Well…I’m not sure if this one is going to be the good one that I promised this morning but it bears repeating since the repubs seem to be making gas prices a centerpiece of their attacks on Obama…let’s just remind everyone of one thing when the talk starts to move to the Keystone pipeline and drilling in ANWR…consumption of oil and its products continue to decline while production is at a 6year high…but, what the repubs don’t mention is that we have become a net exporter of refined oil products…what does this mean to you and me? It means that any new capacity coming from the tar sands in Canada will never be used in the US…it will all be exported with the risks of spills and environmental degradation absorbed by the US public while the profits will all go to the repubs best friends, the oil companies. The reason that gas prices are rising have nothing to do with supply and demand…in the new global economy where oil is an investment to be flipped…the commodity traders can manipulate to market to ensure that no matter what happens, they will make obscene profits by using the same fear, gloom and doom tactics that the repubs use to win elections….I hope that day is coming to a close….and it can be hastened by applying transaction fees to every trade and raising the margin dollars required to make those trades…something the oil company purchased repubs will never do…
One last thing…where are the jobs plans from the repub controlled House? They have controlled the House for over a year and nothing from them other than the normal nonsense on social issues…the last I heard, limiting contraception for women hasn’t created one job….
Well…it was a day yesterday and had fun going out for a couple with G…but it was a no cocktail night so I feel okay today….I did have weird dreams last night but they were so jumbled that I can’t make sense of them…it did include driving semi trucks in a city along with factories that didn’t make anything….that would have been a story to remember…it looks like this is going to be a hermit week since there is no gas in the car or money in my pocket but that’s okay…the liver can use the rest and I can use the exercise of doing double rides….the weather looks like it is going to cooperate for the next two days too….not much to do today…I really am going to clean today but that will be about it….and I did get caught up so I only need to do one more of these today…and it will be a good one…I’m due…more later…
Well….it has been almost two years since the repubs did well in the 2010 elections and we now have a very clear view of what this country will be like if they win again in 2012. All we have to do is look to Wisconsin, where the public unions gave back everything they were asked for in cuts to wages and benefits but the repubs had to take more and push their fringe agenda of stripping the unions and the middle class people in them of their right to associate and bargain from a position of equality. Next we can look to Pennsylvania where the legislature just approved the fundamental human right of gays to marry but the tea party governor Chris Christie vetoed the bill and is now, by his own action and governing for only the 20% of the electorate that are tea partiers, trying to change the rules like the repubs always do to get his way. Then we have the debacle in Virginia that I talked about last week that would mandate an invasive and unnecessary procedure for any woman seeking an abortion there. Right here at home in Michigan, we have the Attorney General picking and choosing which laws to enforce or ignore that will drive his personal agenda to eliminate the voter approved use of medical marijuana…..these are just a few examples of what an America run by the right would look like….crony capitalism on steroids where the rights of the people are taken away on the whim of the moralists who think they know best for all of us…geez…
Well…I have been getting behind in doing these and it is probably because I have been worrying about money so much…but, that’s not your problem and I guess I’ll just have to deal with it…..and I really did want to get one out on ole Rick Santorum since he is just one of the most ridiculous politicians I have ever seen…it’s like a mutation has taken over the right of the repub party and that is what they are left with…a bible spouting judgment freak who has said openly he will bring religion into all aspects of governing…never mind that he continues to advocate “returning” to a strict reading of the constitution that would forbid that type of nonsense…and that there are over 30 percent of the country that either are not his brand of Christian or the 15% of us have no faith at all…what does he propose…that people be forced to agree with religious decisions that are made by the government? Just another incidence where the right screams that Obama is “taking away our freedoms” and then will do so much more to punish those they don’t agree with….just go away, Rick….and make more millions off of the government you seem to hate so much…geez…
