Read the constitution, Tom Cotton…

Well….just read a jaw-dropping article where senator Tom Cotton sent out a cease and desist letter to his constituents to tell them they will be reported to the capitol police if they continue to call him to stop being a lying, racist asshole supporting the lying, racist asshole in the WH. Yeah, I can’t believe it, either….this guy doesn’t give a damn that the reason he is even in Washington is to listen to his constituents and take care of them…and Tommy boy, read the damn constitution…I’d suggest the first amendment that protects a citizen’s right to “petition the government for redress of grievances”…and how does that happen? By calling and writing to their lying, racist senator….this is what you voted for repubs…while you wave your damn pocket constitutions, you elect people who don’t give a damn about it….so, Tom Cotton, you need to go…if you don’t want to do your job, then stop getting paid for it and go back where you came from…geez….

Darn, no SD this year….

Well…as you know, I was really geeked up last fall when Steely Dan came to Grand Rapids for the first time and it was so cool to see them on our turf versus having to go across the state to see them. But, darn, it looks like that was a one time thing since I just got an e-mail with their tour announcement for this year and they are going back to the east side of the state to Pine Knob….now, I have made that trip 5 times before but, at this time in my life, I just don’t want to make that much effort anymore…and, they are not playing alone but The Doobie Brothers are co-headlining with them this year…now, I wouldn’t mind seeing the Doobies…I have liked them for a long time but I’m just not up for a 4 hour concert anymore, either… it looks like last year was the last time I’ll see SD…the end of an era…..

Let’s hope the NRA goes down….

Well….the coffee has finally started to work so I thought I’d come here to talk about a little article I read this morning about the NRA…you know, the hate group that is responsible for thousands of deaths every year in the US…this morning, it was reported that the FBI is investigating where the 30 million dollars the NRA spent to help elect the idiot trump came from. Yep, and the conjecture is that it was funneled from Putin and his cronies…well…not even conjecture…there is fire where the smoke is coming from or the FBI wouldn’t be involved….it’s just like the American citizens who were instrumental in funneling Russian oligarch’s money to the repubs in the election…and this wasn’t even restricted to the idiot trump but the money went to all levels of repbus, including Ryan and McConnell. My only hope is that this investigation proves the criminality of the NRA and shatters that terrorist organization so we can finally have some sane gun laws here in the US…..geez….

January 18th

Well….running a little late today with the grocery run today but you know that, it’s Thursday….slept okay last night but have been tossing and turning a lot lately and I’m not sure what that is about…but, I slept well enough that I feel okay today but part of that is the 4 days of being good…I am kinda getting used to that so I may stretch that out for  a week or so…maybe….I did get the kitchen floor done yesterday and today will be counters and the stovetop…but I am going to make some dry, slow cooked chicken thighs and potatoes today and I have never run the cooker dry with just a little olive oil so that will be something new….have to brown the chicken first so I’ll need to get on that here in a few minutes…needs to cook all day so if I get it in by 9 that should be good…not much to do today….going to just clean some and then cook…and two more of these if I can come up with some topics….more later….

Let’s talk about some cool stuff…

Well…even with the country falling apart and turning into a kleptocracy in front of our eyes, there is still some cool stuff happening that can and should make us smile a little, especially if you’re a science geek like I am. On Friday, maybe, there is going to be a live fire test of the 27 rocket motors on the Falcon Heavy, getting it ready for a launch in the next couple of weeks. I liked Elon Musk’s comments from a couple of weeks ago that there is probably a “50% chance” that the thing is going to explode on launch since it is 3 times more complex than the Falcon 9 it is derived from…after all, it is really three Falcon 9′s strapped together…and two of them have been flown before…but, the really cool part is that they are going to try to land all three of the first stage boosters after they separate from the second stage….oh, and the payload? Elon Musk’s personal Tesla roadster that they are going to put into orbit around the sun if everything goes right. Now, I like the whimsical idea of launching a car into orbit where it will stay forever…unless we gain the capability to go out and get it in the next hundred years or so….I will be watching Friday and later in the month for the launch…it takes my mind off the idiot in the WH……

17,000 dead….

