 15 states that are majority repubs, there are movements to petition the federal government to secede from the US….yep, you heard it here, just because they lost an election to the socialist Kenyan, these idiots want to leave the union and establish their own little countries…and, the funny thing is, all of these states are net welfare queens, getting much more back from the federal government than they pay in taxes. So, I guess I say let them secede…it would make the blue states that support them much more solvent and we could then afford college for everyone, healthcare for everyone, and balanced budgets for everyone in the new Progressive States of America. What these idiots are also not seeing is the fact that if they do secede, say goodbye to social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the entire social safety net that the majority of the red state citizens depend on….so, goodbye, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out…geez…

What a bunch of crybabies…

Well…I just have to laugh at the ceo’s on the right who have threatened to fire their employees and in some cases have started to lay them off after the Obama win…let’s not forget that these guys have done much better in the last 4 years of Obama than the previous 8 under ole GW, with corp profits at an all time high last year. So, this appears to me to just be a temper tantrum of the spoiled rich and they are mad that their employees didn’t listen to them, that they don’t have the power that the right has been telling them they have. I specifically want to address the meme that it is over taxation and regulation that is causing these layoffs, especially since it is the new talking point that the right has taken up and has used Murray energy as the poster boy…you remember Murray Energy don’t you? It is the coal company that has so little regard for the safety of it’s workers that it regularly kills some of them….and now the owner has started to lay off his miners, saying it is because of the Obama administration’s hatred of coal. This even made me laugh more since it is the free market that the repubs say they worship that is killing the demand for coal with the collapse of natural gas prices due to increased drilling and new methods of extraction. So, what should a company do to meet it’s energy needs? Continue to pay 40% more in cost as corporate welfare to the coal companies? These guys are just so pathetic that I can’t believe it…yeah, I can…just a bunch of crybabies that have been taught the country belongs to them and the rest of use might be allowed to live in it if it is okay with them…not anymore…geez…

There are just so many targets…

Well…after the election, there are so many targets on the right with all of their nonsense that I am confused about where to go with this one…oh, one thing I wanted to talk about is how to organize a boycott of any company whose CEO fires people because Obama won the election…this just has to happen to make sure that these idiots pay out of their own wallet for this nonsense…and on that note, there should be a law passed that would make this nonsense illegal…well…maybe not…I really don’t want more government but these people need to be stopped somehow….I do hope that people will stop saying that the election loss will lead to soul searching on the right…first, these people have no souls so how is that going to work? Second, they are the true believers in that conservative nonsense and from everything I’ve read, the only thing they think they did wrong was tactical and that some small tweaks will win the election for them next time…I really hope they keep thinking that…if they do, they will continue to lose and I’ll continue to smile…

One more thing to remember…

Well…have been thinking this aft about what to write about the election and it just jumped out at me from almost all of the platforms…twitter mostly…and the story now appears to be the repubs efforts at voter suppression in the states they control…including Florida and Ohio..to try to make sure the rig the vote, these idiots have been changing the rules on the fly; in Ohio the secretary of state, Jon Husted, has even continued to change the rules in defiance of court orders that compel him to restore the early voting that was available in 2008. One of the things you need to take away form this nonsense is the fact that where there are dem SOS, there are never any problems with voting, in fact, the dems always make it easier to vote…how much more Un-American can you get than trying to make sure some of your fellow citizens won’t get the chance to exercise the greatest right that we have…to vote to elect our leaders? The second part of this story centers on the fact that Romney and his thugs are already putting a strategy in place to delay his defeat by getting thousands of lawyers to challenge ballots across the country and are training “poll watchers” to intimidate dem-leaning voters by stopping and questioning people going into the polling places to vote along with standing over the shoulders of poll workers to try to make sure the process slows down and people will get frustrated and not vote. The only question I have is “what kind of a country do we want?” One where intimidation and shennanigans steal elections or one where the competition of ideas and easy execution of our constitutional rights decides elections? It’s your choice…make the right one…