Trump breaks the law…again…

Well…another day, another federal law broken by the most lawless administration this country has ever seen…with the sinking of trumpcare today, trump broke another federal law that prohibits government agencies and the executive branch from directly lobbying people to get them to support a bill before congress…but, this afternoon, in tweets, the trump “administration” did just that to try to salvage trumpcare…and then spicer comes out to deny they ever did it…just like always…and no one holds them accountable for it…cripes I should be able to go rob a bank since laws are just suggestions to these idiots and I should be able to do the same thing….impeach….

The real reason for trumpcare….

Well….with all of the “negotiating” going on with the repubs for what is going to be in trumpcare, the real reason for any of this is being obscured by debates on coverage, deductibles, and how many people will lose their healthcare….the real reason for any bill on trumpcare is to gut Medicaid and give the rich 900 billion in tax cuts…there is no other reason and that is why Ryan is not serious about what is going to be in the bill. He just doesn’t care as long as he can give the people that bought him his seat and the rest of the repubs seats a payback for their investment….he doesn’t care that 15 million low income people that get healthcare through Medicaid are left out in the cold to die…in fact, that’s a feature, not a bug in his system….in the warped minds of the repubs, anyone who hasn’t figured out how to game the system and get rich deserves to die, and to ask the rich to pay their fair share as part of the societal compact is not something that ever enters the minds of these assholes….keep that in mind when you hear news about this cruel, heartless bill…it’s only purpose is to make the rich richer and everyone else can go to hell….

March 23rd

Well….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but a couple of errands and I’m not sure how I feel about that….this place needs to be cleaned but I just can’t get motivated to do it…maybe today…might have a little bug today…when I hit the bed last night, the slight coolness of the sheets sent me into a bout of shaking from the cold an I’m not sure what that is about….and I am sore everywhere today and feel like there is something going on…I guess I’ll find out later today…I do need to eat more today since my whole system is out of whack…maybe that’s why I’m sweating today? That normally happens when I don’t eat enough…not sure about the bike ride today…I skipped the past couple of days with it being so cold and today’s high of 47 is on the borderline….I am looking forward to Michigan playing tonight and I think I may get out my gear for it…more later….

Hypocrisy squared….

Well…if you saw or read anything about Comey’s testimony to Devin Nunes committee in the past week that was supposed to be delving into trump’s ties to the Russians, and Nunes just went on and on not about the criminality of trump and his cronies but about the “leakers”….you would be surprised about the hypocrisy squared that is going on at the WH right now…where Nunes and Spicer are leaking information about trump being caught in another investigation and trying their damndest to minimize what it means…but, just remember, trump has been caught in a wiretap talking to either criminals or spies…that is investigation number two and three…at least….impeach…

Obama was never caught on wiretaps talking to criminals..

Well…as I talked about briefly in the last post, it appears that trump has been caught talking to criminals or foreign agents under FISA investigation that is not part of the trump/Russia investigation. Now, let that sink in for a minute..either before, during, or after the election, trump is on tape talking to criminals or foreign agents…how many times was Obama caught doing that? Or how many times was Hillary caught doing that? You know the answer is zero. How long is it going to take for the House to start impeachment proceedings against trump? What he has admitted to doing, and what he is under investigation for in his collusion with Russia to steal the election, certainly rate as “high crimes and misdemeanors” that is the bar for impeachment….let’s get the chant started “lock him up!” Impeach…

Devin Nunes should be in jail…

Well….how very convenient to have the guy supposedly running the “investigation” into trump/Russia in the house, Devin Nunes, be part of the trump transition team and actively trying to derail the “investigation”. If you needed any evidence of that, you just have to look at Nunes behavior today, when he came into some intelligence provided by the IC FOR his investigation and immediately set up a meeting with trump and his cronies to share that information that was supposed to be for the eyes of the committee only. There is  a reason that trump is not being given this information…he is under investigation for crimes committed with his collusion with Russia during the election. Now, at the very least this is obstruction of justice and this idiot should be charged and convicted of it, but what if the investigation included Nunes in his role as trump transition team leader? Where the hell are you on this one Comey? And why is Nunes still being briefed when he is probably under investigation just as trump is? Nunes needs to resign right now….it sure looks like trump is going to have plenty of company in jail…impeach…

