Well…it was an interesting article by ole Nolan in the Detroit News this morning where he decries the lack of civility and bi-partisanship that is coming from the Obama administration on a range of issues….and he goes on and on citing examples where Obama has ratcheted up his rhetoric against the repubs plans for the economy. Nolan, Nolan, Nolan….Obama tried bipartisanship and got nothing from it but being kicked in the teeth by you and your repub buddies, he tried conciliation and compromise but your thug party did nothing but try to shut down the government to get what Boehner called “90 percent of what the repubs wanted”. I think ole Nolan is having the same reaction that all bullies have when their victims stand up to them..they go running home to mama complaining that it’s not fair…how does that one feel Nolan? It’s just another example of the thugs in the repub party who have no solutions for the middle class, no solutions for unemployment, and no solutions for this country and they know it…so they have to do the only thing they know how to do; gin up some phony attack that will distract the voters and keep their rich buddies from paying their fair shares….geez…
Tag Archives: republicans
Here come the lies from the right…
Well…I am not surprised with the now concerted effort to vilify and demonize the “Occupy” movement that is spreading across the world that is coming from the right…after all, they have a vested interest in keeping the status quo where 20% of the country who are rich and connected take, and take, and take while the rest of us keep butting our heads against this money and power. Now, some of the golden oldies of division that the repubs trot out any time they feel threatened with the truth are weaving their way into the daily talking points and are getting constant airing on Fox News…that the movement is overrun by “commies” and anti-semites and propose that “Occupy” is just a cover for socialists trying to force everyone into labor camps and confiscate the wealth of the rich for redistribution. I mean, really? The rich have been confiscating the wealth of everyone else for the past two decades by the purchasing of the government through the repubs and that is okay? Oh, I get it…it’s okay to redistribute wealth up but not down. I finally have a glimmer of hope that the rich and connected have overplayed their hand by bringing their naked theft into the open and not caring who knows about it…starting in Wisconsin and continuing with the Cain 999 plan that would cut taxes for the top 5% while raising taxes on the rest of us. Keep it up “Occupy”…the screaming you hear coming from the right is fear and the repubs understand the use of fear better than anyone else…geez…
Still on that tax thing….
Well…as more and more comes out on the results of the 2004 tax repatriation nonsense, I just had to write more about about it…hope your not bored but someone has to keep pointing out what the country will look like if you elect a repub president. The neat little tidbit that come out today was the fact that the repubs took out any reporting requirement for what was done with the money that was returned. They just listened to the businesses when they said “trust us” we’ll be good boys and girls and hire hundreds of thousands of workers. But, what really happened? Hundreds of thousands of jobs were cut and the pay of the ceo’s and other high ranking officers of those companies skyrocketed…basically rewarding themselves for stealing more, and more and more. This faith based economics is what is wrong with the country and will be many, many, times worse if we vote these idiots in in 2012. Geez….
Where are the jobs?
Well…this is going to be a short one about one of the topics that is near and dear to my heart…the lack of jobs or anyone doing anything to grow them….I will admit that Obama and his administration have been trying to do something, but where is the repub controlled congress? They have controlled the house for almost a year and have not put forth one new proposal that will get the economy going again and create jobs…they have just trotted out the same old tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts, that have never created one job…not in all of the cuts by the Bushies, or any of the cuts that have been done by Obama. So, that is the question we should be asking whenever a politician opens his or her mouth…what are you doing to create jobs? And remember that in the 2012 election…the repubs started leaning on Obama and blaming him for the lack of jobs about two weeks into his administration…now we should do the same to them…they’ve had a year in power filled with nothing but nonsense…geez…
The republicans vision…
Well..if we want to see the republicans vision in action, all we have to do is look at the state of Texas and the latest attack on schools there…on top of the 4 billion dollars that was chopped out of education in the latest budget, there is now a commission appointed by Rick Perry that is deciding on whether to give the companies that own the oil refineries there refunds on their taxes to pay for upgrades in their pollution controls. Now, let me get this straight…Perry and his cronies are going to give some of the most profitable companies in the world tax breaks to pay for something they are responsible for and shift the burden to the children and college students of Texas? This is class warfare and corporate welfare at it’s worst…what would happen if a regular citizen were to ask for tax breaks to buy a new car since is old one pollutes more than a new one? The repub establishment would be red-faced, screaming socialism, and lecturing the citizen that he or she needs stand on their own…that they can’t come to government to fix their problems. But it’s a different story when your big political donor comes with it’s hand out….that is the distilled vision that the repubs have for America…geez…
Musings about politics and other things…
Well….when are we, as a people, going to stop allowing billionaires to buy elections…when are we going to climb out from under the thumb of banks and business and take our country back…when are we going to find the principles that made this country great and start living by them again? I am edging up on the concept of civil disobedience as useful tool to combat the nonsense from the right and their owners…what if everyone took a month off from paying their mortgages; what would the banks do? What if we all come out and tell the politicians we want an ideology free set of solutions that are based in the science of economics; not the failed “gut feel” economics that the right is pushing? What if we said no to more tax cuts? What if we said yes to paying more in taxes to help get the country out of this mess? What if we boycott any company that sends even one more job out of the country? What if we stop this warfare on working people and support the unions who are the last line of defense for the middle class?
