Tag Archives: impeachment

The looting has begun…

Well…we all know that trump is breaking the law every day by still being in control of his businesses….and the past two weeks pointed out why presidents should not be able to profit off the government….over the past two weeks as trump took two weekends at his resort in Florida…at a cost of 2 million dollars for each weekend that went straight into trump’s pocket….now, I don’t know about you but I sure don’t want any of my tax dollars going to that idiot…and we can be sure that over the course of this year alone, trump will loot the federal government of close to 50 million dollars…just the kind of grift that the law was meant to prevent…where are you repubs? Impeach….

This is bad for trump…

Well…okay, just needed to do a short on on an article I just read….it seems that the intelligence community has stopped giving trump and his minions any intelligence briefings since they know that there is a direct pipeline to Russia out of the white house…let that sink in for a minute…trump and his cronies in the white house don’t get classified briefings since the CIA knows there is a Russian mole in the white house and that Putin will find out what we know about Russia…and the CIA has told our allies not to share any info with trump, either…and what is that noise you hear from the repubs in the house? Silence….this, folks, is the definition of high crimes and misdemeanors that is the bar for impeachment…what the hell does it take, repubs for you to uphold your oath to defend the constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic?

France and Yemen now school the idiot trump…

Well…another day, another couple of countries understand that there is no dealing with trump…..the president of France was just dumbfounded after a phone call with the idiot trump…he couldn’t keep a train of thought and just ranted about unrelated stuff all through the call…going off on everyone who questioned him and made a bunch of personal attacks throughout the call….real presidential and that makes one more country that doesn’t see the point of even talking to trump….and then there’s the botched raid in Yemen that killed over 30 civilians, didn’t get any of the terrorists that were the target of the raid, and that was authorized over dinner without any military people even being there…just his son-in-law, and the racist Bannon…and the result of that raid and of banning anyone from Yemen coming into the country? Yemen has just said the US can go to hell and get out of the country, not allowing any more anti terror raids there when Yemen is a hotspot for terror organizing…boy, that sure makes us more safe doesn’t it trump? What an ignorant idiot…repubs, where the impeachment?

What more does Trump have to do to be impeached?

Well….it is pretty clear by now that trump has no idea how democracy works and he showed it again today with a tweet attacking the judge in Washington that ruled against his bigoted, illegal order on immigration. Here’s what the idiot said: “The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!”  First, never in our history (other than Nixon) has a “president” attacked a judge when a ruling went against him…trump seems to think that whatever he does is perfectly legal since the other idiots around him kiss his ass and tell him it is…that’s not how the three independent branches of government work you moron….and the judge responded that he doesn’t care who is “president”, he only cares about the law and it’s correct interpretation. What more does trump have to do, repubs, to be impeached by you? Read the damn 25th amendment and get to work….

Trump is truly insane…

Well….if you haven’t already seen evidence that trump is mentally ill, I’ll give you a couple more little bitty pieces to that puzzle. Over the weekend, the idiot in chief threatened the president of Mexico with sending in American troops to take care of the “bad hombres” down there since the idiot doesn’t think the Mexican army can handle it…yep, he really did say that…and then, that not being enough, on a call to the PM of Australia, the idiot started freaking out and yelling at him since we have an agreement to take in a few hundred refugees…and trump went off and yelled that he didn’t want them to send us more “Boston bombers”… but that was not even the best of it…he then hung up on the PM in a huge snub to one of our staunchest allies in the world. Now, this kind of behavior is surely an impeachable offense since it is evidence that trump truly is mentally ill…come on repubs, dust off the 25th  amendment and get to work…the world can’t take much more of this….

Lawless republicans…

Well…where the hell are you repubs? A lawless fake president is violating the constitution, breaking laws, and defying multiple court orders and not a peep out of you assholes….if Obama would have done even one of these things regarding immigration you would have had articles of impeachment delivered the same day but when trump does it, nothing but silence from you hypocrites…so we all now know that your supposed reverence for the constitution and the rule of law was just more and more damn lies….is there not one of you on the right that will do what’s right for the country just once instead of your party or yourself? It’s up to you to do your job and hold the idiot trump accountable…but, none of you will…and the country sinks….

