Well…watched an interesting show on PBS last night with Bill Moyers looking into the reasons behind the financial meltdown and one of the things that I now understand is how bi-partisan the blame is….both parties were involved with the repeal of Glass-Steagall that allowed the banks to do what they did…but what I don’t understand is why no one remembers that it was the lack of regulation that led to the banks being able to monetize mortgages and make trillions in fees selling them to unsuspecting investors when they knew they were worthless. Why is no one calling out the repubs when they continue to cry deregulate, deregulate, deregulate….it is exactly the same thing they were saying in the 90′s and we all know where that left us….I do understand that regulation has costs but I don’t know of a better example of how much this deregulation nonsense costs, too….millions of homeowners losing their homes, millions of real people losing their savings, and millions of workers losing their jobs…..but that doesn’t matter to the repubs..the only thing that matters to them is to beat Obama….and that could happen if we continue to have amnesia about the near past…
Tag Archives: republicans
The State of the Union…
Well…just wanted to elaborate on the earlier comment I made on the sotu by Obama last night…there were parts of the speech that I found interesting to some extent…the new found populism and themes that echo what the majority wants was a little refreshing but I still fault him for not learning that you can’t compromise with the repubs; that the only thing they want is less regulation, more subsidies for business, and to defeat him….they don’t give a damn about moving the country forward…but the one thing that the repubs are misreading is the people’s desire to stop the nonsense they have been pushing for the last three years….that the repubs don’t see the new emphasis on income inequality and inequality of opportunity is not a flash in the pan but a long term realization that as the top 1% take more and more, there is less left for the middle class to earn and spend and as it continues, the economy will stagnate and never return to the growth necessary for a healthy economy….geez…
Okay…look down…I added to the last one…
Just a few short thoughts..
Well….haven’t really done any political stuff since the repub primary in SC so I think I should at least do a couple of words…does anyone else find it ironic that in a values voter state, that ole Newt could win it? And, run as a Washington outsider when his entire adult life has been consumed with politics and has been fed by the public trough? The repubs must really hate ole Mitt to give this unethical, unprincipled idiot their votes….what else….hmmmm….oh, another funny thing happened this morning when Rand Paul was detained by the TSA for refusing a full body patdown when he was flying….I don’t agree with anything this rightie has to say but I can support his saying enough…okay…going to end here for now but will be back later…
More Keystone nonsense…
Well…just saw an ad that attacks Obama for the delay in approving the Keystone pipeline and I needed to comment on this boondoggle again….if you’ve been here before, you’ve read my previous comment that took to task the lies that are used by big oil and the right to get this environmental disaster in waiting approved….and this new ad just adds to these lies with a new one and one that has not gotten much press lately..at least not in the media that I read. That new lie contends that this pipeline will help the US with energy independence when it is just not true…all of the oil that goes to the refineries through this pipeline will be exported to other countries…none of it will be used to lower prices or to meet demand here in the US. So, who benefits from the risk from this pipeline? There is only one group that benefits…the oil companies…and that is the dirty little secret that supporters of this debacle don’t want you to know…geez….
Hypocrisy from the Republicans…again
Well…I have a few thoughts that I want to get down on here so I will be adding to this one as the day goes on…first, I wanted to comment on the furor that is coming from the right on the recess appointments made this past week by the president and the subsequent ruling from the DOJ that the appointments are legal. The attacks center on the idea that since the senate repubs are trotting a senator out every few days to stand around in the senate chamber, the senate is in session and the president can’t appoint anyone until they can consent. This is utter nonsense since every president in history has made recess appointments and the DOJ has said that this is legal….but, that just drove the second set of attacks that ridicule the DOJ ruling on the appointments legality since the AG was appointed by Obama….but, they conveniently ignore the fact that the AG appointed by ole GW did exactly the same thing when it approved indefinite detentions for terror suspects…so, I call hypocrisy, again, on these idiots…maybe this one is long enought without adding to it…and if I do another, I will be caught up for the month…
Too much confusion…
Well…it has been a tumultuous week in politics and the happenings are making my head swim a little, sowing the seeds of confusion while I try to make sense of it. One of the things I find quite interesting is the attack line that is being used on ole Mitt…you would think that the other repubs in the primaries are really democrats with the populist attacks on Mitt’s tenure at Bain Capital…didn’t they get the memo that capitalism=good and, to quote Mitt, “the only people that are really successful are those that are in the 1%…”? It doesn’t matter to him that the majority of the 1% started out with lots of money (like him or Huntsman), or used their government connections (like Santorum or Gingrich) to get rich and these guys truly believe that it’s okay to rail against government on one hand and then profit from government on the other hand. I truly hope this continues since it is making me grin…but I will say it doesn’t take much to amuse me…
The true republicans come out…
Well..I hope you’ve been watching the lead up to the NH primary on the repub side and all of the Mitt bashing that has been done by the others in the race…I find it one of the funniest things I’ve seen in years but my neck hurts from watching all of the flip-flopping that has been going on. One of the most hilarious attacks centers on ole Mitt’s job creation record at Bain capital, with the crowd of contenders abandoning the central tenet of modern repub thought that business equals good and the hell with everyone else…and citing the fact that jobs were killed when Bain took over many companies while ole Mitt was running it as a reason to not elect him. What are these guys going to do if they do defeat Mitt? I just love how much ammunition the left is getting from all of these sound bites…and the fact that all of this sound a fury is exposing the repubs for what they are….unprincipled idiots who will do or say anything that they think will get them elected.
