November 14th

Well…another short night of sleep with being up at 5:11 but that’s okay…it was a little bit of a bore last night but “the Shining” was on again so that gave me something to switch to when the regular stuff got to be too much…in the middle of watching a German silent film from 1929 that is just one of the weirdest things that I have ever seen and I think I’ll go back to that right now and then come back later to add to this…

Okay…just got back from coffee and thought I’d get back to this for a while…couldn’t get through that German movie…the music was just so annoying and, for a 4 star rated movie, the acting and story was simplistic to say the least…I wonder who rates these things? I had dreams last night that were centered around a 1977 Chrysler that I once owned…pale blue with a blue leather interior….5,000 pounds of Detroit iron that never got better than 14 miles to the gallon and sometimes much less than that…a pretty cool 4 door hardtop but it was another of those lost and can’t find my way home ones that are becoming somewhat disconcerting. It was an okay day yesterday but I couldn’t muster the ambition to go out and shoot pool with Tom..,.not really in the mood for it I guess…it was nice to text a few with T and that really lifted my spirits so I have to say thanks to her…not much to do today…just the same old soul crushing resume nonsense I go through every day….but maybe today will be the day…

November 13th

Well… a good night last night with the Wings winning another one and some really weird dreams that included lots of cooking and Alan Alda….not going go further into that one…it was a variation on the can’t find class one that I have all the time…but in this one I couldn’t cook…other than that it was just the normal night of fighting off the boredom….having a hard time getting going today so I think I’ll just go back to the couch and have some more water….I do have to get out in a few to get the paper and it is already 55 degrees…so it may be a chance to get out on the bike for the last time in a t-shirt….but the wind is blowing about 30 so that may not happen….more later…

Okay…going to be lazy today and only do one of these…I did get a nice ride in but I am really sore from going into the 25 mph plus wind, though….now I’m just going to watch the rest of the race and wait for the Lions to come on….just don’t have the mindset to write much right now….not getting the job has been harder on me than I expected and I know I did that to myself by being excited about the possibilities….won’t let that happen again…if I ever get another bite….

An easy day….

Well…I finally got back on the bike today and it was a nice ride…but, I haven’t really done much other than that today…I was going to do a political one today but there really is not much happening that I want to comment on…Michigan is looking pretty terrible today but the last time I looked, they were up by 14 and trying to give the game away…I am looking forward to the Wings game tonight but there is not a good candidate for my second channel to flip to…”The Bank Dick” with WC Fields is on at 8 so maybe that’s one to consider….I think it will be a cocktail night tonight but I am going to take it easy and just have a couple…the tooth is finally coming around but yesterday I burned the crap out of the same side of my mouth and having pain there for so long is getting really tiring. Have to really get on the job search again tomorrow but I took the day off today to try to stop feeling so bad about it….okay, big wreck in the race and I’m going to go watch it…

November 12th

Well…another night and another Wings win so that was okay…I’m sitting here waiting for the coffee to brew and thought I’d do a short one here…weird, weird dreams that had the revealing of a new car model in my place combined with the standard college one that I have all the time…and this place was just huge with an upstairs and a downstairs…yeah, I know, I’m weird as hell. Okay, the coffee is done and I have to go read the papers and watch the F1 qualifying….more later…

I do have to say happy birthday to Neil Young….

Another boring day….

Well…that wasn’t going to be the title but “kill me, I’m bored” seemed to be a little over the top…so I thought I’d relieve it a little bit by sitting down here again and seeing what happens. Hmmm…nothing is happening….I wonder how long I should wait? Probably not a long time…it is a second day of not being on the bike and I’m still sore…but, you don’t want to hear about that…do you want to hear about any of this? Maybe I should make this one political? I was going to do one on the idiot AG here in Michigan…but it is on a topic that I really can’t talk about here…so, where do we go? Okay…let me get the Detroit News out from today and see if there is something there…be right back. Nope, nothing there….so, I think I’ll stop here and go try to find something else to do….

