Tag Archives: Paul Ryan

Let’s stop this “visionary” nonsense…

Well…just a short one about the plaudits that have come in for ole Ryan after his nomination…first, let’s look at the effect of his budget plan…and I am going to be blunt…to follow his plan…that won’t balance the budget until I’m long dead…in the 2040′s….we will need to cut 91% of all spending that is not military…yep, you heard it…91% of all government spending on everything that makes a government and a society, schools, safety nets, unemployment insurance, job training,….you get the idea…his vision is that the US will be a military with a little bit of government thrown in….and, to top it off…ole Mitt will pay less than 1% in taxes on his income…while you and I will continue to pay 30%….it you think this is the path this country should take…vote for these guys..if you do, you are all idiots…geez…yep, I said idiots…please comment…I’m waiting for it…

A few things…

Well…I wonder what the reason was that ole Mitt picked the idiot Ryan to be his VP? It appears that he did it to solidify the base behind him since those on the right never really warmed to Mitt…but I just can’t see where Ryan will appeal to anyone but the base…remember this is the guy who holds Ayn Rand in such high regard and espouses that her ideas of radical individualism are what he believes in…that there is no role for government to play and that people should live or die on their own efforts with no safety net to ensure that the elderly and children don’t starve if they have the bad luck to not be connected to the old boys network. Remember this, too, for a guy that hates government so much, he has spent his entire adult life in government…getting the pay raises and gold plated healthcare that he feels that no one else deserves…but that is the pattern of the repubs…play to the crazy right by hating government and then using government to enrich themselves at the cost to the rest of the country. One last thing, I’ve read stories that ole Ryan is an “intellectual” and one of the big thinkers on the right….but, to me, it doesn’t take a big thinker to cut, cut, cut, when it’s not coming out of your pocket…geez…

Mitt’s just a hypocrite…

Well…this is going to be a short one about an article that I read this morning that makes ole Mitt not just a liar but a hypocrite as well…I’m sure you’ve heard of the controversy over ole Mitt not releasing his tax returns…or only one year…but today, we find out that in vetting his vp picks, he asked for multiple years of theirs…so, the American people don’t need to see ole Mitt’s returns but he needs to see the vp picks? What a hypocrite….but I still want to thank him for picking Paul Ryan and making this election a choice for the future….the gift that just keeps on giving…

Romney’s gift to the Dems…

Well…just got back from ordering a part for the car and got the news that ole Mitt has picked Paul Ryan to be his VP candidate and I just can’t stop smiling…of any of the possible picks, this is the very, very best one for the dems…to pick the most radical, teapartier to be his running mate, it just makes it so much easier for the dems to pick up the independents who may have been listening to the fiscal nonsense that has been coming out of the campaign. In case you don’t remember, this is the guy that is the supposed “serious” one on the right who proposes just more of the same…tax cuts for the rich and program cuts for everyone else…Medicare will be gone, social security will be gone, healthcare will be gone if these idiots get elected and the polls say that over 70% of the people want none of that nonsense…so, thanks, Mitt….your gift will be appreciated…geez…

Obama is the most divisive politician?

Well…the repubs have a new talking point that they have been trying out over the past week or so and it makes me laugh it is so ridiculous…they now assert that Obama is the most divisive politician in Washington today…okay, just writing that made me laugh. More divisive than the liar Romney? More divisive than the turtle McConnell who stated that his whole purpose in life and politics was to make sure Obama failed and with it the country? How about Paul Ryan and the other tea baggers who shut down the government over the debt ceiling? I have to remind the repubs yet again that in the world that is based on facts, just saying something is so does not make it true…it might to their base but to the rest of us, we say “show us” and prove your assertions…geez…

One last thing…and one that shows that idiocy is alive and well in Arizona…the repub secretary of state there is “not sure” if he will allow Obama to be on the ballot there since he is “not sure” if Obama was born here in the US….stupidity runs rampant on the right from the bottom to the top….

