Category Archives: Politics

It’s just a glitch…followed by GOP hypocrisy…

Well…I am laughing about all of the hand wringing in the media about the glitches in the website that is the portal to sign up for Obamacare for many of us in the US since the repubs in many states refused to set up their own state websites….I guess that kind of stuff should be expected from the troglodyte repubs who think that dial up internet is still just fine…but, for anyone who has ever had to deal with a software roll out, this kind of stuff is not unexpected…just ask Microsoft who just recalled the latest update of Windows 8 since it caused many, many devices to crash…and this is from a company that was founded on software and has decades of experience. But, what I find the most funny is the repubs hypocrisy on the matter…trying 40 times to repeal the law and now switching over to fake concern that some people haven’t been able to sign up for the insurance that they hate…going so far as to hold hearings on why this happened…but, you know the only reasons these asses want to hold these hearing is to try to beat up on Obama since he and the rest of the dems just kicked their butts on the shutdown….and the repubs have learned nothing from that defeat…as they talk more and more about Obamacare it becomes more popular and more people head out to the sites to check it out…nice job repubs for all of the publicity…please proceed…geez…

As if another reason was needed to stop Keystone XL…

Well…as if another reason was needed to stop the Keystone XL pipeline, well…other than the pollution the thing will increase across the country with the piles of pet coke toxic waste that comes from refining the tar sands…and which is piling up across the country making some neighborhoods in south Chicago almost uninhabitable when the wind blows…we have a new study out that finds that the Koch brothers stand to make…wait for it….100 billion dollars if the pipeline is built…yep, the same Koch brothers who unleashed the tea party on the US and have already spent over 50 million dollars bribing repubs to take up the fight in congress. These folks are the last people that should be given another 100 billion dollars to try to wreck our democracy and put people like Ted Cruz into office….that should be enough to stop this nonsense…especially when those of us in the midwest will see our gas prices rise astronomically if the damn thing is built….geez…

The 24 billion dollar tantrum…

Well…just a short one to get caught up for the month….I am just stunned by the damage that the repubs little tantrum has cost the US economy…24 billion dollars and counting…yep, 24 billion dollars just so the repubs could get more names for their mailing lists and raise more money for the next election…never mind that this 24 billion could fund all the programs for the poor for an entire year…these pricks just don’t care unless it affects them…and the worst part is the continuing damage this stunt is going to cause with some estimates going as high as shaving 1% off the growth in the next quarter…in dollar terms, this will cost the economy over 100 billion dollars….so, the supposed party of fiscal conservatives don’t have a problem pissing away 100 billion dollars but they have a problem spending that same amount of money feeding the nation…what a bunch of hypocritical asses…geez…

Nolan Finley is still an idiot..

Well…the rationalizations start with the repubs this morning and they are reaching for any straw that might make them feel better about the implosion….and ole Nolan Finley from the Detroit News is leading the charge here in Michigan….he conveniently discards the polls saying that most of the country holds the children of the repub party responsible for the mess in Washington…but then hangs his theory that those don’t mean anything on another poll that asks “did the shutdown affect you personally” which a majority answered no. I will say this again…Nolan Finley is still an idiot…what he doesn’t get…or conveniently forgets is the the lack of empathy that this question reveals…he thinks that it is a good thing that people don’t give a damn about anything that doesn’t affect them personally. This trait is seen in repub circles as a good thing…the old “I’ve got mine, everyone else can go to hell” theme that permeates the repubs these days….they don’t give a damn about gay rights until it affect someone in their family, or they don’t give a damn about abortion rights until one of their daughters needs one…I know ole Nolan thinks he’s being clever, but his cleverness is just the same old crap from repubs…they don’t give a damn about anyone since they have theirs…geez…

Republicans are nothing but grifters…

Well…one of the most sickening press conferences I have ever seen was just on tv where Ted Cruz the idiot senator from Texas admitted that the only reason he damn near put the country into default and spurred the shutdown of the government was to raise money from his idiot tea party base…and he admitted that the petition on one of the conservative websites gave him two million names that he could use to grift even more money out of the rubes…all the while he knew that he could never get Obamacare repealed but he just didn’t care that he was costing the country billions of dollars….and his assertion that two million people signing his petition meant that a majority of America wanted it repealed just reveals the repubs only passing acquaintance with math…after all there are 330 million people in this country and I think that is quite a lot more than 2 million…but not on the right or in the Fox news world…what a delusional bunch…geez…

