Well…wanted to get this one down before I have lunch and forget it…and, this one is going to be a mash up of different topics….so, bear with me for a few minutes and you might get something worthwhile…remember though, I said might, not would. Let’s start with some more repub hypocrisy…this time on jobs and their constant bitching that Obama has not created any jobs in the aftermath of the deep recession and say that two years of his term should be enough to have created millions of them. Then, we have the repub governors, notably Scott Walker of Wisconsin, coming out late last week and saying that he needs time for his policies on job creation to work, saying that it will be probably almost 3 years for them to really get going…so two years is too long for Obama to create jobs but three years is okay for the repub plan to create jobs? Did they fail elementary math? I seem to remember that three years is longer than two years. Geez….
Nope…I guess this one won’t be a mess of stuff…I should talk about the latest craziness from Michelle Bachmann…she just attacked Obama saying he wants to end Medicare and she won’t let that happen when in the next breath she cries about socialized medicine in the Affordable Care Act…or Obamacare as the right likes to call it. Michelle, Medicare is socialized medicine…a plan run and controlled by the government that you say you hate…so what is it? Is “socialized” medicine bad or good? You can’t have it both ways….and this person is a “serious” candidate for the repub nomination? I sure hope she gets it….4 more years for Obama…
Well…it’s funny how just a response to the resumes I’ve sent out can take you up and over the top and it’s something I need to work on…after all, no guarantee for a second interview or the job so I do need to throttle it back a bit…I did go out and buy a suit today…200 bucks but it is a really cool charcoal gray and fits just great…I’ve never owned one before and it is kind of weird to just be getting one this late in the day…now I just need to make sure I don’t gain any weight for the rest of my life….there was quite a bit of wildlife on the trail this morning with a couple of young male deer that looked like twins with antlers that were about 6 inches long…and right across the trail was a muskrat that I’ve seen the past two days now…pretty neat…I may go back out later since the storms have fallen apart and it looks like we won’t even get any rain here.
Oh, Politics….nope, don’t have anything right now except that the repubs have more voting shenanigans that they are imposing in the states they control; voting for more laws that will restrict voting rights…or make it more difficult to vote under the laws, justifying them by saying there is massive voter fraud going on when it’s just not true…one neat little tidbit that came out of Texas on this issue was just downright funny…you can use your permit to carry a concealed weapon for identification to vote, but you can’t use a student ID issued by the universities there….and guess who votes more for repubs? You got it, gun owners….just makes you want to scream….
Well…I’ve been in too good a mood today to get outraged about anything so I thought I’d just talk about a few things and see where it goes…I did see a red-tailed hawk right next to the trail this morning that had a cloud of sparrows around it that were attacking and trying to drive it away. I could have reached out and touched it…almost drove off the trail watching…have to pay more attention, I guess. I did read an interesting article about the rioting that is taking place in Europe in response to the austerity measures that are going on there where the people are being asked to pay the bills for the financial malfeasence of business and the rich by having the social contract there shredded like it is here. The question that was asked was “can that happen here?” and the only answer I have is that I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet. With the bills that have been paid by the middle class to subsidize the rich getting richer, what can be the outcome if the politicians that are supposed to protect the little guy abdicate that responsibility to fill their pockets? There is no longer any way for the poor and middle class to get their grievances redressed since they don’t have the money it takes to be heard in this money driven political system.
Hmmm.do I have an answer? No, unfortunately I don’t….and that is the problem…no one has the answer, or an answer that can be implemented in today’s political climate. Maybe mass demonstrations and riots are the only answer that is left for us….
Well…have gone through all of the online papers and nothing really came up that grabbed me so this one is going to be just the wanderings of what I call my mind…I know, some of you might think that I don’t have one if you’ve read many of these but at least I try….most days anyway. So, the good new in the title is a new poll that came out in the last couple of days that is starting to show that the people are having a galloping case of buyer’s remorse with the freshmen repubs in the house, and the repubs in general once they started to reveal the true nature of their agenda. I can’t be happier about that since I have been trying to call attention to this stealth campaign to give the entire country away to the rich and connected since I started this thing over a year ago…people are starting to realize that the government is necessary for their protection from unbridled capitalism and the huge money that bought the House for the repubs. Now all we need to do is turn out for the next election and send these radicals back to the backwaters where they came from and get the adults back in charge…adults that don’t think that compromise is treason…adults that understand that they need to govern for all of the people, not just the ones that voted for them….as you can tell…I still have hope that we can be better as people and as a nation…and that maybe someone will realize that people like me still have value in the labor market and can contribute…okay, went off topic there at the end…but I did get another one out…bet you didn’t think that would happen….
Well…just wanted to say a few things before I go off and make lunch…first, I haven’t really had time to read up on the repub debate last night so I won’t be able to comment for a while since I do want to have something pertinent to say that is not as banal as I can be, as you know….I do have an injury that is hampering my writing somewhat…the carpal tunnel has come back and I can barely use my right wrist…but that’s not an excuse…the last I checked, my wrist is not used for thinking….okay, I need to make lunch…I will be back later with more..so, come on back after you get back from lunch and get some work done….
