March 21st

Well…it was another day yesterday with a long bike ride and almost the warmest day ever for March….other than that, there just is not much to tell right now…there were some dreams last night but just the normal, unremarkable stuff that doesn’t really merit commenting on….so I won’t….it looks like another day that will be a carbon copy of yesterday but that will be ending by the end of the week…I won’t be going back into jeans but it will be half thermasuit on the bike….not much to do today…I do have to go to the bank to deposit some cash so I can pay the electric bill and I may even buy the papers and have coffee, too…haven’t been out to the coffee shop in over a month so it may be fun to to sit outside there and read the papers….I’ll be back for later…I did have a late one from last night so look down and see….

A gaffe a day from these idiots…

Well…just a quick one on the daily gaffes that have been flowing out of the repub candidates and I’m not sure to laugh about them or just roll my eyes…is this shooting fish in a barrel? Yeah, it kind of is but it’s such a hanging curve ball I’m going to take a swing. Okay, I recognize that those last two were bad….Let’s start with ole Rick again, when asked about the unemployment rate, he answered that he “didn’t care about the unemployment rate” and his candidacy is about ‘freedom” and bigger issues than unemployment…how many ways is this one wrong? The one that I want to highlight is the fact that by this statement, Santorum has said that ideology and his right wing agenda is going to trump all of the rest of the problems the country faces…and there are issues that most of us think are more important than his war on everyone but conservative white people. Then, I have to say thanks to ole Mitt for another “let them eat cake” moment that came from questions about his desire to “get rid” of Planned Parenthood. When asked where poor women would go to get the health services that Planned Parenthood provides that they can’t afford to get anywhere else, the wonderfully obtuse Mitt replied “they can go anywhere, it a free country”….I really do wish I was making these up but I’m not…this is the quality of the field from the repubs and these are their ideas….so don’t let them dance around these issues…

Before I have lunch…

Well…just got back from the ride and thought I’d do this one before I get to making lunch…I guess I’ve never seen such a truth challenged bunch like the current crop of repub candidates…starting with ole Rick in Puerto Rico last week saying that for them to get statehood, they would have to comply with federal law that says they have to speak English…I don’t know if it ignorance or just stupidity but there is no such federal law on the books..nowhere…so that still leaves us with the fact that ole Rick is either ignorant of federal law, a great thing for a president, or he is just another of the repubs who are showing they are just not too bright. That brings us to the main event and the attack that ole Mitt made on Obama this week saying that is Obama’s regulatory overreach that is phasing out the incandescent light bulbs that are such energy wasters. First, Mitt, the law that is resulting in the demise of the old fashioned bulbs is contained in a law that was written and passed by a repub controlled congress and signed into law by ole GW himself…long before Obama even took office and long before any regulations on these bulbs could have been made by him. So, here we have supposedly the two best that the repubs have to offer both either showing their stupidity or deliberately lying just to mollify their base…what kind of governance should we expect from these guys? Geez…

March 20th

Well…it was another nice day yesterday but they are coming to an end later in the week…it still is not going to be as cold as it should be for this time of the year….okay, now I’m doing the weather? I just can’t come up with anything original right now…it was just one of those normal days that seem to run together with every other one and I guess it is better that it’s nice outside and I can go out and ride….I am going to do more later but as always lately, there is no flow so I’m going to have to come back and try again…

Okay…guilt is a pretty good motivator..when I brought up this site and saw how little I’ve bee writing lately…I wouldn’t blame you guys for not coming back…but, I am going to try harder today and make it worth your while…one thing that I do need to share is the fact that I have lumpy half and half….just made coffee and poured a cup, and the half and half I poured into it is lumpy…not something you want to see when you are craving coffee…and, I think I like milk in it better anyway…going to read the papers and come back…ole Mitt has a whopper about light bulbs that I want to comment on…after I’m done shaking my head in disbelief…

This is growth of government?

Well…haven’t been able to write much lately and I’m not sure what the cause is just yet….it could be spring fever…who knows? What I did want to talk about today is the misconception that the repubs are trying to sell that the Obama administration has expanded government regulation more that any president in history and is taking away our freedoms and strangling business…blah, blah, blah…when the opposite is true. Just compare the the costs of the last three years of ole GW’s to the first three years of Obama’s and you’ll see that the regulatory costs and the sheer number of new regulations was significantly higher under ole GW…costing business and individuals billions of dollars and piling on the red tape. I know that none of this means anything to the fact-challenged repubs…they think lies repeated often enough magically turn into the truth….and how can you argue with that?

