Well…this one struck me as I read the angst in the fact checker sphere when the stats say they have fact checked the repubs more than the dems in this election cycle…with one of them going so far to say they have put a moratorium on fact checking Michelle Bachmann since everything she says is a lie and it skews the statistics…but, I think there is is a very simple reason for this discrepancy between the two parties…the repubs just lie more! The dems still try to tell the truth and use actual arithmetic to analyze budget plans while the entire right wing world is based on faith and belief that things are so when they are not…reinforced by a right wing media that allows and even encourages the lies…I have never seen a campaign like Romney’s where the lie has the same weight as the truth…geez…
Tag Archives: lies
Romney can’t even tell time…
Well…another set of lies came out of the Romney campaign today and who can be surprised? As you know, there was a rocket attack on our embassy in Libya yesterday that killed four diplomats, and as can be expected from the idiot Mitt, a press conference was called to criticize a statement put out by the Egyptian Embassy that called for sensitivity to all religions that ole Mitt is casting as an “apology” from Obama for the attack in Libya. Let’s cut right through the crap here…this statement was issued BEFORE the Libya attack and had to do with protesters in Egypt, not the Libya attack since it hadn’t happened yet. Should we elect ole Mitt to the presidency if he can’t even tell time? Just another incidence of the lies, lies, and lies that a desperate Romney; clutching at straws, will say to try to save his sinking campaign….geez…what an idiot…
Talk about denial…
Well…some good news after the Dem convention where it appears that Obama got a 6 point bump as compared to none for ole Mitt…and he is now up by 5-6 points across the country including Ohio and Pennsylvania where the repubs thought they would win in a walk…and the repubs only response is that it is a “sugar high” from the convention and they are really ahead…what I think has happened is that the repub convention was based on lies and the people in this country are starting to see that, while the dem convention was based on a shared vision of America that is what it used to be….and can be again if we keep ole Mitt out of the White House…these are going to be short…kind of like tweets so I can get caught up…
Paul Ryan always has been and will always be a liar…
Well…I find it so funny to watch as the supposedly honest man in the repub party, Paul Ryan, is exposed as the liar that they all are over there…the latest whopper is the talking point that 1.4 million small businesses have filed for bankruptcy under Obama…and he goes on to repeat the meme that Obama is even worse than Carter…one of the new talking points that ole Paul has rolled out this week. The problem is that ole Paul is either not the detail oriented policy wonk that he has been portrayed, or he is just flat out lying when he makes these claims…the real numbers, according to the New York Times is around 47,000….I can see why he got it wrong since 1.4 million is so close to 47 thousand….I am laughing as ole Ryan’s reputation has crashed and burned every time he has opened his mouth in the last week…even the mainstream media is calling him out on this nonsense…take a look at the Matt Lauer interview from the other day and you’ll see what I mean…and even when caught in the lies, this idiot doubles down and tries to spin what he said so much I’m afraid he is going to burst into flames from the friction…geez…
A short one on Medicare…
Well….had to comment on the new Romney ad that says he will restore all of the cuts to Medicare that happen under the ACA…as I said a couple of days ago, the cuts to Medicare that are contained in the ACA are to the big drug companies, for profit hospitals and other providers of service to Medicare recipients…not to Medicare recipients themselves…people on Medicare will see NO service change. But, you know what that means….that Romney doesn’t care about the growth in health costs in this country since most of them go to profits for the people that support him and will continue to make the 1% even richer on the backs of everyone else…so, when you hear the lies of ole Mitt, remember what he lives for…to concentrate more wealth in his buddies hands…geez…
Mitt’s weird strategy…
Well…I’ve been reading a little after smoking the fish and fixing the car and a couple of articles struck me as kind of funny while they exposed the major facet of ole Mitt’s plan…to not tell anyone anything about what his plans are if he is elected…just like ole Walker did in Wisconsin and our gov Snyder did here in Michigan. His campaign staff and ole Mitt even admitted it, going so far as to say they are doing it because if they tell the truth, no one will vote for them. So, let me get this straight…these idiots know that what they plan to do is not what the American people want so the only way they can get elected to give away the country to the rich is to lie and obfuscate about everything and use personal attacks to win at any cost. I cannot believe that the media is not hammering these guys on these tactics…especially since ole Mitt has said that this election should be about policy not personal attacks…what a load of crap….geez…
At least they’re consistent…
