It doesn’t matter that the bombs didn’t go off…

Well…after the idiot trump spurred on one or more of his followers to act on the hate he spews every day by sending bombs to people on his “hate list”…some repubs had started to think that maybe, just maybe idiot boy had gone just the teensiest bit too far…but, that ended this morning when the new talking point was issued to the talking heads at fox “news” asserting that since the bombs didn’t go off, they were no big deal and it was the media’s fault that they think it’s important….and that it can’t be attempted murder since, again, the bombs didn’t go off and no one got hurt. I got news for you repubs, it is still a crime, it is still attempted murder even when the gun doesn’t go off if you are pointing it at someone and pulling the trigger…and that is just what this is, and no amount of rationalizing by the repubs will change that…and still not one repub has broken with trump and his incitement to violence that happens every damn time he opens his mouth….this is radical christian domestic terrorism plain and simple and I wonder why no repub is calling it that…after all, they love to name things and spent years trying to get every attack by a middle eastern person labeled “radical Muslim terrorism”…what a bunch of hypocrites…impeach…

October 25th

Well…sitting here waiting to make the grocery run and thought I’d come here and do this one and not wait until later…after all, getting up at 5:44 and not doing the grocery run until 7 leaves me quite a bit of time to kill…and I don’t want to start with coffee until I get back and have a newspaper to read…I did sleep okay with getting to bed by 10:30 but the tossing and turning is back…one good thing is my neck is not hurting right now and that is a relief after the pain I’ve had for the past few weeks….I did get a few things done yesterday and finally got the new spark plugs in the car and it runs great again…I do have to replace the valve cover gasket in the spring since it is seeping down into the plug wells…used a pair of the disposable gloves I bought last week and it was nice to not have to get the grease out from under my fingernails…even cleaned a little in the kitchen mostly from boredom and I will continue that today…not much to do today…just the normal stuff and a bike ride…oh, and cooking some chicken for lunch….more later…

Hey trump voters, how’s that IRA today?

Well…just as we see daily, the ignorance of trump and all of his minions knows no bounds and that was shown again this week when their stupidity on the economy saw the Dow down another 1,000 points…over 600 just today. I know I’ve said this before but “how’s that IRA today, trump voters?” How’s the MAGA shit working for you? You’ve lost almost 20% in the past month and yet you still think the con man in chief knows what he’s doing…after all, he was “successful” on “the Apprentice”. Every damn economist who is not in the tank for trump has been saying the economy would react to the tax cut scam by continuing to grow for a year or so and then, once the rich got their payoff, it would tank and head for a recession. The warning signs have been shouting for some time now, new home starts are down almost 15% in the past 6 months…a really good indicator for where the economy is heading…and the layoff notices are starting to snowball with the idiot trump’s tariffs…almost 100,000 people lost their jobs in the past month as a direct result of trump’s economic ignorance and magical thinking….even farmers are staying with trump even though they are going broke and the world where they sold their crops doesn’t want anything from us anymore…just because of trump…the rampant stupidity in this country that gave us trump is going to continue because those people just love to hate….and they are just too dumb to do anything else…impeach…

Bombs now?

Well…god damn trump and his idiot minions…as we all know, trump’s favorite schtick for ginning up outrage with his deplorable followers is to attack everyone on the left with veiled threats of “2nd amendment remedies” if they don’t agree with him and call him on his constant lies…but, over the past few days, all of this bullshit he spouts about George Soros, the Clintons, and the Obamas have had some real world consequences when some right wing asshole has sent bombs to all of  them, trying to murder them just as trump has told them to. And, what was the response from the repubs? Yeah, you can hear the crickets from here…not a damn one of them has condemned trump’s rhetoric or these attempted murders of their political opponents…something that only happened in two bit dictatorships until the asshole trump….this IS a high crime and should put impeachment right on the front burner when we retake the house next month…and every person involved including trump should go to jail for the rest of their lives…this can’t stand in a democracy..and let’s make no mistake here, these are not the caravan of invented terrorists who only live in the fevered brains of the right…these are real terrorists who are fully supported by trump and the repubs….impeach…

October 25th

Well…I wonder what happens when the time changes? Will I then be waking up at my normal time again? All I know is I was up at 5:34 this morning and I don’t like it much…that gives me way too much time between wake up and waiting for the temp to come up to get on the bike…looks the boredom is going to start early today…I did sleep okay last night but after having some spicy guac last night, I can feel that my intestines are not going to like me much today…not sure when my sensitivity to jalapenos started but even small amounts now hurt…got a few things done yesterday but that means I don’t have much to do today…and I am depressed that someone won the Mega last night and there is no fantasy left…oh, well….I did get my hair cut yesterday and ran some errands and that leaves me with just a little work to do on the bike before I get on it later….I guess I could clean some but it’s 6 am and I have no motivation at all yet…just need more coffee and some news…more later….

