One more thing to remember…

Well…have been thinking this aft about what to write about the election and it just jumped out at me from almost all of the platforms…twitter mostly…and the story now appears to be the repubs efforts at voter suppression in the states they control…including Florida and try to make sure the rig the vote, these idiots have been changing the rules on the fly; in Ohio the secretary of state, Jon Husted, has even continued to change the rules in defiance of court orders that compel him to restore the early voting that was available in 2008. One of the things you need to take away form this nonsense is the fact that where there are dem SOS, there are never any problems with voting, in fact, the dems always make it easier to vote…how much more Un-American can you get than trying to make sure some of your fellow citizens won’t get the chance to exercise the greatest right that we have…to vote to elect our leaders? The second part of this story centers on the fact that Romney and his thugs are already putting a strategy in place to delay his defeat by getting thousands of lawyers to challenge ballots across the country and are training “poll watchers” to intimidate dem-leaning voters by stopping and questioning people going into the polling places to vote along with standing over the shoulders of poll workers to try to make sure the process slows down and people will get frustrated and not vote. The only question I have is “what kind of a country do we want?” One where intimidation and shennanigans steal elections or one where the competition of ideas and easy execution of our constitutional rights decides elections? It’s your choice…make the right one…

The first election one…

Well…still not feeling too hot but I thought I’d get one out on the election before I melt into the couch and lick the wounds for the day…I am so surprised that this election is even close…and you’ve heard me say that before…in my lifetime I have never seen anyone lie like ole Mitt…I think that someone that has so little relationship with the truth is truly a sociopath bordering on being mentally ill…but I see that trait in many of the rich in this country, people who are only grounded in the reality of their gated communities and are shocked when people challenge the lies or their sense of entitlement…one example from here in West Michigan was from one of our richest families who just couldn’t understand why Ada township wouldn’t just automatically approve the construction of a heliport at their compound, even though these types of construction are expressly forbidden by ordinances that govern the township…they were truly shocked when they had to live by the laws that govern “them” and the snit they threw showed them for who they are…oh, this one was supposed to be one on politics… is, of sorts…aren’t you folks tired of rich people trying to tell you how to run your lives when they have no frickin clue what it like to actually work for a living? I know I’ve had enough of it geez…

November 5th

Well…it was another day yesterday and I didn’t do too much…I did get out on the bike but that was probably a mistake since I coughed so much when I got back that my chest muscles hurt today…and back muscles, too…so I may skip today..not sure yet, I do have to put a set pf plugs in the car today since it misses a little when it idles and it is one of the things I need to do before winter…I may not change out the gear lube though, since it was 25 when I went out for the papers today and it shifted okay…I still have that bug that I had but I am out of the medicine that helped yesterday so I may have to go out and get more…it was a good thing to find out that it was a bug yesterday and not exposure to antifreeze or other chemicals around here…I am getting excited about the election and am going to plan some food and cocktails for tomorrow night while I watch the returns…it looks good for our side so it could be a good night…I will be doing an election one for later today…I need to get some thoughts down about this long slog…

The one thing you need to remember..

Well…with what is going on across the country today where the repubs are blatantly denying people their right to vote, the one thing you need to remember is who is doing it…in ALL cases it is the repubs that control the voting process in their states…these guys know they can’t win fair and square so they are doing everything they can to fix the election and steal it for Romney…but this is just the latest in the pattern of the repubs cheating every system they come into contact with…cheating to get their kids into the best schools, cheating to allow their cronies in the financial industry to steal money from the rest of us, and cheating to try to make sure the middle class has no voice in their work life by attacking the only voice they have left…membership in unions. So, the one thing you need to remember is which party is the cheater…and it IS the repubs..geez…

