Category Archives: Politics

More Ferguson…

Well…the updates that are coming out of Ferguson on the grand jury that is supposed to be determining the “facts” of the shooting there do not sound good…the person that is presenting the information is the DA who has come out already and said that the officer is innocent without knowing the facts….and who has criticized the governor for doing anything to change the situation and rein in the cops who have been terrorizing the populace….this can lead to no good when an unarmed man with his hands up is executed by police and then city sponsored coverups and smears begin almost immediately.  I fear for this city if no one is held to account for this murder…geez….

This is sick…

Well…have been reading of the cop responses to the shooting in Ferguson and they are just sick to say the, from LA, just said “do exactly what I say, how and when I say it and you will be okay…don’t talk back to me, don’t tell me you have constitutional rights…don’t say anything…it is up to you if I hurt you or not…”  does anyone else see a pattern here? This is just what spouse abusers say to justify their illegal use of force…”she made me beat here since she wouldn’t do what I say…”  So, now any time you come into contact with a cop you have no constitutional rights? Or only the ones that the cop sees fit to grant you?  That’s not how it works assholes….we have rights that supercede your assholeness…you don’t get to tell us what rights we have…we have the right to not interact with you if we want and that right has been upheld by the supreme court….these sick assholes need to be retrained at the least or fired….I hope this country is finally had enough of this above the law police thuggery…I sure have….geez…

Ferguson cops have got to go…

Well….have been reading about last night’s events in Ferguson and all I can do is shake my head….I mean threatening a reporter with a drawn gun telling him he will shoot him unless he stops recording the lawlessness of the cops….not sure but that sounds like felonious assault to me…and then the firing of tear gas into the crowds before the curfew when they were peacefully protesting…again…felonious assault and these guys need to go. The governor needs to go in, suspend the entire force and prosecute the officers who have been pointing automatic weapons at citizens expressing the 1st amendment rights of free assembly, who have fired tear gas at reporters and then dismantled their equipment, who have abused reporters and arrested them for doing their jobs and who have fired tear gas at people who were just standing in their yards talking….every one of these officers need to be fired today, not tomorrow, not after an investigation, but now since they have shown that they don’t give a damn about the constitution and the rights that are inherent to the people…these rights are not granted by the cops as they seem to think they are…geez…

I predicted this…

Well… with the events of this week in Ferguson, the only thing I can think of is my warning of the increased militarization of the police in this country and the results of that militarization…that the police have started to look at the populace they are supposed to protect and serve as the enemy to be afraid of as if they are in a war zone. To see these police point assault weapons at people who are conducting perfectly legal protests of the killing of an unarmed teenager and then attack them with tear gas when they are breaking no law should be prosecutable and those in charge should go to jail for depriving these folks of their constitutional rights. Why are these cops so afraid of everyone? Some of the most pertinent comments about this nonsense have come from military men who have been in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan and who have said that these police officers are more armed than the army when they went into Falluja or other hot spots in the Mideast….I think it’s about time to recall all of the militay weaponry that has been give to police forces across this country and re-task them to what they are supposed to be…the protectors of the people, not the killers of them…geez…

Pretty frickin outrageous…

Well…just read a little article on one of the websites that has my jaw dropping in it’s so outrageous….while the reps in both the senate and house work for the people in their districts and the law says they have to take time to listen to them, there is a new twist that the repubs are trying out to limit the participation of people they don’t want there…they are charging money to attend the town hall meetings that are supposed to be so their constituents can question them about their votes and express their thoughts on what they want from their rep. In the past couple of months…ole Paul Ryan has started to charge admission of 15 dollars a head for access to these meeting with the express intent of keeping the “riff raff” out of these meetings…and by riff raff that means anyone who is going to ask them a question that might put them on the spot…just when I think the repubs can’t sink much lower…they have sold our democracy to the highest bidder and now they are charging for the “privilege” to talk to them…what a bunch of grifters…geez…