There are so many things that we can and need to do to make this country better…not just for the rich but for all of us but it won’t happen on it’s own…it’s time for all of us to say enough of going backward and saying what we can’t do…what if we become aspirational again? We need to think big again…there is more than enough money for it here….we just need to get it back from the right wing thieves who have stolen it all over the past 20 years….geez…
I was going to do a political one….
Well…I was going to do a political one today but I am still in a state of disgust with all politicians…okay, not all of them..but all of the repubs for sure and even some of the dems who seem to think that compromise is giving the repubs everything they want and ignoring the wants of the people that elected them. The polls show that people do not want what the repubs are selling; the gutting of the last vestiges of the social safety net that still remain for more and more tax breaks for the rich and business. We are starting to see what the repubs vision is doing to America with the prospects of another recession growing every day, caused by how they have slashed the incomes of the middle class to the point that the economy can’t grow because no one but the rich can afford to spend anything. The latest figures show that middle class has lost over 7% of their income over the past 4 years while the income of the top 10% has grown by over 40% in that same time period. And the repub idiots continue to scream that the dems are all about class warfare…when they are the ones who have unleashed warfare on the middle class and poor and will not be satisfied until everyone but them is living in poverty….geez….
Oh, I guess this was a political one….I never know where the brain is going to lead me once I get started….
One last thing…where are the jobs gov Snyder?
What’s wrong with this picture?
Well…just a short one…the events of the last couple of days expose the repubs for what they truly are…the job killers that they are always accusing the dems of being. In front of the fed meeting that is going on over the next couple of days, the repub thugs have sent a letter to the fed chairman threatening him with some kind of action if he allows another bout of stimulus to prevent the economy from falling back into recession. Never mind that the fed is an independent entity that was specifically designed to prevent the kind of legislative meddling that the repubs hate unless it is to benefit business…when there is possibilty that the fed can use it’s few tools to benefit the economy as a whole, the repubs go off on their crazy train and start making threats like the terrorists they are. This time the public needs to step up and hold these thugs feet to the fire and force them to start to govern for more than the top 1%…geez…
There are no adults left on the right…
Well…waiting for the dryer to finish so I can get out for the bike ride and thought I’d just put down a couple of thoughts…first, the right seems apoplectic that a solar film company that got a government loan went out of business after Obama touted it as being part of our energy future and there are howls for investigations of any lawbreaking….which I really can’t disagree with. But, where the heck were the republicans when Halliburton was getting all of the no-bid contracts and stealing billions of dollars when ole GW was in office? And, where were they when GW and Cheney were committing felonies by approving torture and warrantless wiretapping? I just can’t believe that the American public keeps electing these folks when it has been clear for a long time that they have no principles or honor…that they are all too happy to put the future of this country at risk for political gain….they just remind me of a 6 year old…and that may be insulting to the six year old….geez…
Finally, the gloves come off…
Well…I don’t know what took so long but finally, Obama has taken the gloves off and is no longer playing nice with the obstructionist repubs. I think he has made the right decision to attack on the whole idea of tax cuts for the rich and has put the pressure back on the thugs by going to the American people with proposals to raise taxes (or just make them equitable) on those making more than a million bucks a year…listening to Warren Buffett who decries the fact that he pays less of a percentage of his income than his secretary does in taxes. How can anyone disagree with that? But, then we have the right winger hogs worrying that the trough they have carefully and single mindedly filled to the brim for the rich might just end up a quarter of an inch below the rim….and trotting out their tired old bleat that asking for the rich to pay their fair share is “class warfare” and pledging to make sure that none of their rich donors will have to pay another dime….all I have to say to Obama is: nothing else is working politically so go big….make those idiots defend the rich and powerful…it will make is just so much easier to differentiate the dems from these thieves…geez…