Just a couple of things…

Well…I did have a couple of comments to make and wanted to make them before I forget so here goes…there was an interesting article in the WAPO today that makes the clear and evident point that the dysfunction in Washington today is the repubs fault and the false equivalence that the right tries to make that the left is just as responsible is laid to rest by a clear argument…one that I have made here more than a year ago…but it is nice when your ideas get confirmed by other writers….you should go there and read it…I think they even do a better job that I have…the next thing I wanted to say is about the dustup that Paul Ryan had with the Catholic bishops and others in the Catholic church when he claimed that his proposed draconian cuts to the social safety net fit with Catholic teachings…at least the way he sees it….but the bishops landed on him with two feet and in no uncertain terms told him he was dead wrong…that giving tax cuts to the rich and corporations and paying for them by cutting every program that doesn’t benefit the rich is not what the Bible teaches…but, as the overly self assure repubs do, ole Paul kept up his attacks saying that he was a better judge of the teachings of the church on social justice than the bishops are….what a huge load of hubris from this idiot….geez….

I’m trying….

Well…it has been such a struggle lately to get these out but I am going to keep trying as long as it takes….I find it funny that the right has been taken aback now that Obama has figured them out and has started to fight back where he hoped for compromise in the past….and they are just screaming about his attack on the Ryan budget and the fact that he is using numbers against them…especially since they don’t believe in numbers at all, or they failed at math in high school, I’m not sure which. It is just like any bunch of bullies, when they get challenged, they sit there and try to turn the fault for the bullying back on the victim…but I’m not calling Obama a victim…he brought a lot of this bullying on himself by trying to compromise when the right had made it clear they would not compromise on anything….it’s like the right is surprised that he is not just rolling over and taking it and they don’t know how to react to it….being exposed as the party of no ideas must hurt…and I just love it…

The republicans are just not serious…

Well…I have been struggling lately to come up with topics that really mean something and I think the problem may be that I have stopped reading the newspapers in the morning….but I have made a little cash lately so maybe I should resume going out…who knows? The one thing that I wanted to deal with today is the new budget proposal put forth by Paul Ryan in the last week or so and the fact that it is just more of the same nonsense that he proposed last year…more tax cuts for the rich, more safety net cuts for the middle class and the poor, and exploding the deficit that the repubs say they are concerned about but their actions say otherwise. This document just reeks of dishonesty with the most egregious lie or omission being how to pay for the tax cuts for the rich and corporations that he wants…saying “trust me” with some vague statement that waste and fraud can be eliminated to pay for them but does not say where that waste and fraud lies….and the cheers on the right for this piece of crap have been long and strong with the self congratulatory pats on the back and the attack line that the repubs produced a budget when the dems haven’t…but I think a bad budget proposal like this one is worse than not doing anything…but I do thank ole Paul for pulling the cover back on what American would look like if the repubs were in control….now, all we have to do is vote these idiots out of office…geez….

Paul Ryan is still an idiot…

Well…just a short one on the new budget plan that ole Paul has put forth…I’m not going to bog you down with all of the numbers but just the two that define this mess that continues the repubs war on the middle class and poor….5.3 trillion dollars in cuts to programs for the poor and middle class…including gutting Medicare and social security…and guess who gets tax cuts? I’m sure you guessed it…the rich will get 4.3 billion in tax cuts…so, what this idiot has just said that we are no longer even going to pretend that we give a damn about anyone but the rich…and he justifies it by saying that anything that benefits the less fortunate will just take away their incentive to work and get ahead…never mind that the rich and corporations get much more in subsidies every year…does that mean that corporations will no longer have incentive to compete since they are getting corporate welfare? Oh, no….corporations are different since they are “job creators” so the rules don’t apply….as they don’t to the 1%…how did we get here? I am losing hope for our country if guys like this are allowed to stay in power…geez…

Paying for representation…

Well….I was just shocked a few minutes ago when I read of the newest way that the repubs are excluding people…even their own constituents….they are now charging people from 15 to 35 dollars to gain entry and ask questions at their political events. Yep, folks…the repubs have sunk to a new low in trying to exclude people from their right to petition their elected officials…what are going to do next? Sell autographs? Turn their houses into bed and breakfasts? I’d like the tea partiers like Paul Ryan to try to find charging for access to them in the Constitution….what a bunch of hypocritical idiots….gezz…