Is the 33rd time the charm?

Well…you need to look no farther than the repub controlled house to see why the unemployment rate is not improving here in the US. Today marks the 33rd time that the repubs have brought bills to the floor of the House to repeal the ACA…a lesson in political futility that has many in this country wondering if they have lost their minds…after all, one of the great philosophers said that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” but that is just what we see from these guys…the senate will never even take up the bills and the president will veto it if it ever got to his desk. So, why are they wasting the country’s time when there are still 50 million people without health care and over 8 percent unemployment? Where are the job creation bills? Where are the infrastructure restoration bills? This is just another example where it is clear that the repubs don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves and their wealthy backers…geez….

If you had any delusions about Mitt…

Well…just a short one on some new revelations on who is trying to buy the election for ole Mitt…an article in one of the papers this morning lists 30 billionaires who make up the bulk of the giving so far with one saying he plans to give Mitt over 100 million dollars to defeat Obama. Now, I don’t care if it looks like I’m against rich people even though I’m not, but 30 people out of 330 million deciding the election? Do you think Sheldon Adelson is giving the 100 million out of the goodness of his heart? No, he is giving the money so he can get laws passed that will help him make back the 100 million in a couple of months if Romney is elected…an investment that anyone in the US would love to be able to do but that is restricted to those that can help the repubs buy the election…what happened to free and fair elections…after all, that is what the repubs used to favor but now all they want to do is rig them like some third world country…people, we need to defeat this money…if we do, and there is no return on investment for these billionaires, they will stop trying to buy elections…geez….

July 11th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday with getting out for a while for a couple with G and having some really weird dreams…there is a benefit to waking up at 3…the dreams included jet packs, John Force, circle track racing, and lots of fighting bad guys….there was an earlier one where things didn’t go well for me but I woke myself up from that one so no harm done…but, still the same sleep patterns so I am a little tired today…not much to do today…not really, I do have things to do…might have pool with Tom and I have to do the grocery run since I may have to go to Mt. P tomorrow…and then the regular stuff…and I will be back for more later….

Let’s tackle voter fraud again…

Well…with the heating up of the controversy over the repub sponsored voter I.D. laws across the country, I thought I’d throw a few new facts that have surfaced over the past couple of days. First, let’s remember what the purpose of these laws are…they are to suppress the votes of people that are likely to vote for the dems…the poor, minorities, and college students, and, in Pennsylvania, that leads to almost 800,000 people (almost 10% of the voters in the state) that will not be able to vote under the law signed by their thug governor Chris Christie…and, if you are at all confused by the repubs public cries of widespread voter fraud, you just have to listen to Romney’s campaign chair from Pennsylvania who crowed to a crowd of Romney supporters that the voter I.D. law will ensure a Romney victory in the fall. I want people to remember what the truth is behind the numbers of recognized mis-voting….the Bushies did a study looking at 5 years of elections across the country and only found 86 cases…yep, 86 cases in the hundreds of millions of votes cast and even some of those were just people who voted that were not eligible for that election. So, the facts are that there is no voter fraud in the US and these laws are just another example of the repubs trying to rig another election that they can’t win on merit or ideas…when are we going to wake up to this nonsense and toss these un-American bums out? Geez…

July 10th

Well…it was a fun day yesterday and great to see T…oh, talked about that already….slept like crap and was up at 4 and then back down until around 6 and that leaves me more tired than I should be since I was good last night….but, I am getting started earlier on this stuff today so that’s something….but not much so I am going to try to accomplish something more today…after I read the papers, work out, and get the bike ride in, that is…I do have G later in the day so that is something to look forward to….it looks like the Mt. P trip is going to happen Thurs or Fri so that opens up my weekend to join the other Miata owners for the picnic which might be fun….so, I’m going to go back to get some water and try to get my eyes open a little further…more later…

Just trying to get caught up…

Well…it’s only the 9th of the month and I’m already two behind so I thought I’d do another one to take it back to only one….it is so funny that it was still over 86 degrees today and it actually felt cool compared to the string of 100′s we had last week…and I just read that the first half of 2012 is the warmest on record across the US…I did deal with how I feel about that in the last one so I won’t belabor that here….I am really, really bored tonight and I hope that goes away in a while…it’s a take care of myself night so I should feel pretty good in the morning if I sleep at all…one thing I don’t understand is why the repubs don’t get that the focus on cutting budgets and spending is driving the slowing of the economy…happened right after they did it in Europe and it is happening here but I guess they love the fact that they tanked the economy and now they have a great election issue….okay…that’s about it for now….I know I didn’t make a lot of sense but I had to do something…

Just some musings…

Well…it has been a nice day so far with having a surprise lunch with T…but that’s not what I wanted to talk about…what do I want to talk about? Oh…are Americans getting more stupid every day or have they always been this way? that little question was spurred by an article that I just read saying that the percentage of people that believe in global warming here in the US has jumped by almost 20% since the weather has gone screwy this year…no, I’m not sure if any of these events is a harbinger of climate change; some of it may be but it strikes me that this is like the naysayers who point to blizzards as say “where’s your global warming now?”. Hmmm….oh, I want to deal with the conspiracy theory that says that business won’t hire until Obama is defeated and that is what is driving the poor employment numbers. You may remember that I proposed the same theory a while back (somewhat tongue in cheek), but it was supposed to be taken as comedy….but now, it appears that the idea is getting some traction in the media…I hope not, since it is demand, demand, demand….that drives hiring and until demand increases, or the forecast of demand increases, you would be an idiot to hire anyone…so, let’s keep to the science of economics, not to wild speculation…even if wild speculation is much more fun….

July 9th

Well….this one is going to be short…felt like crap all day yesterday and it is continuing today…the brain is not really working and it hurts to think….this has to be allergies since I can’t breathe and my head feels like it is filled with concrete….I wonder if it could be a summer cold? Whatever it is, I do need to get caught up today so I will be back for at least two more of these which means I do need to go out and get the papers today and coffee would taste good…more later…

July 8th

Well…another day of not much going on yesterday and I am getting really bored…not sure what to do about it yet but I guess I’ll figure it out…slept okay but was up way too early at 6 since I didn’t hit the sack until late…and I’m sore for some reason…oh, got back on the bike yesterday…that’s probably it….might go and meet up with some other Miata owners this morning but no trip to K-zoo with them since I just don’t feel like it…that means I’ll have to take a shower here pretty quick but I’m not sure if I want to do that…do need to get back out on the bike to see if the seat adjustments made a difference but that will be later in the morning…and I may be back with another one for later…who knows?

How about a part two?

Well…I did get out on the bike today and I still have some adjusting to do…it was so damn hot even going out at 9 that I came back feeling pretty crappy and soaked…I guess it’s going to take a while to get used to it again…have to adjust where the seat is located…have it way too far forward and the bike just felt weird riding it…oh, well…it has been another day of way too hot and I have found myself putting the air on again but it is good to have it…will just have to deposit some money in the bank to pay for it….not much to do today….have just been vegging all of the day waiting for the race to come on later and trying to figure out if I’m eating enough..only had about 1200 cals yesterday and that followed a couple of days of about the same since I wasn’t riding….still not hungry and nothing sounds good….bad problem to have, huh? Okay….I’m about done with this stuff for now…maybe a political one tomorrow…