Republican waste…

Well…with the deal to end the shutdown and raise the debt ceiling almost done…let’s do a short tally of the cost of this tantrum to the US economy and the people it has directly affected…first, there is the 6 billion dollars in direct cost of the shutdown…yep, the party that talks insistently about waste in government has just wasted 6 billion dollars that could have been used to feed children, take care of the sick, or lower college debt…but no, these pricks would rather waste money spouting their nonsense and preening in front of the cameras that take care of the people…but, that’s not new…these folks don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves and they show it every day….then there are the 900,000 people who have been put out of work by the shutdown and who have not been paid for three weeks…but, again, the repubs don’t give a crap about them if they can try to score political points…and last, there is the long term damage to the economy that will again be in the billions by the increase in borrowing costs that will come from this bullshit brinksmanship…there are already ripples of this spreading through the economy…and for what? So Ted Cruz and Michelle Bachmann can get on stage and spout their nonsense? I wish the election was next week and we could say goodbye to this crap forever….geez…..

Scott Walker is at it again…

Well…there is no other description necessary for ole Scott of Wisconsin than that of a liar and a thief…the latest outrage centers on what he is doing for his cronies that work for him in the state government…with controls on the amount of pay he can pay his synchophants, he has devised a scheme to circumvent the laws of the state by moving them into phantom jobs and raising their pay since it is a “new” position even though they continue to do the same job they had before….then, he does this a few more times, allowing him to reward these cronies while he cuts the pay of union workers and takes away their rights…this is the face of modern republicanism that I have railed about here for years…they hate government until they find ways to use it to steal for their friends and donors….this crap should be illegal and this hypocrite should be in jail….geez…

Boehner owns the shutdown…by shenanigans…

Well..have been having a reading day today and one neat, little tidbit of information (another one, not the last one) jumped right out at me that says the ole Boehner owns the shutdown…he and his cronies (Ryan, Cantor, Sessions, et al) changed the rules of the house on the eve of the shutdown that took away the rights of all of the house members to bring legislation to the floor and replaced it with a new rule that said only the majority leader could bring legislation to a vote. Never mind that this has been a rule since the start of the country…with this change we now have one representative for 330 million people…and, with this change, we can see that the repubs had no intent for anything other than a shutdown. Now, we need to make them own it…that there is no role that anyone played but the establishment repubs no matter how much they are are trying to blame it on the tea partiers….these kinds of shenanigans should be prosecuted as sedition…as a person trying to bring down the government of the US…these folks should go to jail…geez…

Blame Citizens United…

Well…I am going to try to get out of this funk I’ve been in by taking on a couple of topics that I have been reading about over the past few days…and one from Think Progress that kind of distilled it…there has been more of the false equivalency that is rotting the press over the past few days that is trying to shift the blame from the repubs who own this mess since they are the ones that wanted it…and it is heartening to see that it’s just not working with the poll numbers of the repubs tanking like never in history…but, that’s not what I wanted to talk about…I want to talk about this little tidbit I read this aft about an analysis of the money spent in the last election in the wake of Citizens United that allows unlimited money from the rich to buy elections…but it is not even the elections that is the problem, it is the threat of primary opponents for the repubs that have allowed these rich people to get their way since the only thing the repubs think of is keeping their seats, not doing what is right for the country. The worst of it all is that there are only 216 people that gave over 530 million dollars for the last election…and if you think that money is not buying influence, you are crazy as the right….so, we have the supreme court to blame for the gridlock and nastiness in Washington…and they are just loving it…geez…

The cliff moves back a little…

Well… it looks like the repubs are rapidly moving back from the cliff as their masters the Koch brothers, and the Heritage foundation have finally said enough of this batshit craziness they have embraced. While I applaud the results, since when should an organization that is not part of the government so blatantly be able to call the shots and control our entire government? Who elected the Kochs? That is what I see as the problem with the current state of affairs…when the Citizens United decision allows two rich brothers to control the entire government through the money that they give to candidates….what I really don’t get is whey elected officials should allow this to happen…where is their pride? I guess that this is the fruit of the astroturf tea party organizations that the Koch’s have fueled over the past few years…they have bought themselves a government and their money now displaces the votes of millions and millions of Americans…we should all be really pissed about this…and take care of the problem next year by voting these wholly owned legislators out and putting people in their place that will truly represent us…not just money…geez…