December 22nd

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I made a little cash so that was cool…slept okay but still feel a little sluggish this morning so I may have to take it easy for a while….didn’t get much done yesterday but I did get the bike ride in…I do have to work on the shifter since I rode in the rain last week…sticks both up and down so I need to clean it so it works again…just annoying….can’t remember going out that late…it was almost dark when I got back here…but, the work gloves inside of the insulated ones helped…hands were only half frozen when I got back…not much to do today…and that is true…I am going to clean the bathroom and the stove if I can work up the ambition…more later…

I’d laugh if this wasn’t so sad…

Well…I really do need to stop reading anything anyone on the right has to say about anything…the tortured logic hurts my head. The latest bit of nonsense comes from ole Rudy Giuliani who, with the killing of two police officers in New York, has decided that Obama and the protesters of police brutality are to blame since they “inflamed” passions with their condemnation of the murders of unarmed minorities. So, let me get this straight…it’s the protesters of police brutality that are to blame…not the police and the rampant brutality that permeates police forces across the nation? If there wasn’t any brutality, there wouldn’t be any protests…seems simple, huh?  To thinking people who aren’t washed up political hacks it is simple…stop the brutality, regain the respect of the people you are supposed to protect and to serve….geez….

December 21st

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and it was fun to get out and see K for a couple….slept okay and the tooth didn’t hurt much so that was a plus….no dreams to speak of and I wonder what the point of sleeping is if you don’t get a movie to go with it? I did get out on the bike yesterday but froze and that was not good…had a hard time getting warm after it and the effects lasted most of the rest of the day…couldn’t use my hands for about a half hour after I got back here and they still have a little pain today…but, I’m still going out today and do it again…yep, pretty stupid but I need the exercise….not much to do today..I have to eat more today since I was under the goal by about a thousand calories yesterday….I do have to run an errand this aft but that is about it…I am a little excited about the Lions game today since it will be  good to see them beat the Bears twice in one season…more later…

December 20th

Well…running a little late today and there is really no reason for it other than I’m just taking it slow today…it was an okay day yesterday and I got a care package of venison so that was cool…even had some steaks for lunch that were so tender I couldn’t believe it…slept okay last night but no dreams to speak of again but that is okay, too…I did get the tooth to not hurt overnight for the first time in months and that made for better sleep than it has been….I am a little irritated with T since we were supposed to meet up for HH yesterday but I never heard from her…not even an “I can’t make it” text and I think that shows a lack of respect for me that I am getting tired of….especially since it is the second time that happened this week….not much to do today…have to watch Man U play at 10 and I am making a ham dinner for lunch so that will be good…then a run out to Tom’s in the aft but that is about it…need to get on the bike if it gets warm enough before I need to go…more later….

One last thing about Cuba…

Well…in all of the stuff I’ve read about Cuba over the past few days, one thing I thought of has not been mentioned…that is the fact that with this stroke, Obama has taken the reason away that the Castros’ have used to explain away the poverty and lack of growth that Cuba has seen over the past 50 has always been the US’s fault…everything that has ever gone wrong has been blamed on us but now that is going to go away and the people running the place are going to have to put up or shut up…just my thought….

Topics, topics, topics…

Well…there are still a dearth of topics, at least in my head and in things that interest me right now…so we’re going to go free form again and see what happens…man, what a bunch of cowards at Sony Pictures that have folded on the release of their new movie ‘the Interview” just because of some puny threats from North Korea…so now they are going to let other countries censor what is shown in the US? I wonder what is in the e-mails that NK is threatening to release…if they are anything like the business e-mails I’ve written in my lifetime, they might be a danger to bore someone to death but that is about it.  I am a little disappointed that Space X has postponed their latest launch until sometime in January…I was really looking forward to seeing them try to land the booster on that floating platform they have…oh, well….it was a pretty cool last show of “the Colbert Report” with all of the guests coming on and singing “We’ll Meet Again”…..but, it did flash me back to the end of “Dr. Strangelove” when the same song is overlayed over the nuke explosions….anything else?  Nope, not right now….going to see if there is some soccer on and just veg awhile….

December 19th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I lost at pool…and that was not even a bad thing since it came to a championship game….but, I am still screwed up since I woke up this morning thinking it was Saturday…and my tooth is throwing fits of pain this morning that I can’t understand…slept okay but no dreams to speak of…oh, and I’m running late today since Brian dropped off a care package of venison and that always turns into a half hour of just shooting the bs….I now have about 5 lbs of burger and steaks that I will need to find room for in the freezer….I am enjoying the no snow weather we’re having….didn’t even have to warm the car up to get the frost off and it was only 21 degrees when I went out for the papers…not much to do today….might have HH with T later but that is about it…I may get out on the bike later, too but with meeting the goal for the year, I am a lot less motivated to freeze my butt off…more later….

Police whining….

Well…I had a good laugh this morning when I read about the response of many police departments to the protests against police killings and brutality towards minorities when they whine that they are all being tarred with a broad brush and their little feelings are hurt that people think they are the problem when they abuse everyone they come into contact with…other than old white guys. My response to that is “stop killing and abusing minorities” maybe then you will have a better image in your communities. I know, not all cops are bad ones but they all lie to protect other officers, they all use too much force and use force as a first resort instead of a last….and way too many of them ARE racists who never think their job is to protect and to serve but that they are in a war zone and that any force they decide to use is justified….I also don’t think that it is the citizens job to know how to interact with police to ensure they don’t get killed…not getting killed should be the default setting in these interactions…it has gotten so bad that a great majority of the population will not call 911 for help since they fear that when the police arrive it won’t be to help…but will cause even more damage….so, yes police…you do have a problem…and it is your problem not the citizens of this country…you need to reform your practices and how you view your jobs and you need to stop killing unarmed people…that would be a good start…geez…

December 18th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I did get a few things done so that was cool…slept okay last night but had to get up to take some ibuprofen for the tooth again…should have just taken it before bed to ensure no pain overnight but I needed to know how bad or if the pain would come back…had some dreams about another Miata being stolen and  wrecked…not mine since it was red but I still owned it…yeah, that’s confusing I know but I think it has to do with the fact that I wanted to buy a red one when I bought mine….slept okay, too, after I got up at 3 and went back to bed…I am a little tired today but feel okay after being good for so long…but that will probably end tonight since we are moving pool day up to today…not much to do today…I do need to do the grocery run this morning and get a workout in but probably won’t get on the bike again….just won’t be warm enough until after noon and then I’d feel rushed….and I hit the goal in miles  for the year a couple of days ago…more later….


Well…just  short one on the news that the US is going to start normalizing diplomatic relations with Cuba…my only question is “what took so long?” Since the demise of the Soviet Union, Cuba has been no threat to the US and many other countries that we were enemies with have long since had relations repaired and are now trading and diplomatic partners…I wonder what it was with
Cuba that made them different? Probably just the right wingers who profited by the continuation of hostilities…which is a normal function of the right these days…to gin up hostilities/controversies that they can take advantage of to grift their way to riches. Fifty years of this nonsense is long enough…can’t wait to hear the heads exploding like ole Rubio’s already did….fun…