Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Barr gets slapped down…

Well…hey it’s Saturday and I’m doing a political one…that’s pretty unusual as you know…but, this one made my day and I thought I’d pass it along if you haven’t read about it yet…as you know, trump and his minions have had a concerted effort to try to destroy Andrew McCabe, the former FBI director for not being trumpy enough and actually following the law while he was director…and the latest was that Barr tried to use the Justice department to pursue the vendetta that trump has pushed since about when he got into office but that didn’t work out so well for him over the past few days. Just Friday, the grand jury that Barr took his “evidence” of wrongdoing to laughed him right out of the building…voting a “true no bill” which the Justice Manual compels the justice department and the AG not to resubmit the case to the same or a different grand jury…what that really means is that the evidence is not even strong enough for the grand jury to indict let alone get a conviction in court…now, part of this is speculation based on the fact that the GJ was dismissed with no indictment revealed and you can bet that if there was an indictment, idiot boy trump would be tweeting about it right now…but, not a peep so where is it? This won’t be the last time that trump and Barr try to use the justice department to go after their enemies but I hope the people that sit on the GJ’s will continue to tell them to follow the law…

bye, bye, jobs….

Well…just getting ready to get back on the bike for the second ride of the day but thought I would comment on an article I just read a few minutes ago…the “jobs” president really is if you count jobs lost to his stupid trade war….already, the idiot has cost over 300,000 jobs across the US and the projections are that, by the election in 2020, there will be almost a million jobs lost in damn near every industry that are affected by stupids war…now, I know I harp on this a lot but, what would the repubs have said if it was Obama who did this? If it was Obama who staggered around showing his ignorance every damn day and hurting the country with everything that comes out of his moronic mouth? Here’s the thing, most of these jobs are probably lost by people who voted for the idiot and they still support him even after going broke…this is the very definition of a cult and these people need to be deprogrammed if they are ever going to be able to identify reality and be a part of society again….but, I’m not holding my breath….

Voter fraud?

Well…irony is really and truly dead as of last night at the idiot trump’s rally in NC…the idiot was in town to “help” another repub to get elected  to the House in a special election that is being held since the last one for this district was voided for…wait for it…voter fraud perpetrated by the repubs there…but that doesn’t matter to the first no truth administration in the history of the country…and trumpy boy went on and on with his schtick about “massive” voter fraud in California when there has never been a documented case of it there…but it happens all the time in repub controlled states. Why doesn’t the media ask trump for proof of his assertions? Why don’t they just call him a liar and then stop listening to him? trump hasn’t earned any respect from anyone and don’t give me that crap that is respect for the “office” that is keeping reporters from challenging him….while he is in office, there can be no respect for the office…trump has debased it too much…impeach…

Getting spies killed…

Well…I know I’ve harped on this quite a bit over the past few years but it bears repeating every damn day…the repub party is filled with hypocrites who hate this country…I know you remember how many investigations there were of Hillary’s e-mails and the reason for them was that there might have kinda maybe been some classified information in them…and the hypocrites on the right blew a gasket every damn day saying she should go to jail for how she handled them…well get ready of some industrial strength hypocrisy today…the Washington Post reported today that the CIA had to smuggle a spy out of Russia in 2017 since they couldn’t trust trump to keep his mouth shut about him…since he runs it all the time like a bad case of diarrhea…and they were concerned that the idiot trump would get him killed. They are still alarmed at how the entire administration handles classified information citing examples of just last week when the idiot in chief tweeted out a classified photo of an Iranian missile site where a rocket had just blown up….letting the world know our capability to monitor this type of activity. Now, let’s compare…maybe kinda sorta classified information on an e-mail server or shooting your mouth of and getting spies killed, while you alert the world what our capabilities to spy are. Which one do you think is worse…oh, and lets remember trump giving away classified information to the Russian ambassador in the WH around the same time that resulted in a spy network being dismantled and leaving us less safe. So, what are you going to do about this senate repubs? Yeah, nothing…just like with everything else idiot boy does…the election is coming…tick tock…

Impeachment is coming….

Well…finally…with the news from the past couple of days, it appears that the 6 committees that are investigating trump have agreed that they need to vote on formalizing their investigations into a single impeachment investigation…and that vote is going to happen next Wednesday…and with dem control of the house, the vote will pass. One thing to remember is that there is enough evidence to impeach trump even before the bombshell revelations this week that trump is blackmailing the Ukraine into faking evidence that trump wants to attack Biden by withholding 250 million dollars in military aid that congress passed to help Ukraine protect itself from Russia….yep, naked blackmail that is being run by Rudy Giuliana…corruption on an epic scale that can’t go unanswered and that will now be part of the impeachment investigation. But, it’s not the only recently revealed corruption that trump and his cronies have been perpetrating…just yesterday, it was reveled that trump has ordered the air force to use a failing airport near his Scotland resort for refueling to keep it from closing and making it hard to get to trump’s resort…yep, trump is buying fuel for military planes at retail using taxpayer’s money to prop up his resort in Scotland….and the cronies he has put in charge of the military are going along with it…is this enough, repubs? Is this damn enough for you to convict after this crook is impeached? In any normal time, it should be…but with Moscow Mitch in control of the senate, there won’t even be a trial and trump will be able to continue to line his pockets with taxpayer money while the repubs close their eyes and destroy the rule of law. We can use Mitch’s behavior in the 2020 election, though, and maybe send him back to turtleland…now I can say this again…impeach….