I have a question about the whole Anthony Weiner thing…how can the repubs say a word when they still have David Vitter in the senate who actually broke the law by paying prostitutes over the course of many years? I do not agree at all with what Weiner did but none of it was illegal….just narcissistic and stupid. One other thing that made me smile a little was a new Pew poll that came out today on the Obama/Israel flap that went on a couple of weeks ago…it basically shows that the people are not buying the lies that the righties are putting out about it…even from the repubs themselves. So, maybe people are tiring of the lies from the right and finally want America to get back to the business of taking care of it’s people; not just scoring political points for the small right-wing base…we can only hope…
Well..it’s been a busy day today..had lots to do to get to this point and I am now just sitting down for the first time today to take a look at the world of politics and put in my two cents. I am just amazed at the repub hypocrites that have the gall to ask ‘where are the jobs?” as a campaign slogan when, for the 8 years they held power, not one net job was produced by them or their voodoo economics of tax cuts, tax cuts, and more tax cuts. As I have said many times before, if tax cuts spurred job growth, why aren’t we swimming in new jobs with tax rates being at their lowest overall level in more than 50 years. I am more than frustrated by the dems not standing on any flat surface and shouting these facts; that the repub policies do not work for job creation…and I’m sure that business is not hiring just for the fact that they want a repub back in the White House to de-regulate some more and take the remaing shards of the American dream and rip it from the last few hands of the middle class…ignorance is going to be the end of this country I fear…
Well…it has been a nice day so far with another great lunch with T and since it’s raining, I’m going to take the day off from riding the bike and to try to not feel guilty about it. Even though there have been some events in politics that I could comment on, I just haven’t been able to work up the outrage necessary to put together a long one. Okay, there is one that I will drop a short one on…the self-destruction and implosion of ole Newt’s presidential campaign and the smile it brought to my face…the whole thing was just an exercise in narcissism that pointed out that Newt is great at talking and telling people what to do but when it comes to actually doing the work necessary to govern, he just doesn’t want to get his hands dirty and wants to act like the political elite he inveighs against constantly. Who else but one of the elites could have a 500K charge account at Tiffany’s? Oh, I do have another…ole Mitt working across our state claiming that he was the first one to suggest that the auto industry should be saved…but that’s not what he said, he said that the auto companies should be required to go through a non-structured bankruptcy that likely would have resulted in the liquidation of Chrysler and possibly that of GM and the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. He was against the government help that preserved all those good, middle class jobs, just as he did running his venture capital company that was responsible for the destruction of many more jobs than he ever created….not to mention hundreds of millions in profit he put in his own pocket that would have saved a lot of those jobs. Flip flopping again, eh, Mitt?
Well…don’t have a long-form topic again today…it seems that there are so many things up in the air about my life that I’m just not thinking clearly enough to be lucid for long periods of time. So, this is going to be a short one with a few topics….let’s start with Anthony Weiner…what a fricking idiot…what the heck is wrong with politicians these days? Don’t they understand that electronic records last forever once they hit the web? I’m not sure if he should resign but this whole incident just shows that he’s not too bright…but what politician is? Hmmm…oh, the whole lost jobs thing in Obama’s term…the repubs just keep lying about the issue and no one is calling them on it….blaming Obama for the 2 million jobs lost before he even took office…so, that means he’s responsible for 9/11, Katrina, and anything else that happened before he was sworn in, too, I guess. Then, we have ole Tim Pawlenty coming out with his economic plan that includes more tax cuts and a promise that these cuts will result in a 5% growth rate for the economy….never has happened…never will happen….these guys are just pulling figures out of their asses and their base is eating it up…I really fear for this country now…geez…
Well…a nice morning on the beach with the fog rolling across it when I got there and a nice breeze keeping the temperature bearable but the water temp was only in the 50′s and that is just too cold for me to go in…maybe tomorrow if I go back again…but that’s not what I wanted to talk about this time…well…I did or I wouldn’t have written it. But, let’s get to the real topic…I know you’ve heard of sister Sarah’s revising of the history of Paul Revere’s ride and her adamant defense of that on Fox News where even Chris Wallace could barely keep a straight face when she admonished him when he asked if she misspoke, and she then went on to dig the hole deeper by explaining with a jumble of random words that made absolutely no sense. Then we had her legion of troglodyte followers (I’m sure spurred on by her protectors) that then attacked Wikipedia by posting false information on that site that would mirror what she said. This is normal repub behavior and just reflects and amplifies their disdain for objective truth or history…after all, these folks believe that the world is 6,000 years old and can’t be convinced of anything else…geez….
Well….got a slight shock this morning with the coffee shop that I have gone to every morning for more than 6 years closing with no warning…I’m a little un-anchored right now sine the Biggby that is up the street is not Kava….I am going to miss the ladies that worked there and seeing the rest of the regulars…oh, well….next, it finally hit me that my daughter is moving to Seattle next week….I know that I didn’t visit much while she was in Chicago but there was always the possibility that I could….but things change and I have to get used to it…just a little unsettled today…
On Politics….we have the idiot repubs in the US Senate blocking the nomination of a Nobel prize winning economist whose specialty is labor markets to the governing board of the Fed…if you had any thought that these guys don’t give a damn about job creation, this is another brick in the wall and goes along with the decisions made in the boardrooms across the country (after consultation with the repubs), that business is going to sit on their hands with job creation to make sure that jobs remain an issue into the 2012 election….this should be against the law…geez…