November 4th

Well…still feel quite crappy today and I know it is a bug with the temp and coughing…so, today will be an easy day to try to get over it…does not help that I’m not sleeping again either…just realized that I wasn’t up at 5 as I thought…or, I was but it is actually 6 so that is about when I normally get up…but I was up til one so that makes it 4 hours or so…oh, well…I may have the car fixed since I took it out for a run on the e-way yesterday and it is still full after some miles…still have my fingers crossed, though, since I just guessed it was the radiator….I am sore everywhere from the work on the car, too, so I’ll have to take it easy on the bike today…if it gets warm enough to go out…I am getting so tired of chicken for dinner that I may have to go out for some fast food today…nah…maybe some pasta instead…I will be back for another one later..but right now it is time to get some water and hit the couch to watch the rest of the F1 race…

Shouldn’t being delusional disqualify ole Mitt?

Well…have been reading a bunch today and this thought came to me given the way that ole Mitt is acting in this last week of election season: “shouldn’t being delusional disqualify any candidate for the presidency?” After all, you have ole Mitt out on his “Victory Tour” over the weekend and to hear people within his campaign, Mitt truly believes that he is going to win in a landslide…never mind that all of the swing state polls have Obama ahead and the trend is moving toward him…and you have ole Mitt blaming the dysfunction in the congress on Obama as well…conveniently forgetting that it was his party that made it their life’s work to make sure Obama was not successful…and conveniently forgetting that in Mass he vetoed over 800 bills that were put up by the dem controlled legislature and they were all overridden…so this just goes to the ultimate delusion that ole Mitt has…that he has been successful in anything other than destroying peoples lives…getting set up in business by daddies friends is not a success…lying, lying, and lying is not a success…and losing this election is not a success…okay, it is to me when he loses…

November 3rd

Well…up really early again and I feel like crap again…think I may have a bug, again, since I am coughing like crazy and my head is plugged up…glad I got the radiator in yesterday but that may have made the bug worse..and using a bunch of new muscles to work on the car has added to the normal pain…bruises up a down my arms from forcing them into shapes that they are not supposed to make is not fun either…let’s top that off with not sleeping well…but there was good news yesterday with K having her baby and she looks just like her…with red hair and all…okay…I’m about done for now…going to take it easy today and watch football..but first, Man U is playing at 8:30 so I need to get out to Meijers before then…

Let’s talk jobs…

Well…have the car torn down and I’m waiting for the new radiator to arrive (it’s on a truck somewhere here in GR) so I thought I’d do a short one on the subject of jobs that the repubs think is going to be a winning issue for them…and again, these numbers point to the boiling pot of hypocrisy that is the modern repub party. Today, Think Progress came out with a neat little comparison of the jobs added to this point in both ole GW’s first term and those added under Obama…and it is not a pretty picture for GW…at this time in his first term, there were almost 1.2 million jobs lost…yep, that’s right, lost…while in Obama’s first term there has been a net gain of almost 800,000 jobs….a 2 million job difference that is all the more amazing considering that there were 2 million jobs lost in the first month of Obama’s term. So, the next time you hear that the repubs are “job creators”, remember these numbers and shake your head…just more of the lies, lies, lies that ooze from the modern repubs…geez…

November 2nd

Well…yeah, I know, I didn’t come back for another one yesterday so that means three for today and I will try to do that…but the sense of urgency is not there the first of the month…I did have a day yesterday with going out later in the day to shoot pool..I did have the top down out and back but it was cold coming home so that will be one of the last times I’ll do that…I am trying to have the top down at least once in every month of the year so November is covered…but, right now, I am having coffee and reading the papers so I’m going back to it…I promise I’ll be back later for more…

November 1st

Well…it was a kind of nice day yesterday with having lunch with T but, with the rain, it was the second day off the bike and I am starting to miss it…I’ve been good for 4 days now and I am starting to feel okay…even slept okay last night but still up at 5:30 and with no dreams I think I was bored sleeping if that is possible….well…that’s how it feels anyway, like an extension of being bored during the day…I do need to go out and track where my radiator is to see if I need to hang out around here today and wait for it…and I will come back for another today..but, right now I think I’ll veg for a bit…