The people of Michigan sure are gullible…

Well…with the election passing and the people of Michigan cutting taxes on business, again, all I can say are that the people who voted for this tax cut sure are gullible. Don’t they remember the promises made a few years back when they cut taxes on business and raised them on retirees? Didn’t they notice that job growth here in Michigan is 37th in the nation when ole Snyder and his cronies said the cut would vault us into the top ten if not the top five in growth? And, here we go again…cutting taxes on the rich while starving cities of the revenue they need to provide even the most basic services while our roads, schools, and bridges crumble around us and the rich take their money and stash it in the Cayman Islands so they don’t have to pay any taxes…leaving the funding of government to the rest of us while the rich keep making money on the infrastructure that you and I are paying for. I think the rich have won….they have stolen the entire country and left you and I with the leftover crumbs….geez….

Benghazi deflated…

Well…I’m not sure if there has been an outbreak of sanity in the repub run house, but the report that just came out of a repub committee investigating Benghazi has released it’s findings in the past couple of days and guess what the result was? No wrongdoing by the administration at all…debunking every talking point that has been pushed by Issa and fox news over the past two years…that’s wrongdoing at all….no stand down order to keep a rescue team from trying to get there…that Susan Rice’s talking points reflected the consensus of the intelligence community at the time…and there was no coverup of any sort….what do you say about that Darrell? After you spent tens of millions of dollars looking for what didn’t exist do you at least have an apology for you incompetence?  But, I still don’t think that the delusionists on the right will pay any attention to these facts…after all facts never have meant anything to Issa and his cronies…geez…

Lying liars and Walmart…

Well…over the past 6 months or so, one of the topics that has been in the news a lot is the push to get the minimum wage raised across the country…some thing that repubs and the rest of the conservatives have fought with every tool they have…and, by tools I mean lies and economists who are in the tank for business. The latest one comes from an “analysis”  of the wages at one Walmart in a North Dakota oil boom town where the shortage of labor has driven the price of labor even at Walmart to over 17 dollars an hour….and the first thing the “economist” from AEI (yep, Koch funded) says is “see, there is no need for a minimum wage if Walmart has to pay more in a tight labor market.” Now, either this PHd is stupid or he is just cherry picking numbers of one Walmart in one town to drive his political agenda…the political agenda of the Koch brothers who hate, just hate having to pay a minimum wage and have spent hundreds of millions trying to block any raise. His assertion only works in this tight labor market…in others where there is a surplus of labor, a minimum wage is needed or the surplus will drive labor cost continually down until it reaches essentially zero….now, this guy should know that…and I’m sure he does, he just doesn’t care and is lying his ass off to keep getting paid millions by the Koch’s…what a bunch of crap….

Still cheating…

Well…yeah, I know, not much of substance for the past week or so but I have an excuse…no I don’t….just haven’t been motivated to try to make sense of the craziness in this country….on the right, that is…we on the left are marveling about the new depths of crazy that the right shows everyday and wonder how some of these folks even live in the world…they are so scared all  the time…scared of the bogeyman coming to get them so they have to carry guns everywhere…scared of children coming across the border so they have to threaten them and the states that have agreed to take them…and really, really scared that their white world is coming to an end….I just don’t see it that way…maybe I’m naive but with a little cooperation this country could be much better…oh, that won’t ever happen…geez…

It is to laugh….

Well….just read an article with a quote from ole Boehner saying that the repubs have no intention of impeaching the president, saying it’s all a plot by mean old Obama to get out the vote for the elections in the fall. As soon as I read that, the only thing that came to my mind was the old Daffy Duck quote: “It is to laugh” and I did laugh. One thing he didn’t say was that he intends to do it after the election…lying to the public again since he can see that even talking about it risks losing both the house and senate. So, let me get this straight….Obama is the one talking about impeachment and using his Jedi mind control to get everyone on the right to talk about it and push for it? Man…that guy is pretty fricking smart if he is thinking that far ahead…I think the more rational explanation is only that ole Boeher is scared of his own side and their rabid hatred for Obama and he is losing control of the narrative…or the truth is getting out and the general public just doesn’t like it….geez…