Tag Archives: impeachment

trump trashes your 401K

Well…just sitting here waiting for cocktail time and thought I’d do a shorty on idiot boy’s trade war that he started yesterday….after the 730 point drop yesterday and the 450 point drop today, it puts the stock market in negative territory for the year and that makes it the worst two weeks in the past ten years…and the question I have for all of the morons who voted for this idiot is: “how’s that working for your 401K? Had enough winning yet?” The carnage appears like it is going to continue Monday, too, with futures down another 2%  which will mean another 7-800 point drop and means a close to 10% drop in the money you were counting on to retire in just the past week….such a great businessman, so much winning…I hope all of you morons go broke….will serve your ignorant asses right….impeach….


Well….sitting here waiting to hear from T about lunch and thought I’d do a few short takes or tidbits on the happenings of the past few days…the warmonger John Bolton was appointed national security adviser and that means we’re all going to die since that idiot has never met a diplomatic situation that he hasn’t proposed that war could solve….poor old Jared Kushner has been found to be selling the president’s daily briefing intel to the Saudis, trying to get them to bail out his company that is going to go broke without a billion dollars from somewhere later in the year…and the little asshole had a fit when the Qataris wouldn’t bail him out so he had daddy in law conspire with the Saudis and the UAE to attack Qatar…the idiot in chief started a trade war with China yesterday with the resulting 730 point drop in the stock market…how’s all that winning going? The last adult lawyer left the idiot trump’s team yesterday and was replaced with a fox news conspiracy theory shouter…and I am laughing about that…haven’t seen one lawyer on Mueller’s team leave….and the latest rumor is that the subpoenas that were delivered to the trump organization are to support a RICO investigation and that is really, really bad news for trump and his idiot crime family….remember, we only have to deal with this crap until November…if we get out to vote….impeach….


Well… the idiot trump show just how stupid he is again yesterday when he call Vlad Putin to “congratulate” him for winning the election in Russia last week….and this was against the advice of every damn person who works on foreign policy in this “administration”…and they even went so far as to put it in all caps in idiot boy’s briefing materials…and now, the so called *president shows his support for a thug murderer who rigged the Russian election, intimidated people who would vote against him, and murdered one of the people who was going to run against him…and the idiot normalizes this behavior by congratulating him…and he doesn’t even bring up the fact that Putin ordered a murder on UK soil of a former spy. When is it enough, repubs? When is the damage to this country enough? All of this damage just so the moron in chief can get a little praise from his master, Putin…who told trump that he is doing a “wonderful job” with the economy and trump ate that crap right up and praised Putin for his “leadership” in the world..and by leadership I mean meddling everywhere, murdering his foes, and screwing with elections across the world….just the kind of thing that trump would like to do…impeach….

More links to trump….

Well…not sure if you saw the news stories yet that are revealing today that the data company, Cambridge Analytics, that was working for trump targeting vulnerable people during the election to spread Russian propaganda was also working for the Russian state oil company, Lukoil. Guess who controls Lukoil? Yep, you guessed it Vlad Putin…and CA met with the Russians many times before and during the elections. It was also revealed that CA stole the personal information from 50 million Facebook users and used that to micro target people to reinforce the lies that were told about Hillary and motivate right leaning people to get out and vote….and this was the determining factor in the election when only 77,000 votes were needed to steal trump a win in the Electoral College. One thing you need to remember here is how much Jared Kushner bragged that he worked with CA to win the election and Time magazine even put him on their cover for just that…but, at the time it wasn’t known how crooked CA was and how far in bed they were with the Russians. We now know what was going on not because any repub here would do their job, but because investigators in the UK are doing the job that the repubs in congress should have done…to protect the constitution but they are now like the congress in any banana republic…protecting the strongman at the top and the hell with the rule of law or the people of the country. I have this sinking feeling that the only way we can save this country is to throw the repubs out in November…but, if we miss that chance, this will be the end of the US as we know it…shame on you, repubs…impeach….

It’s a two fer….

Well….as you know, the Russians just tried to murder a spy and his daughter last week int he UK, and I have been thinking about why they would be so blatant about it…using a nerve agent that was easily traced back to them. The first thing that came to mind was that the idiot trump is so weak that Putin just doesn’t fear him at all…that trump has telegraphed that he is never going to do anything to Russia or Putin that is going to hurt them, and that is evidenced by the latest round of sanctions that do nothing to deter Russian interference in our country…you can see that by the revelation yesterday that they have been trying to gain control of the electric grid here in the US. But, there is  a second reason that just popped into my head that makes sense, too….Putin is sending a message to trump that he needs to be careful, that the Russians can get to him at any time…and this plays to idiot boy’s fears of germs and even the well known fear he has that he will be poisoned by his food…going so far as to make unannounced trips to McDonald’s so no one has the chance to get to him that way. All of Russia’s meddling in the world is a direct result of how weak and stupid trump is, and it won’t stop until the idiot boy is gone…I hope that’s soon….impeach…