Well…this is going to be just a short one to comment on the whole “you didn’t build that..” flap that has been used by ole Mitt and his folks to attack Obama as being against business and businessmen. The whole idea of the repub attack is that individuals, not government create jobs and they roll out a small business owner that crows that he built his business on his own, without anyone’s help…the problem is he didn’t…this idiot got small business loans from the SBA and the last time I checked, the Small Business Administration is part of government and the loans were “government money” that the repubs just know can’t create jobs. This just reminds me of the tea partiers at their rallies waving around signs saying “keep your government hands off my Medicare” and it makes me laugh just as much. At least ole Mitt and his folks are consistent in their lies…in fact every time they open their mouths, they lie…I don’t think they can help it…especially since it works when the press doesn’t pay attention…geez…
Just a short comment on the latest from ole Mitt…
Well…read a nice little nugget of who Romney really is, or who the modern republican party really is when an article from a couple of days ago revealed that ole Mitt has been going around to repub governors and telling them to stop telling the truth about the economic improvements that have happened in their states…and start saying that the economy still is in bad shape because of Obama and his policies…you know, lie about what it going on…something that Romney is really comfortable with. This just shows what the repubs are all about….they don’t give a damn that perception of an improving economy is important to the recovery…they have said all along that their only goal is to defeat Obama and they don’t care if they tank the economy doing it…in fact, they would love the economy to tank…then they can push more tax cuts for the rich and destroy more of the middle class…and, the recovery is sputtering because of the obstruction of the repubs and their asinine embrace of austerity that has driven Europe back into recession and will do the same here if they keep it up…geez…
How does Romney keep getting away with it?
Well…I know I’ve talked about this at length over the past couple of months…or even longer…the months kind of run together when I’m trying to keep up with the lies coming out of the Romney campaign…but, here we go again with the latest one…in a speech given the other day, ole Mitt has a new talking point that he is trying out called “Obama’s prairie fire of debt” that tries to assert that the deficits and the national debt is all Obama’s fault and his policies will be the cause of much more if he is reelected. But, again, ole Mitt is using the repub playbook and trying to create his own “facts” that have been roundly criticized by all of the non-partisan organizations that look into these economic claims…I just get to the point and call them lies…baldfaced lies that Romney is using to try to dupe the independents that this election will turn on into believing he is not just George Bush…again. First…let’s start with his claim that the deficits will continue to rise under Obama… there are so many experts out there that have no political axe to grind who have looked at the facts and have agreed with me and called this a blunt lie. Then, they go on to score the Romney proposals of more and more tax cuts for the rich and find that his proposals will INCREASE the debt by over 5 trillion dollars over 10 years….now, I do struggle at math at times but no increase in the debt is a better thing than an increase of 5 trillion, right? I am at a loss to why the media just doesn’t post a disclaimer every time that ole Mitt tries these lies…something like “these assertions have been found to be untrue”…instead of treating the lies with the same gravity that should be reserved for the truth. Mitt should be ashamed….geez….
Okay, here’s more nonsense from ole Rick…
Well…just wanted to weigh in one more time on the “snob” comment that ole Rick has been using to appeal to the repub primary voters where he lied about what President Obama said about everyone going to college:
“And so tonight, I ask every American to commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training. This can be community college or a four-year school; vocational training or an apprenticeship. But whatever the training may be, every American will need to get more than a high school diploma. And dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It’s not just quitting on yourself, it’s quitting on your country — and this country needs and values the talents of every American.”
That last statement was from Obama…here’s one from ole Rick in 2009:
“There’s technical schools. There’s additional training, vocational training. There’s skills and apprenticeships. There’s all sorts of things that people can do to upgrade their skills, to be very productive and great workers here in America who provide for their families and build their community.”
So…the two of them are saying exactly the same thing here…and not once did Obama say that ‘everyone should go to college” as ole Rick has repeatedly stated on the campaign trail….so we have our most religious candidate breaking another commandment…make you wonder if his purported faith is just another in the lies he will tell to be elected…geez…
Oh, I do have to attribute where the quotes came from…a great article from the Washington Post from this morning…