Well….the site was down again this morning…J said they had to reboot a node that had gone down but I’m back so that’s okay…it was an okay day yesterday with finding out the pulling to the right the car had was the tire being low on air…drives like new now and that is just so cool that my mistake didn’t hurt it….and I made the first burger on the grill and it is so nice to not have to bend over to cook on the little camp stove I have been using…and the venison burger with chopped bacon was just yummy…I did have some dreams last night but they were like a low rent version of “Justified” with lots of killing and bad guys but just to have one was nice…I do have a bunch to do today…I need to get the car cleaned up with doing the interior and waxing it and the trash has been piling up so that needs to be done, too….but, right now, I am going to read the papers and have coffee…
Monthly Archives: April 2013
More gun registration nonsense..
Well..have been taking in the outright nuttiness from the right on background checks for gun purchasers and the fear…no, that’s not it…the paranoia that is oozing from these folks that background checks will lead to gun registries and then the government coming to get everyone’s guns to subjugate the populace. Man, how stupid are these people? First, in this age of social media, do these folks think that the start of gun confiscation could be kept secret? Second, who is going to go after the guns in a country the size of the US? If they mobilized every soldier, police office, and dog catcher, the process would take years and what would people be doing while this started? Just sitting in their houses waiting? From this bunch of wannabee Rambos? Third, why not just hide the damn things when they come for them? Is the government going to dig up every back yard in the country? I have had enough of these alarmist idiots being taken seriously…we do need sensible gun regulations just like we need financial regulations and the other regulations that help set the rules that make societies run….geez…
The crazy is strong in North Carolina…
Well….I have been thinking for a while now about doing a daily repub crazy contest but with the latest crazy coming out of the repubs in NC, it would take a long, long time to beat this one. In case you haven’t heard, the really crazy TP repubs in NC have proposed a new law that would establish a state religion (Christianity, of course) in NC and that would also, in their fevered brains, allow them to ignore any federal law or court ruling that they don’t like…proposing that the constitution does not apply to them…unless they can use the tenth amendment to nullify the rest of it. Yep, I’m not making this up…these idiots, in one breath, say that the constitution is not applicable there and they are going to ignore it…then, in the next try to use it to support their crazy. Nevermind that courts all over the country including the supreme court have ruled that federal law takes precedence over state law, and have affirmed in many, many cases that the first amendments establishment clause applies to every state. So, we have another case where ignorant repubs who have no clue what it means to govern are using the state government to push their crazy on the people of their state, not to mention enriching the law firms of their donors by hiring them to defend these blatantly unconstitutional laws….how much more of this crap do we have to listen to? Geez…
April 3rd
Well…it was another day, just like all of the rest yesterday and I didn’t get much done but getting the grill cleaned…and sleep was normal and crappy with no dreams to speak of…so, that keeps up the string and it is frustrating to say the least….I do have a bunch of stuff to get done today and I am going to get off my butt and get to them…this place just needs me to get to work and get the papers out and the rest of the cleaning…and I am going to make some venison burgers with chopped bacon in them for lunch today since the grill is clean and working….other than that, not much to do today…I will be back for at least on other one today since it looks like a target rich environment again….