Now for something different…

Well…okay…screed of the day is done so I’m going to noodle around a little with some short stuff that wouldn’t make a whole one of these…it was pretty cool yesterday when I just got started on the bike and flushed 3 yearling deer who were lying down next to the trail…they paced me along the fence for quite ways even when I was moving pretty good…and I thought I could keep up until they decided that I was too close and just jetted away even with me going over 20 on a downhill…pretty fun to watch…I did get some work done on the rust on car and may do a little more before winter if I get a couple more 50′s days….oh, I did get out and got some of the 77 cents a pound turkey breasts at my daily deals store…I mean, 7 pounds of boneless breast for 5 bucks? I just couldn’t pass that up and it was even low sodium so that was a bonus….I even got some Dean’s guac for a big container for 99 cents so I am going splurge with some of that tonight….I know, it’s bad for me but I can afford a little of that….

Lions and tigers and bears, oh, my….

Well…as I’ve written about before, the repubs these days are the biggest chickenshits there are in this country…scared of everything and their own shadows. They even take to making up dangers since they are either using that fear to scare the hell out of their chickenshit followers or they really get off on being scared themselves…probably a little of both. The latest bogeyman they are fixated on is a couple of hundred refugees from Honduras and other central American countries who are trying to save their lives by leaving their homes and trying to get to the US…walking hundreds of miles into the unknown because that is better than the situations they left behind. But, of course, the idiot trump and his minions are turning these refugees into a horde of killing machines that are part ISIS and part terminator to demonize them since they just hate brown people so much and they know that, even though it is all lies, de-humanizing people they hate works to motivate their base and was the key to trump stealing the election. So, what do we do about it folks? We Vote….we elect humans to office and throw these monsters out and put them back under the rocks where they lived until trump released them….and we work every day to fix our elections so that they can’t be hijacked by gerrymandering and voter suppression…only then can we put the 28% of people in this country who are repubs back to their place as the fringe shouters they should be…not ruining this country with their bullshit and lies…impeach….

October 23rd

Well…running early again today…ick…up at 5:37 and that is getting old…I think I’ve said that many, many times lately and I’m getting tired of even writing it…I did sleep okay, though, so I guess that’s something…had a pretty good day and got a few things done…got the surface rust on the car taken care of and had a nice ride out and back to pool with the top down but those days are going to end here soon…oh, and I won at pool…I think….didn’t get anything else done yesterday but I have a few things to do today…need to get my hair cut and then make a run out to the daily deals store to look at fully cooked turkey breast they have on sale…only 77 cents a pound but I do need to check the salt content so I’m not surprised like I was with the ham a few weeks back….I did make some fish for dinner last night but my stomach was queasy all night after that so I wonder if the fish was bad or if it was just from not eating enough…I guess I’ll find out when I have the other two fillets today….more later…

Keep it up, idiot…

Well…as the pre-excuses start to pile up from the repubs since it looks like they will lose the house next month…the idiot trump has started to float a real whopper…that the mid-terms are not a “real” election so his followers don’t really need to turn out to vote…and the second part of that is that if they do lose, it’s not his fault since the mid-terms are not a referendum on him but it is anyone else’s fault but his…and he lies, and lies that “people” are coming up to him at his propaganda shows and telling him that they will never, ever vote in the mid-terms since idiot boy is not running….the delusion continues with trump saying that any repub who loses didn’t tie themselves closely enough to trump and his policies since he and they are so popular. Man, is there any dumber person on the planet? All I have to say is keep it up idiot…keep telling your deplorables to stay home and not vote and maybe we can take the senate, too…what a moron….impeach…

October 22nd

Well…just noticed that I didn’t come back for a second one yesterday and I’m not sure why that is…didn’t have anything to do but watch sports so there was plenty of time…hmmm…not sure how I slept last night but I feel like it was crappy so I’ll go with that…my neck has been killing me the past few days and that’s another one I can’t figure out…must be that I’m sleeping wrong but it should work out if that’s what it is but it continues all day….another puzzler…didn’t get a lot done yesterday other than clean the stove top and the controls for it…I do have to stop wearing my glasses around here since I see how dirty things are when I wear them…and that makes me need to clean when I don’t want to….probably won’t get to much today with pool this aft…but, I do have to work on some surface rust on the car again this morning but that will have to wait til the temp comes up some….more later….

What you never want to be….