Well…if you remember back a few months, there was this long, drawn out negotiation that led to the debt ceiling being raised and the repubs agreed to cuts in the Pentagon budget while the dems agreed to some cuts to the social safety net…a necessary compromise to keep the government from defaulting on its debts. Now, though, we have the repubs in the House reneging on the agreement by proposing that the Pentagon cuts be restored and paying for them by taking an axe to programs like food stamps and others that help support the poor and middle class. When does the military/industrial complex have to sacrifice like the rest of us? And, when are the repubs going to think of the citizens of this country and not just the businesses that buy them their seats? It’s a matter of priorities and I think the repubs have theirs all wrong….cutting a few billion out of a bloated military budget won’t make us less safe…hell, we could save over 10 billion a month just by ending the Afghan war and bringing our troops home…so why don’t we do that instead of asking the poor and middle class to give up what little is left of their safety net? It’s this backwards thinking by the repubs that keeps us from rebuilding our roads and the rest of our country just so these chicken hawks can puff out their chests and scream “we’re number one”…..and you’ll get even more of that if more repubs are elected in the fall….geez…
Monthly Archives: May 2012
May 11th
Well…it was a long day yesterday with going out with G for a couple and then a couple of cocktails here…so, I am a little worn down this morning but that’s okay….I earned it. I am still a little confused with T shutting down our communication this week but I am almost over it and used to it…this time it has been quite easy to accept…so I won’t talk about it again. I did have some weird dreams that centered on wearing a suit that didn’t fit but that is all of the detail I can remember…don’t know why I mentioned it….not much to do today….I think I’ll just hang out and lick the wounds for a while and then go out for the papers when it gets a little warmer…I will be back later for more but right now I am going to go back to the couch and wait for the F1 practice to start…more later…
Not going to pile on….
Well…that last one was supposed to be short but it came out longer than I expected…so, I will keep this one short…I find the whole furor over what ole Mitt did in high school to be funny…in case you haven’t heard, it has been revealed that in his oh, so exclusive prep school, ole Mitt was somewhat of a bully and in one incident, he and his gang held down another student that didn’t look like them and actually cut off his hair….okay, no, I am going to pile on since this goes to his character and rides a thread of his life right up to today….that he has no empathy for anyone who isn’t like him…that he lacks the capacity to feel what others feel if they are not rich, white, and connected. What did he expect, that being a thug would be excused just because he was 18? It’s the same kind of privileged nonsense that goes on in all of those so-called “better” schools where contempt for anyone who isn’t like them is almost in the course curriculum and is never corrected since they really do believe that their lessers can be treated any way they see fit. It’s the same way that abusers as adults can be predicted by their behavior as teens…and the incident with tying the dog to the top of the car shows that he has not evolved in any significant way…he has just learned to hide the behavior better…but that is not even true…when you hear him interact with supporters at his rallies, he is all sweetness and light…but when challenged by someone who doesn’t feel as he does, there are numerous times that his true contempt for anyone not like him shows and has been recorded…let’s look at the tape…it will show he is still the teenage bully that cut off a classmates hair for fun…geez….
It’s about time…
Well…just a short comment on the decision by the president to continue to “evolve” his views on gay marriage to the point that he now supports it and all I can say is “it’s about time”. It’s about time that millions of our fellow citizens don’t have to hide anymore…it’s about time that everyone in this country has the same rights as everyone else…and, it’s about time that we tell the homophobes on the right that our gay and lesbian friends are no different than we are…they want the same chance to be happy in a committed relationship with the benefits of marriage…they want to be able to go to the hospital and visit their loved ones and not be shunted aside since they have no legally recognized relationship….especially here in Michigan where this discrimination has been codified into our constitution…and needs to be removed as soon as possible. This is the fundamental difference between the parties in this election; one party wants to continue the historical duty of a democracy to extend the rights of that democracy to more and more people while the other, the repubs, try to do their best to limit the rights of citizenship to only those that agree with them and over the past decade or so, have done their best to disenfranchise everyone but them….I hope that time is over and those of us who believe that deriving the benefits of citizenship should become easier over time…not harder and harder as the repubs do. I know that just having the president come out in favor of this civil right will not automatically tear down the roadblocks the repubs have built…but, I find it heartening that Obama has found a spine finally and has said enough to the right…now it’s up to us to support him at the ballot box to make this a better country…
May 10th
Well….it was a sort of busy day yesterday and I did get a lot of stuff done so that was a good thing…at last I had things to do in the morning….the afternoon was not as productive but how productive do I have to be anymore? I was good last night so I feel pretty good this morning and that will help since it is grocery day and then I have to meet up with G later for a couple to hear about her trip to SF….and with that, I will cook again today and i am looking forward to that since the tacos and burritos that I have been making all week are getting old really fast….again, I didn’t sleep well and didn’t have any dreams and this is almost a week without any and I’m not sure what the deal is….not much to do today….other than groceries…and cleaning…yep, I do a lot of cleaning around here…with all of that, you would think that this place would be spotless…it’s okay but not spotless….oh, well…I will be back for more later…ole Mitt has to have said something stupid I can comment on….