March 19th

Well…it was a long day yesterday and I didn’t sleep at all so this one is going to be short for now…I did lose at pool but don’t feel bad about it….okay…not working…back later…I’m back and feeling somewhat better after some water and thinking…but the brain is still not working as well as I like so this could get interrupted when it stops working completely…it was an okay day again yesterday and I did another 30 miles on the bike with no damage to show for it so I guess that is something….won’t go that far again today since I think I’m going to alternate 15 and 30 mile days….didn’t make coffee this morning and I may live to regret that later in the day…I may go out to read the papers tomorrow since this staying in here is getting boring…and I can sit outside at the coffee shop which would be neat…have to take a look at the weather and see if it’s going to be warm tomorrow…more later…

March 18th

Well…it was a day of basketball yesterday and not much else…the Wings lost their fourth in a row and then just look slow and unengaged…oh, well…not much that I can do about it….it was a gorgeous day out on the bike, though, and the 30 miles I did yesterday was not special…and that is a little disappointing…it’s suppose to be a big deal going that distance but I’m just a little sore today….and I wasn’t even tired when I got done…I think I’m going to try to do the 30 every day for a while…at least it’s something to do…not much to do today…it may be a pool day with Tom and K may come to hang out if she gets back form Chi-town in time…I’ll try to get back for another one…but it’s the weekend and you know how that goes…

March 17th

Well…it was a day yesterday that was filled with disappointment when Michigan lost in the first round of the NCAA’s but, at least the Wings didn’t play so another loss didn’t add to it…I’m running as late as I ever have, I think, and there is no reason for it other than I had to load up the slow cooker and get it started…I have gotten through the papers and the only coffee cup that was clean is this huge thing that is almost as big as the pot…so it only takes two cups to empty it…don’t know what that means other than it’s a lot of coffee…I am going out on the bike early today since it is already over 60 but I am going to get back into the normal routine for the weekends…it is going to be a no sprint day today but I may do 25 miles or so…not sure yet….I am going to try to get back here for more today even though I’m way ahead for the month…the repubs have a death wish attacking Medicare late this week that I do have to comment on…but, right now, Everton is playing Sunderland and it is tied so I need to get back to that…

Okay, just a quick update…it was so nice out there on the trail, and the Pink Floyd sounded so good that I did decide to do the route twice for almost 30 miles….just a little sore but I bought myself being able to eat whatever I want without any guilt today….so, I’m going to do just that…have ribs in the slow cooker for later and pork loin for lunch…

Arizona is the model if the Republicans win…

Well…just a short one to comment on the jaw-dropping new bill that is being passed in Arizona concerning women’s access to birth control….this new bill would make women prove they are not using birth control for non-medical reasons…like for contraception before their medical plans would cover this necessary medicine….and the worst part is that it would allow all employers to not cover birth control without any reason….and, depending on the interpretation, may allow employers to fire women who use it….I’m not making this up people….this is what the US is going to look like if the repubs win the White House this fall….I just have nothing more to add to this one…just can’t believe we are still talking about this nonsense in 2012…geez…

Finishing up the placholders…

Well…I promised I’d get back to take on the placeholders from last night..the first one is the repubs going into full attack mode on the proposed release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to try to bring down oil prices…and, of course, the repubs don’t want to hear it, trying to tar this attempt to relieve prices for the middle class “just politics” and vowing to fight it….but, I have a different take on the whole thing…first, what’s wrong with spanking the speculators that are driving up the price? Every analyst says there is plenty of supply and the Saudi’s have said that there isn’t anyplace to put any increased output….so, the only reason that oil prices are soaring is the speculators are betting there will be a rise in prices which fuels the rise in prices…pretty neat for the speculators, huh? Second…why not sell of oil that was purchased at 20-70 dollars a barrel for 128 dollars? It wouldn’t hurt to sell off 10 million of the 177 million barrels in the reserve and even using the top price of 70 dollars, that would make a profit of almost 500 million dollars that could be used to reduce the deficit….I threw that last part in kind of tongue in cheek…500 million would be smaller than a drop in the bucket against the deficit but I wanted to say it before some politician. The only reason the repubs don’t want this release is that their oil company masters love it when prices soar…just more profits for the oil companies and campaign contributions for the repubs…geez…