The real “death panels”…
Well…as I read more and more about the asshole repub governors who refuse to help the poor in their states by allowing the free expansion of Medicaid, a new study about the effects of this refusal caught my eye and the irony started to drip….in the study, the estimates of the effects of blocking Medicaid result in an extra 3,000 people dying each year in Texas who could easily be saved if they had access to healthcare. While we had the fake death panels that the repubs were so obsessed with in the last two elections, the repub governors are now sentencing thousands of real people to death just for some silly assed “principle” that the growth of the federal government has to be stopped by poor people…and if that means that some of them die, oh, well, they just don’t give a damn…and, if you multiply this by the 15 governors who have rejected the Medicaid expansion, the repubs are killing 45,000 Americans just because they are stupid pricks…that should be in every dem ad for the next season…what a bunch of crap…geez…
April 2nd
Well…I think it may be hard to get back in the habit of doing this every day after having the past three weeks off…but, I’ll try…it was basically a wasted day yesterday since I haven’t been feeling that hot but I do need to get something done today…didn’t sleep all that well last night and have been up since 5 or so and that makes it about 5 hours of sleep and I think that is starting to catch up to me too…..I do have to go out and buy some chain today to chain the grill and tank to the patio support so it won’t get stolen and I do need to clean it to get ready for cooking…that will probably be it for the day….I will try to get the papers out and vacuum but I’m not promising anything…more later…
Okay…some politics…
Well…I have been sitting here today trying to make sense of the crap that is coming out of the repubs these days…the supposed party of smaller government is on a tear in the upper plains states with their major attacks being on women…big surprise…with these idiots passing clearly unconstitutional laws on abortion just to prove a point? Then, they will spends millions of lawyers fees to try to defend the laws when they know they will be struck down…the same thing the repubs are doing with DOMA in the US House…and you know what I think? I think they just don’t care..if they can find another way to take tax money and give it to their rich lawyer buddies while denying Medicaid to the poor…just another case of welfare for the rich. Just like those pricks and I can’t wait for 2014 to make them all go away…geez…
Some car stuff…
Well…have been thinking about a political one for today but wanted to get some car stuff out first since there have been a few things that have happened to the car since March 12th…I did hit a curb with the right front in the snow a couple of weeks ago and may have bent the front some…it seems to pull to the right but the thing is so sensitive to uneven roads that I may not have…I did just check the pressure in that tire and it was only 25 lbs while the other front had 30 so that may have something to do with it…and, I don’t really remember how it drove before I hit it so it may be all in my head….the steering wheel is still straight so maybe I’m just going crazy…the rest of the car has been perfect all winter and has used no oil in the last 4,000 miles and that is just too cool for a car with 155 K on it….and, all of the coolant leaks have been found and fixed so it is just a normal car now…I am getting addicted to Miata.net but need to stop reading all of the posts about the parts failures or I’ll never take the thing anywhere again…
April 1st part two…
Well…did the math and it’s been almost three weeks since I’ve been here…and not being able to do this has been harder than I thought it would be..I did do a little writing over at Kos but I feel more comfortable here doing the kind of free form stuff that I like to do…I did sleep okay last night but it was a cocktail night so I really can’t tell anything by it….one thing that I find funny is that I seem to have lost my ability to type quickly….and I was talking to Tom the other day about not writing anymore but to do a podcast but this just seems to be natural for me…didn’t ride the bike yesterday or today with the wind blowing so hard…oh, I do need to share that I had to replace all of the rear drive parts on the bike…shifter, sprockets, and chain since they had over 12,000 miles on them and the new chain wouldn’t mesh…have it working better than ever now and I guess the 60 bucks was worth it….okay…need to do some other stuff so I’ll end here…oh, not much to do today…I have been letting this place go to hell so I do need to clean up and get rid of the papers again…but, it is still so cold out I think I’ll wait for tomorrow….
April 1st
Well…as you have probably noticed…this site has been down for a couple of weeks with a massive server crash and waiting to get the backup copy so it could be rebuilt…so, I will say thanks to my son J for all his hard work getting me back up and running…and now I have a couple of weeks to get caught up on…it was really kind of strange not being able to do this every day and it did leave a hole in my day that made me feel uneasy…like I was supposed to be somewhere and couldn’t remember where it was…but, now I’m back and ready to get on with it again. It was an okay day yesterday with Michigan crushing their opponent in the tournament and making it to the final four….and their was a free preview of HBO on the dish so it was an all day marathon of “Game of Thrones” in between so that was cool. When I left to get the papers this morning I found a 20 lb propane tank on my doorstep that Brian brought me..I had it filled and tried the salvage grille that he found me and it works so there will be cleanup today and I will be grilling tomorrow…yay…okay…I do need to eat lunch and get the bike ride in but I will be back for many, many more of these today since I have my head filled with things to comment on and need to get it out before it starts to hurt…more later…