Anyone been raptured yet?

Well…has anyone been raptured yet? Today is supposed to be the day….I looked outside and didn’t see anyone floating to the heavens yet so I’m a little confused…after all another crackpot said today is the day…I wonder if I will be able to get a new car or a house when they are left abandoned? Or maybe a job when they go? I wonder how many times the apocalypse has been predicted over the years and it didn’t come true? More times than I can count probably….and yet, we’re still here….at least for now…

September 23rd

Well…had an okay day yesterday and had the surprise of shooting pool…and I won so that was cool….slept okay last night but feel a little slow this morning…and Man U is not on tv at 10 so that sucks a little…didn’t get anything else done yesterday and today looks much the same with football on all day…Michigan plays at 4 and State plays ND at 8 tonight so I know what I’ll be doing later…I did get sunburned a little on the trip out and back to pool yesterday and that was okay… is going to be in the 90′s again today and I think that will last until wed of next week…might just go to the beach Monday since the water temp is still up around 70….not much to do today….I probably shouldn’t have eaten jalapeno chips yesterday….my stomach is really crappy today….but another pizza today might fix that…more later….

Now we know why….

Well….if you wondered why there is such a rush by the repubs to take health insurance away from 30 million people and kill thousands, now we know….three people…yep three people told them to do it or they will shut off the money taps that keep getting these idiots elected. And, I’ll bet you know who two of them are…yep, the Koch brothers…two people who have done more to ruin this country than anyone else and who are now going to buy the repeal of the ACA and kill thousands of people just so they won’t have to pay taxes. Now, I hope you folks out there understand how sick this is….repealing a law that has given people across this country peace of mind and saved the lives of countless thousands just to give billionaires a tax cut….I know I rant about this stuff almost every day but damn…how do people get to be this evil?

September 22nd

Well…running a little late today and it was another grocery run that did it….had to get paint to do the wiper arms again and some ribs that were on sale….and the damn milk jug leaked all over the car so that was a pain….slept okay last night and it was not another 5 am wake up so that was cool….didn’t do a lot yesterday but I am going to try to get some stuff done today….I need to get in the habit of doing at least a little every day….but right now I need more coffee and to read a little news….it was warm enough to put the top down this morning and that was fun…while it’s warm this week, I need to get out and take a drive in the dark…that’s always fun…more later….

It’s bribery…again….

Well…now, this little tidbit just came across the twitterverse and I just had to say something about it….last time the repubs tried to destroy peoples lives by repealing Obmamcare, they resorted to trying to bribe a few senators with huge amounts of money that would go to their states…one of those senators, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, is in the line to get those bribes again if she votes to kill people to give the rich tax cuts. Those bribes? This is just too rich…if she votes to kill people, Alaska gets to keep Obamacare….yep, you heard that right…if she votes to screw over the rest of the country, her state gets to keep Obamacare and all of the protections against denial for pre existing conditions and gets to the keep the subsidies that make insurance affordable…and, in the letter to her…ole McConnell made it clear that these conditions only apply to
Alaska…everyone else is shit out of luck….typical repub bullshit…divide the country into little fiefdoms and bribe other repubs into killing people just to say they passed something…I’m still thinking that passing this monstrosity may just be what we on the left need…that maybe the stupid people that keep voting for repubs will stop if they start dying from it….geez….

One little thing…

Well…just read a little article that pointed out another terrible fact of the repubs trying to screw over the country by repealing the ACA…the repubs are using it to punish states that did the right thing and expanded Medicaid for their lower income citizens and any state that is controlled by dems…this is done by changing the formula for the amount that the feds will cover…and slanting toward the repub states that stiffed their people and left them without any healthcare. They are even punishing rabid right wing states if they have dem governors…like NC who just threw out their crazy assed repub governor and elected a dem….even though people hate this new bill, the repubs have ignored all of the rules and tradition of the senate to get it passed….how about one and a half minutes of debate next week? I am so tired of these assholes….

September 21st

Well….it was an okay day yesterday and i had some fun going out to celebrate with K and J…but, I ran out of steam around 10 last night so it was a short one….slept okay but I am getting into the habit of waking up around 5 and I don’t like it….didn’t get much done yesterday other than making a huge pizza for lunch…and that will feed me for two more days….it is nice having food in the fridge again and knowing I can afford to eat again….there is some really weird weather coming for the next week or so…it is going to be in the 90′s through the weekend and I can’t remember that happening in the end of September in a long time…might even go to the beach Monday…not much to do today….going to just ride the bike and veg most of the day…it is warm enough to get out right now but it is still dark so I guess I’ll have to wait a while…..more later….

People are going to die….

Well….as usual, the repubs are trying to drag this country backwards to the bad old days of people dying for perfectly preventable illnesses…and the big thing is they just don’t give a damn…these smug assholes just stand there grinning as they lie and lie to you, me and everybody else….32 million people will be without insurance if this despicable “healthcare” bill passes….people undergoing cancer treatment will now get that treatment cut off as soon as this monstrosity passes…and people in my boat..before Medicare but with the need for insurance will see their premiums skyrocket up to 10,000 percent…one estimate puts the cost to someone like me at 140,000 dollars a year…and who can afford that? Again…these assholes don’t give a damn…and the only thing keeping me sane through all this is that, if they pass this bill, they will lose both the house and senate next year and they could possibly be killing the repub party completely…couldn’t happen to a bigger bunch of assholes….what should be the penalty for murdering their fellow citizens?

What a relief….

Well…amĀ  going to be talking about this for the next couple of days….it looks like I may be retired but I’m not sure yet…still think I have something to offer to an employer out there and I am going to continue to look for work that would make me smile….but, what a relief to have money coming in that I can live on until then….was completely out of food other than the last container of ham soup that I thawed out yesterday and spent 76 bucks for groceries this morning….and then 20 bucks for gas since the car was empty…and I owed C some cash so I’m already 300 bucks down…but that leaves me 700 for the month and I think I can live on that….just have to not go crazy this month…..going to make a home made pizza for lunch today and I can’t wait….more later….

September 20th

Well….up at 5:07 again today and I’m sure I know what it is….way too much stress lately….but, that is over…checked my bank this morning and the first SS payment is there so it is retirement day…and food day…and gas in the car day….and the stress is gone…even did a little happy dance when I saw that the money is there…didn’t do much yesterday but today will be different…I am going to cook today…making a home made pizza for lunch and then Man U plays at 3 so I will have something to do this aft…and maybe drinks with K to celebrate….I did do some cleaning yesterday to take my mind off of everything…I should dust and remove the cobwebs and I just might….more later….

What you never want to be….