Can Mitt be this stupid?

Well…one of the funny things that came out of the repub debate from a couple of days ago falls under the heading of “can Mitt be this stupid” and made me laugh like crazy. When ole Mitt was spouting the usual talking points of repealing “Obamacare”, he made mention of a comparison that the left has been making for decades now…that every other industrialized country in the world pays less for healthcare than the US does…and he attributed the extra cost to the government being involved. But, what he fails to realize is that every other country that he noted has some form of a single-payer system that the government runs. So, now, Mitt…are you for or against a single-payer system? Or are you going to be against it today and for it tomorrow? Or, are you saying that the lie you and your repub cronies are spouting is just a cynical ploy to ensure that the insurance companies can continue to steal from the country?
Which is it, Mitt? Or,is it both…or is it neither? And, what will it be tomorrow?

November 11th

Well…it was a night last night…just like the thousands of others…I slept okay but am still tired…maybe it’s because I still got up before 6…I wonder if boredom makes you tired? I did get the kitchen scrubbed yesterday including cleaning the floor with a scrub brush….it didn’t look bad until I started but then it was pretty gross…I find myself walking into it and just looking at it I did so good of a job on it…yeah, my life is that boring….an today is going to be cleaning the bathroom! Yay! Okay…enough of that….I do have a few things to do today starting with the F1 practice but it is going to be too cold to go out on the bike…that will be two days off but I don’t feel guilty about it….I do feel guilty about other things, though…more later….

Just can’t do politics right now…

Well…this one was going to be a political one but my heart just isn’t in it right now….it has finally hit me hard that I have to start the job search process all over again and that is one of the most disheartening feelings that can come from being overqualified and unemployed….I know I said I was only going to wallow for a day but, with the snow starting here, it is harder than I expected to move on and get going…I know I will later today but as every day goes by it is more difficult…okay, no more whining…I do have to comment on the Penn State stuff as I said this morning….one of the things I can’t understand is why anyone thinks there are gray areas here…a coach on Jo Pa’s staff was seen violating a young boy and no one did anything about it…that’s the bottom line and it breaks my heart that this happened and the only thing people could think about was protecting the football program….there was only one action that was acceptable…and that was to walk the witness to the police and turn in the criminal that did this…nothing else…anyone who knew about this 9 years ago should have been fired or should even go to jail….no gray, no excuses. Geez….

November 10th

Well…it’s 5:48 and I’m up again but I actually feel quite good…another no cocktail night and the weird thing is that I slept okay but I have been grinding my teeth again and my jaw hurts like crazy again this morning….but that’s okay…not a bad tradeoff to feel this good in the morning….interesting show on Nova last night about time and what it really is that has still left me a little confused but a good exercise for the brain for a change that made me work some and I like it. There are so many things in the news that I need to comment on later…Joe Paterno, Rick Perry’s meltdown in the debate last night, and the new polls that show that over 60% of the country want the feds to step in to correct the growing income disparity her in the US…and I just want the tea partiers to keep talking about nothing but slashing….there I go again…I need to wait on this stuff for the political one later…not much to do today…I have to get groceries and then run some errands and I think the kitchen floor needs some work….more later….

Have to talk about the election…

Well…finally some good news for the country with the defeat of the radical right wing agenda in both Mississippi and in Ohio…in Mississippi…the people came to their senses and stopped the nonsense of “personhood” which would have set the cause of women’s rights back to the bad old 60′s….one of the right’s biggest goals…to repeal or continue to chip away at reproductive rights that women have had to fight with their lives for…in Ohio, the Koch brothers attack on organized labor and the middle class was soundly defeated by the overturning of the draconian law that the extreme right jammed through the legislature against the will of the people. It’s one of those things that the right just doesn’t get…that just because they win an election, it doesn’t mean they can only govern for their own supporters and the rich and corporations who bought them the election. With the advent of the “Occupy” movement and these election results…there may be a glimmer of hope that the 99% of us that can’t buy elections may be able to take our country back….I hope so anyway…