Well….I know the fact that people are losing their health insurance under the idiot trump and his minions is probably a little abstract if you didn’t lose your insurance….of the 3.4 million people who have already lost their insurance since trump and his minions took over, it is estimated the lack of care will result in 17,000 Americans dying just for ideological reasons….not for any good reason, either…just that the repubs just hate anyone but the rich getting anything in this country. Now, I know that most of you who come here are not trump supporters…or repub supporters for that matter, but to sit back and let this happen means that we are no better than the thugs that are running this country right now…we have a choice to make later in the year…the choice to get out and vote these assholes out and send them back to the “shitholes” they come from and start repairing our country with true progressive dems who care about everyone, not just the rich and powerful…we can do this if we just vote…remember, if we vote, we win…it’s on us….impeach…

January 17th

Well…running early this morning but don’t feel too badly…slept okay last night and had a few dreams that were not worth remembering so I won’t….should have taken some antihistamines before bed last night since I am stuffed up today and my eye is weeping again…need to get out to get another box of that today and I may go out to the dollar store for some stuff, too…..have been pretty much pain free for a couple of days now but I can feel it coming back in my right elbow and even a little in my neck so it will be interesting to see how it progresses….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I will today….the bike needs to be stripped down so I can get rid of the carcass and I may get on that today….but the kitchen floor needs work, too….but, right now, I need to ease into the day with more coffee and some news…more later…..

10 more months…

Well…as we watch the repubs systematically try to destroy this country and everything it stands for, I think we all have to remember  this nightmare is only going to continue for 10 more months…looking at the generic polling for the House races, the dems are now up by an unheard of 17 points…..the last time the repubs took over the house, they were up by about 9 % in the polls and took over 40 seats….so, if they historical ratios hold, we could be looking at 50 or more seats gained when we only need 24 to take back control of the house…and when that happens, Nunes, Ryan, Gowdy and all of trump’s protectors and enablers in the house will no longer be able to protect him…if the idiot is not indicted by then. So, we need to take a deep breath, keep our heads down, and continue to resist the destruction of our country…and start making plans on how to repair it when we get back in control. Impeach….

Walmart is still evil…

Well….we all know that Walmart is one of the most evil companies in the world and one of the biggest corporate welfare queens, getting almost 7 billion dollars in subsidies for it’s workers since they pay them so little they are eligible for both medicaid and food stamps; that we pay for out of our tax dollars….and they just bought themselves a tax cut that will go straight into the Walton’s pockets…but they have a new little twist they are pulling across the country at their stores….while out of one side of their mouths, Walmart continued to tell the lie that the tax cut will spur job growth…and we have to remember that has never happened from ANY tax cut the idiot repubs have tried…while out of the other side of their mouths they informed thousands of management level employees that their jobs are being eliminated…and here is the real evil kicker…the ones let go are being allowed to re-apply for the new job classification that will pay almost 30% less than the jobs they were doing….and the jobs aren’t changing at all…the ones re-hired will be doing exactly the same jobs but for 30% less than they were making…that, in my book, is just one of the most evil things I have ever seen…but what do I expect from one of the most evil corporations in the world? Geez….

These guys are just so damn dumb…

Well…today was the day that the idiot trump’s inner circle started to get interviewed by the house committee that is “investigating” trump/Russia…we all know what the purpose of that “investigation” is…to protect trump at all costs, whether it is the destruction of the FBI or our democracy….but, even though this committee is run by trump toadies, Mueller is in the background continuing to get to the truth. That makes the actions of the WH today just so damn dumb when they told Steve Bannon to not answer any questions about his time in the WH….has anyone explained the definition of obstruction of justice to the idiots there? It is clear this instruction to Bannon is to impede the investigation and this action is written into the obstruction statute as being illegal…can anyone in the WH even read? This obstruction won’t matter anyway…Mueller has already subpoenaed Bannon to testify in front of a grand jury so whatever he says today can put him at risk of perjury if he lies like all of this administrations does….Mueller’s coming for you trumpy bear….impeach….

What you never want to be….