Update: As more information comes out, it appears that trump was caught in another investigation that is not the one delving into his Russian ties….so in a different criminal investigation, or when talking to foreign agents under FISA investigation, they have trump on wiretap….Sean Spicer, that doesn’t look better as you are trying to spin it….Obama didn’t tap trump, but he was talking to criminals that were being tapped…spin that one genius…

Gorsuch gets slapped….

Well…as the confirmation hearings go on for Neil Gorsuch and he continues to try to hide his hard right judicial philosophy….the supreme court did us all a favor by ruling unanimously in a case that came through Gorsuch’s court that he was really wrong in his legal reasoning…and if you lose Thomas and Alito, you are way outside even their right wing rulings. But first, the pattern of Gorsuch’s fealty to corporations and their interests was established by another ruling of Gorsuch’s in the so-called “frozen trucker” case, where Gorsuch ruled that a worker could be fired because he abandoned a disabled trailer in sub zero temperatures to keep from freezing to death…yep, he doesn’t give a damn about workers, thinking them as little more than slaves to be forced to die to protect the corporations property. But, the unanimous ruling yesterday that said that school districts can’t just provide “the minimus” in education to special needs students…which is just warehousing them without any education, and what Gorsuch ruled in the case… that if they just looked at them once or twice a day, that was just fine….what we don’t need on the supreme court is another far right corporatist who has never once in his career ruled for workers or people’s rights over his billionaire backers rights…..send him home….

The Russian mob and Trump…

Well…I see now where the FBI admitted they had wiretaps in trump tower…but, it’s not what you think…not on trump, but on the Russian mob’s money laundering, illegal betting, and extortion ring that ran from trump tower for years….and when the FBI closed in to shut the operation down, one of the ringleaders got away and skittered back to Russia like the cockroach that he is…but, here’s the good part…a few weeks later, at trump’s Miss Universe pageant that was being held in Moscow, this mob boss shows up in the VIP section of trumps pageant, schmoozing with trump and the rest of the criminals that trump has dealings with. Now, I harp on this a lot for the hypocrisy that the repubs show all the time in everything they do, but if Obama had even done half of what the idiot trump has done in his first 60 days, there would be a hundred investigations and full throated calls for impeachment…why not now? Ask the repubs…impeach….

March 22nd

Well…running a little early today with getting up so early today….didn’t get a lot done but some errands that needed to be done and getting the bike ride in… my legs are burning a little and that is to be expected…but, I’ll be taking the day off the bike today with it being pretty cold today…the damn furnace here is acting up again and it looks like I’ll have to have someone come and look at it if it continues…what a pain in the butt if they have to come….thought I had a bug coming on but I feel okay today so maybe the record of no bugs all winter will stay intact….I do need to make a run out this morning to pick up some groceries since I want to have some fresh green beans with lunch…and they have eggs on sale for 59 cents a dozen…might even buy bacon since that is on sale, too…and roast potatoes with green beans and bacon sounds good…more later…..

God’s a polluter now?

Well…as we all know by now, the repubs think that all of the country’s ills are the responsibility of the EPA and getting rid of the agency that ensures that our air and water are safe is first on their agenda. The reasons they are using for gutting the agency are becoming more and more ridiculous by the day and yesterday a repub rep, Scott Perry, laid down a beaut….blaming god for pollution in the Chesapeake Bay, saying that “forests are providing a certain amount of phosphates and nitrates to the bay”. Now living in a truth free environment seems to be par for the course for repubs these days, but setting environmental policy by idiocy and fantasy is a sure way to ensure that the environment will get worse under these idiots…as will everything else….geez…