The incridble shrinking “president”…

Well…how much more childish and small can a 70+ year old man get? Just yesterday, after the idiot trump lied (or was confused) about the hurricane forecast for Dorian, saying that Alabama was in danger even though no forecast from any weather organization even mentioned that it hitting Alabama was even a remote possibility…I can’t even believe I’m typing this…trump took a sharpie and marked up one of the NOAA maps to make it look like he was right…yep, just a black sharpie balloon added to the possible storm track to make trump look like he was right…and since the rest of the track was not in black, it was really quite clear that it was the drawing of a 4 year old toddler that was pouting when he was called out for being wrong. Now, did he think no one would notice a hand drawn appendage to a computer generated map? Is he so damn insecure and delusional that he thought that altering the map would prove him right? To use the words of Kamala Harris…”dude gotta go”…and right now…

It’s not looking good for idiot boy…

Well….I’m not sure why the media is focusing on the idiot trump’s approval rating that has never moved out of the high 30′s to low 40′s since he was installed by Putin, instead of all of the other negatives that has started to appear in polling. The big takeaway from these latest polls is that 56% of the people responded they would not vote for the idiot under any circumstances…with a number like that, trump should start getting measured for his orange jumpsuit that he will be wearing in prison after he is gone…but that’s not the only number he should be worried about…the polling on his “handling” of the economy is sagging to where he is two points underwater with the only thing that he could point to as an accomplishment…but, we all know he hasn’t done a damn thing for the economy but sabotage it after he inherited a strong one from Obama. One last thing that the moron in chief should be really, really worried about is polling that says that any one of the top 5 dem candidates would trounce him in a landslide…with Biden leading by almost 12 points head to head. So, some good news for our side and some bad for the bad guys…the election can’t come soon enough for me…can’t wait to rid this country of these assholes…

Ha, ha…you silly farmers…

Well…geez…who could have predicted this…who could have predicted that an ignorant, pussy grabbing, serial bankrupter would not have any idea how trade works and think that “trade wars are easy to win”? Yeah, just about everybody but the troglodytes who voted for the idiot….and now the stories of farmers who are losing the markets they have worked to build for decades are starting to be told and I am incredulous that they are confused how this could happen…when they chose to believe the reality show version of the successful trump when it was clear that he has never been a great businessman and they would of known that if they could have put away their racism, hate, and misogyny and stopped watching fox news for just one damn minute. “But, her e-mails!”  Hey, farmers, I wonder if you would still have your global markets if Hillary had been elected…yeah, you know the answer to that…they would have been better than ever and China would have been a fair trading partner since the Chinese know they couldn’t bullshit her like they can trump….you know the next story I want to see the media report? How about you talk to a realist farmer who voted for Hillary and tried to tell his friends what trump would do to them with his stupidity and ignorance…and when their friends whine and bitch about losing money, those people need to understand that they are the ones that did this to the country by voting for a fraud and they are responsible for their own fate…think next time…if you can….geez….

Trump’s losing fox news…

Well…you know I never, ever like to give fox news credit for anything since they are a cesspool of hate, lies, and trump fluffing…but, something happened the other day that just stunned me and I had to share it. After the past couple of weeks of trump attacking fox news for having dems on sometimes and not kissing trump’s ass enough…Neil Cavuto had had enough and went on the most righteous rant that basically laid bare the fact that trump lies all the time and that trump’s idea of fake news is just facts that he doesn’t like…cripes, this thing could have been written by any one of the anchors on MSNBC and I wonder why now? Has fox finally come to the realization that trump is toast in 2020 and is starting to distance the network from him? Yeah, I know, it’s like Dr. Frankenstein trying to distance himself from the monster he created…I wonder why trump hasn’t responded? Has he finally realized that fox news is all he has left and isn’t going to get fawning from anywhere else? Whatever the reason, I’ll bet the idiot in chief is stewing about Cavuto right now and I can’t wait for the tweetstorm…should be a beaut…

More lawbreaking…

Well…if it wasn’t bad enough that trump is stealing money from military families to build his stupid wall…now, we have reporting that he has told the people building it that they can break any law they want to get it built fast and he will pardon them if they do get arrested…now, over 95% of the wall will have to be built on private land that will have to be stolen to do it…starting with a national park that he is going to split in half  and permanently make the southern half no longer accessible to the US people whose taxes have paid for it…and this includes pristine environmentally sensitive areas that will have to have roads built through them for construction equipment to get to the wall site…I wonder how these private citizens in Texas will feel about their land being taken for a racist vanity project from the most unpopular president in the history of the country The idiot trump has already said he will ignore the courts if he is sued to stop the land stealing so is that a high crime? It is in my book and the repubs have shown they have never been the law and order party if they allow this to happen…