Well…it was a day yesterday with the Wings winning again but I didn’t do much except kind of veg here…it’s the no cash thing raring it’s ugly head again and that is going to mean no coffee again this morning so the topics may be a little limited with only the online papers to read…it was a cocktail night last night so I feel a little slow today but I am trying to get going….no dreams to speak of and I am dreading looking at the phone…I may have sent a couple of texts that I will regret this morning…I do need to work on the self control….oh, well…I hope T lets it go but I haven’t heard from her this morning so It may have been weird….not much to do today…just going to clean and get a few other things done around here…I will get caught up later today but right now I’m going to just veg for a few….more later…
Well…sitting here waiting for the car to thaw so I thought I’d get one out early for a change…it was a normal day yesterday…didn’t do much but watch the races and Michigan beat Ohio State last night so that was pretty cool…it was a cocktail night so I don’t feel that hot this morning but that is to be expected…the coffee will help in a few minutes and I am going to take it easy all day today since I’m broke and can’t afford to do anything…I do have some pork ribs to cook so that will be something and the Wings are playing early so that will be cool, too…I’m not going to promise that I will be back later….you know how it goes on the weekends…
Well…running really late today and that just compounds the fact that I didn’t get to a second one yesterday…I have an excuse…not a good one but it’s the only one I have so I’ll use it…I had lunch with T that included beer and then out with the twins and there was a nap in there, too, so I just didn’t get to it…I’ll try to be better today since I don’t have much to do today…I even put the paper down to get to this one…and, if you know me, that is like stopping breathing….so, this one is going to be short…the lunch with T was so much fun and I came away with my chest hurting I laughed so much..it always brightens my day…oh, one last thing for now…as you know, I’ve been having problems with the shifters on the bike, cleaning and cleaning them to get the 4-5 shift to work…yesterday I had a head slap moment and made a quarter turn adjustment to the cable and it fixed it….don’t know how I forgot that the damn thing is adjustable…I marvel at my denseness at times…more later…
Well…it was a nice day yesterday and I got out on the bike for the first time in more than a week and came back really muddy but it was still nice to get out…I did have really weird dreams that included standardized tests that said I was not qualified to do anything….which is kind of how I feel these days…but, I do have lunch with T today which is making me smile and the twins are up for cocktails this weekend which will give me something to do instead of sitting here and worrying about money…I would say not much to do today but that wouldn’t be true so I won’t…..I will be back for more later..things are starting to heat up in politics and that is making me smile, too…
Well…I have bee struggling with the question in the title since yesterday when I saw a segment on Keith’s show that described how repubs in Virgina are attacking a woman’s right to choose by legislating that before she can choose, she must underego an invasive procedure (which I won’t describe here but you can imagine) forced on her by the government. Where are the small government repubs now? When more of than 50% of the electorate are women, you would think that the repubs would put aside their war on women just for their own political survival, never mind that this is just a huge abrogation of womens civil rights and takes us back to the bad old days when men essentially owned women. How would these guys feel if the government told them they had to have an invasive prostate exam to get the rest of their healthcare? You can bet that law would be gone in a minute.
Then…we have the idiot Mitt here in West Michigan yesterday telling a hand picked crowd that he will fight against unions and destroy them if he is elected…I don’t even know what to say about that other than bye, bye, Mitt…it’s the last mistake you’re going to make…especially when over 70% of the people in the US want unions to remain as protection against unbridled business. Geez…
Well…if you look down, you’ll see that I did finish up the placeholder from last night so look down…it’s something that everyone should know about…it was a good day yesterday with finally starting to get my profile up on Linkedin and that led to a call from my bother where we argued about politics for two hours…kind of wearing….but I slept okay last night and, as I said, it was a no cocktail night so I am somewhat lucid this morning…I did just look outside and it really foggy and cool looking but it’s not warm enough yet to get the bike out…later today, though, and I am really excited at the possibility….there were dreams that included my 77 Chrysler again but that is about all I remember about it…not much to do today…I do have the grocery run today and maybe even going out to Biggby’s for coffee but I tried yesterday and they were closed…who closes in the middle of the week? I will have more later since the placeholder doesn’t count for today…and I do have a comment on the nonsense being perpetrated on women by the repubs in Virginia…