Ole Mitt is still delusional…
Well…I just have to hand it to ole Mitt and his chutzpah over the past few days, trying to take credit for the success of the auto bailout….yep, the guy who famously said “let them go bankrupt” is now taking credit like he was the one who provided the money and the guts to save 3 million jobs in the auto industry…what a load of crap! What ole Mitt wanted was for the companies to go through what he did to other companies while he was at Bain…that is for them to shed all of the middle class, union jobs, replacing them (or not replacing them) with many, many fewer, low paying jobs so his vulture cronies could come in, destroy the companies while piling up billions in fees that would go to the 1%. So, if ole Mitt can take credit for the bailout, shouldn’t I be able to say the same thing since I advocated some form of restructuring a few years back? Let’s remember one thing here….that restructuring takes money, money that was not even available to high profit companies like GE during the financial meltdown…something that ole Mitt is conveniently forgetting…that the government was the lender of last resort and that there just was NO private money for the process. What a liar…..
May 9th
Well…it was an unusual day yesterday but I made some cash so that is a good thing…and I got back on the bike for a nice ride so I don’t feel as guilty as I should for pigging out when I got back form pool with Tom…we tried a new place…or I should say an old place, one that I haven’t been in in 40 years or so, the Alto bar, and it was okay….have not heard from T hardly at all over the past few days and I’m not sure what is going on…if our friendship is ending, it would be nice to know….and to then start to move on to other things….I do feel okay today since I was good when I got home and that is something to be proud of….slept like crap again but I think that comes with the territory nowadays….not much to do today…it was a busy one yesterday and I am looking forward to getting back to the old routine and cooking something….and getting a second one out today…sorry about being so distracted and lazy but I am going to do better….more later…
May 8th
Well…it was a long and wasted day yesterday…okay, that’s just the guilt talking since it rained all day and I didn’t get out on the bike so I feel so lumpy and out of sorts….I did get some necessary things done around here so that helps a little…but it looks like another survival day around here….need to get the papers out to recycle and put the trash out but the bin is full and I really don’t want to be one of those people that overflows the trash onto the ground….I think I’ll do my penance for the lazy day yesterday by doubling up on the workout and going 30 on the bike…so that will take up a good portion of the day after I have coffee and papers….and a bagel with cream cheese….I will be back later for more…there has to be something going on in the world….more later….
Another reason to send ole Mitt back where he came from….
Well…have been reading a few of the online papers this morning and a theme has emerged…one that I have taken on a couple of times before in regard to Michigan but this time it is on a national scale…and deals with the cluelessness of the rich in this country and of the Romney family in particular. As you know, one of my favorite sayings about the rich is that “they were born on third base but think they hit a triple to get there”…and that applies here to one of ole Mitt’s sons, Tagg, who has shown this same blindness to the advantages of being born rich in this country, and can’t figure out why everyone isn’t rich. The particular delusion of this young man centers on the establishment of a private equity fund that was started with one of Mitt’s primary fundraisers, and guess who one of the first “investors” was? His mom, of course, followed by over 60 of his father’s buddies and cronies who “invested” almost 250 million dollars in this fund…this, with Tagg having absolutely no experience in finance but, to hear ole Tagg explain it, it was because of his “excellent strategies” not because his father is Mitt and was planning on running for president in 2012. Delusions, delusions, delusions….and the crony capitalism we will see with a Romney presidency…look how well that worked out under ole GW. Haven’t we had enough of this nonsense? Haven’t we had enough of people getting a free ride in life because of their connections? I can pretty much bet that you and I couldn’t raise 250 million dollars from 60 or so of our friends….geez….
May 7th
Well…it was an okay day yesterday with finally getting out to have a couple with K and V but that was about it….pretty much a lazy day and I didn’t accomplish anything so I am going to try to do better today….I do have some things to do today and with the look of the radar, it may be a no bike day since the rain has already started…..I do need to make coffee here in a minute since I did have a couple of cocktails last night and with the normal, crappy sleep, I’m kind of worn out right now…and there were no dreams but traffic jams at the Beltline and 28th and I really have no idea what any of that means…I did get caught up yesterday and I will do my best to keep up so you will see another one today…but, I’m not going out to get the papers so I’ll have to be inspired by the online ones…something that rarely happens…more later…