One last thing…one of the things that ole Mitt cites that makes him a job creator was Bain’s investment in Staples and he even goes so far to make it sound like he created Staples from his own ideas…it’s just not true..Bain supplied money and that was it…
Maybe the Republicans are getting some sense….
Well…there is not much going on with politics but the Iowa nonsense with the repubs but I can’t believe that there is so much time and attention being expended on this weird, throwback of a process. When you do the math, the whole caucus there and all of the votes amount to less than one-half of one percent of the total electorate in the US and the winner comes out thinking that he or she is presidential material and has earned a mandate to continue. But that is not what this is about…this is supposed to be about the repubs getting some sense and abandoning the idiot Newt for the nonsense he has been spouting…now, ole Newt may be right at home in a Dickens novel, but he is certainly not presidential material and it looks like even the hard right that controls the elections in Iowa has wised up to that fact. Well…maybe I’m wrong that they’ve gotten smarter…since they have pushed Rick Santorum to second place in the polls and have even kept Ron Paul in the running…this could be fun to watch if you like slow-motion crashes….I know, not too lucid but I’m really trying so bear with me a while…if I don’t get better then abandon me…
Nolan Finley has gone over the edge…
Well…I really do have to thank ole Nolan for being up to more of his nonsense this morning in the Detroit News where the latest dump from his tortured mind sees Obama and his re-election team behind the ‘Occupy” movement with a little George Soros thrown in for good measure. His main premise is that since Romney will probably be the republican nominee, (as he sees it) it is imperative for Obama to discredit the financial industry where Romney made most of his money and the best way to do this is to make a fake populist revolt of the people to make the charges. Nolan, Nolan, Nolan…..this sounds a bit like projection since your beloved tea party is just that… a fake grass-roots organization backed by billionaires for the specific purpose of killing the middle class and taking more, and more, and more for the rich and corporations. What you truly don’t understand is the “Occupy” movement started long before it had the backing of unions or really anyone on the left and Obama is still keeping his distance….and was really late to the party. I think you have the whole thing completely backwards….”Occupy” is truly a people run movement that is a direct response to republican policies that always favor the rich and, whether it was the plan or not, have decimated the middle class….so, when you talk conspiracy theories, your fear of the people taking the country back from your ilk oozes from every word…and you should be scared…
Tax shenanigans….
Well…if it wasn’t so sad, watching the repubs try to justify not continuing the payroll tax holiday for middle class workers without getting a new pipeline for their oil company owners would be funny. But, it really isn’t…it just another example of the sad state of affairs in the modern republican party that is dominated by the tea party. One of the really sad things is that, even with the claims of Rick Perry and some of the other repub candidates that the pipeline is really a jobs program since it would create between 100,000 and a million jobs, none of that oil is even going to be used in the US since we have become a net exporter of refined oil products. So, what is this pipeline about? It’s about more and more profits for the oil companies who don’t really give a damn that the pipeline will run across one of the largest aquifers in the central US, and that independent analysts have said will create maybe 500 new jobs; if that many. This is what happens when business owns one of the two parties here in the US and will never be better until we take their money out of the equation….and get the repubs back to representing the people who voted them into office not the corporations that bought them their seats in congress…geez…