It is to laugh….

Well….just read an article with a quote from ole Boehner saying that the repubs have no intention of impeaching the president, saying it’s all a plot by mean old Obama to get out the vote for the elections in the fall. As soon as I read that, the only thing that came to my mind was the old Daffy Duck quote: “It is to laugh” and I did laugh. One thing he didn’t say was that he intends to do it after the election…lying to the public again since he can see that even talking about it risks losing both the house and senate. So, let me get this straight….Obama is the one talking about impeachment and using his Jedi mind control to get everyone on the right to talk about it and push for it? Man…that guy is pretty fricking smart if he is thinking that far ahead…I think the more rational explanation is only that ole Boeher is scared of his own side and their rabid hatred for Obama and he is losing control of the narrative…or the truth is getting out and the general public just doesn’t like it….geez…

They’re crazier than I thought…

Well…as you know, I have been detailing the crazy in the repub party for quite a while now and it looks like I’ll have to keep doing it for another long while with the latest revelation that these idiots have been holding formal meetings trying to put together impeachment proceedings against Obama for Benghazi or some other things that they aren’t even sure of…but, they just know that he should be impeached since he won the last election and didn’t give the repubs everything they wanted. I really, really hope they do it…and I can’t wait for the ads and the dems getting up on the floor of the house and asking why the felony torturer in chief, ole GW wasn’t impeached for things the really are high crimes and misdemeanors….man, these guys have gone over the crazy falls this time but I think they will be looking for another one as soon as they hit bottom from this one….how much more stupid can you get? Gonna be fun to watch…

Impeachment, again?

Well…still feeling like crap this aft but thought I’d try to do one of these to ensure I don’t fall too far behind…and to relay my incredulity that the idiot repubs are talking impeachment for a second dem president in a row…never mind that you didn’t hear a peep out of the guys when ole GW was approving torture…committing many felonies in the process…and then having the oil companies write the laws that govern them…along with allowing the banks to crash the economy while the justice department just stood around and watched….and the thing is that the repubs can’t even say what the actual acts are that rise to the threshold of “high crimes and misdemeanors” they just “know” that he must have done something wrong since he wants to actually follow the constitution and appoint judges, or sign a laws that would help millions of people get health insurance. In the repubs crazy world…anything that the president does is an impeachable offense…if he walks his dog he should be impeached, if he breathes he should be impeached…you get my drift. I really do hope they do it…I hope the crazy-assed house does try to impeach Obama…it would be one of the final nails in the coffin of the crazy that has been ruining this country for the past 30 years….I’ve had enough of it that’s for sure…geez…

Impeach, impeach, impeach…

Well…if you were unsure yet that the repubs in the house are stupid, ignorant, know-nothings…you just have to listen to the bleating that is coming from them on all of the “scandals” that have arisen in the past few months and now, they have started to talk impeachment of Obama for “high crimes and misdemeanors”…but not one of them know what the hell that phrase even means let alone that no impeachable offenses even happened. One of the leaders of the impeachment crazy chorus is the really, really stupid Jason Chaffetz who came out, with a straight face even, and said that because he thinks that Obama lied about Benghazi, it is an impeachable offense…oh, really? When it is clear that no one lied, conspired or did anything else wrong other than the repubs cutting the budget for diplomatic security? If lying to the American people is an impeachable offense, where the hell were the impeachment chorus when Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest lied us into a war and cost over 4,000 American lives? I really do hope they keep going down this path since every time they open their mouths their stupidity is further revealed and they lose more and more support from the independents they need to win elections…I have resigned myself to the next two years of nothing but this crap…but then we take back the house and these crying babies can go to hell….can’t come too soon…geez…