Looks like trouble for the repubs…poor babies…

Well…I think I touched on the surprising upset in PA-18 yesterday by a dem in a district that idiot boy trump carried by 20 points in 2016…and this win exposes the trouble that the repubs are in for November in the mid term elections. I think I saw that the repubs have to defend something like 114 districts that were either won by Hillary, or that were won by the moron by much less than the 20 points in PA-18. With the fact that we only need to take 23 of those districts to take back control of the house, the poor baby repubs are in for a world of hurt….of course, the election is still 8 months away and there are things that may happen to change the dynamics of the races, but I feel that there is  difference here…that people in this country both dem and independent, and even some repubs are ready to say that this criminal enterprise that is disguised as an “administration” is just not American, is not how it’s supposed to be, that a president is not supposed to enrich himself using the office to do it…now, all we need to do is turn out this fall…remembering the fact that if we vote, we win, and we can start to remove these leeches who are bleeding the life blood of this country….impeach…

Where are your tweets today, idiot boy?

Well….it appears that Conor Lamb, the dem, won the special election for a house seat in blood red trump country…a district that was won by the idiot trump by 20 points last year…and my question is “where are your tweets today, idiot boy?” We all know that trump takes credit for everything even though he has nothing to do with it, and bankruptcies and lies and losing is never his fault…so I am not holding my breath to hear a word from him…and that will be a good thing…you can only take so much idiocy before your frontal lobes start to melt down and mine have been sloshing around in my head for some time now. I am still concerned that we will take back control of the house in November, but, the repubs in districts that went for Hillary or that idiot boy only won by single digits should be making plans for another career…it warms me that we are turning out for these elections so far with an enthusiasm that I never thought I’d see again in my lifetime….November is being treated like it’s the most important election in the history of the country…and it is…impeach…

Another one bites the dust….

Well….another morning, another part of the trump “administration” is gone…Rex Tillerson was fired as Sec of State today and, while he was not much of an SoS, we need to understand the real reason why he is gone. Just yesterday, Tillerson came out with a statement that he agreed with the evidence that the UK has that Russia tried to murder an ex Russian spy and his daughter, using a nerve agent that Russia has used many times before to silence their critics around the world and as payback for people that Putin thinks have personally wronged him…and this firing is just another part of the clear pattern of the idiot trump favoring the people in Russia who got him elected…and just reeks of blackmail by the Russians who are still controlling trump to get what they want. So now, repubs, what are you going to do about it? It is clear that the Russians are now running our government and it is the repubs who are complicit in this….including the idiot Devin Nunes who yesterday kissed trump’s ass by lying that there was no collusion with the Russian’s during the election….this is a criminal conspiracy that is going to kill the repub party….I hope…impeach….

Trump’s buddy Putin just tried to murder another one…

Well…I wonder if anyone will tell the idiot trump that his buddy Putin just tried to murder another person in England? Sergei Skipal and his daughter were found poisoned in a park this past Sunday and the “nerve agent” they were poisoned with could not have come from anywhere than a state actor…there is no individual or terror group (unless you consider Russia a terror group like I do) that has the means to create the poison that was used and it is well known that Russia routinely goes after former spies or anyone else who stands in the way of Russia’s goals in the world. And, this is Trump’s buddy…the person he believes over our intelligence agencies…I guess I shouldn’t be surprised about idiot boy’s affection for murderers and thugs…he has loved those type of people since he worked with the mob in New York to build most of the buildings he built…and just loves Duarte of the Philippines who has been on a murder spree since he was elected a few years back, killing thousands of “drug dealers” who just happen to be his political enemies. You know trump won’t do a damn thing when he is told that Putin tried to murder another person…and the repubs won’t do a damn thing about it either…impeach…

Dupes and dopes…

Well…not ready to work out yet so I thought I’d come back here to do another one of these while it’s still fresh in my head….with all of the crowing that the idiot trump and his minions did about the the tax cut scam, and how it would be a huge benefit for the workers in this country…with the increase in tariffs on steel and aluminum, the dupes and dopes who voted this idiot in (along with the Russians) are going to see any increase in their pay checks offset completely by the rise in costs from the tariffs. How is this not a tax increase on working people? Idiot boy and his minions have no clue how tariffs work…he really does think that the countries selling us steel and aluminum are going to send the US a check for the tariffs and that is just not how it works….and the job losses that were estimated yesterday at 146,000 have now been revised to over a million jobs…yep, the “greatest job creator” is going to be personally responsible for putting over a million US workers out of work….how’s that tax cut working for you now, trump voters? How’s that “make America great again” working for you? You know, I usually have empathy for people who lose their jobs since I went through that crap, but the willfully ignorant trump voters really deserve to share in the pain they’ve foisted on the rest of us and I have no sympathy for any of them…impeach….