The Democratic debate…

Well…have been waiting a while for the first dem debate and I am a little excited to have them get started…it will be cool to see the adults on our side talk about policy and how they will make the average American’s lives better versus the attacks and the lies that came out of the repub debates…I still can’t believe that the moderators didn’t call ole Carly on her PP lies or really any of the others since the majority of the repub debaters lied through their teeth the entire night. If you ever have wondered if the corporate media is in the tank for the right…all you have to do is listen to the themes that are running through the reporting on the dem debate…that it is going to be boring since the dems are going to talk about policy and not personal attacks….and that the ratings are going to be small since it won’t be entertaining….well, folks, debates are not supposed to be “entertaining” they are supposed to give the voting public information about the candidates and the policies they will push when they are elected…contrary to the repubs whose only policy is to give more tax cuts to corporations and the rich and to hate on government and ensure that it is not successful…if you doubt that, just take a look at the House under repub control…they have done nothing to make the country a better place for our average citizens and have not dealt with any problem that affects them….we will see who the adults are after tonight…and it won’t be the Donald live tweeting the event……

October 13th

Well…it was a long, busy day yesterday with lots of running around…made a little cash so that was cool, though…but, I had a chain fail on the bike and after getting a new one, the same thing happened as last time…it showed me that the rear gears are worn out again so the bike will be down for a few days while I wait for the new ones to come….only 16 bucks this time so that was cool…slept okay last night and was good so I feel okay this morning with some energy so I may have to get  some stuff done around here since I can’t ride….I do need to work on some stuff around here and clean the bathroom and kitchen but I’m not sure which I’ll get done…and the Wings play tonight along with the dem debate so I will be working the remote again today…not much to do today…cleaning and reading some stuff the my daughter sent me to look at…more later….

Need to do some political stuff…

Well…have been getting behind on the political stuff lately so here goes…I have been watching with interest (actually with popcorn) the daily slow motion disintegration of the repub party in the House over the past month or so and it would be funny if it didn’t have such dire consequences for all of us…with the debt ceiling fight coming up, the crazy assed righties of the GOP are perfectly willing to do everything in their power to destroy the world’s economy since Obama, something, something….and they are so delusional even John Boehner had enough and resigned and they have not been able to find anyone else to do the job…and the crux of the whole thing is the fact that these righties believe that if they only got rid of Boehner…the 54th vote to repeal Obamacare would work….either not knowing or willfully ignoring the fact that any bill doing that would be vetoed and if it was attached to the debt ceiling bill, that would still be vetoed and the country’s economy would crater…but that doesn’t matter to these asses…they have their jobs and just don’t care if millions are put out of work by their shenanigans. This is what happens when you let children run the show…wishful thinking replaces facts and the country suffers….geez…

October 12th

Well…it was a long day yesterday and I got through it feeling pretty crappy…didn’t get anything done but cooking but I feel good that I even got through that…woke up with the chills this morning and I’m sure that is the bug…and my lungs feel like they are full of something so today will be a low key day…I still plan on getting on the bike in a while since it is warm enough out there already and I don’t want to miss the last few good days that we have….slept okay last night but even with it 75 in here I was under the comforter….so I guess I have an excuse for taking it easy today….I am down to about a hundred miles left to get to 25K so that may happen later in the week….not much to do today…I think I’ll just do the normal stuff to try to burn the virus out and if that doesn’t work, I’ll just take it easy and rest…I will come back for a couple more of these today since I am behind…more later…

October 11th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but busy with going out to meet up with C and then out with K….and I think I’ve got a bug since I am sweating like crazy and coughing and feel like crap….so today looks like an easy one….I may even take the day off the bike….okay…not feeling this right now so I’ll come back later and try again….

Okay…I’m back for a few minutes anyway…I’m sure it’s a bug now since I am warm and coughing like crazy…I did get out on the bike and took a long ride but that didn’t help much….just exhausted and need to go back to the couch for a while…just getting up to do this has taken all my energy…so, there wan’t be much accomplished today…should do the bathroom but that’s just not going to happen….maybe more later….


October 10th

Well…it was a long day yesterday and I am feeling it today…had lunch with T and then out to pool…which I lost…and then back here for the Wings and cocktails…today should be easier…slept okay last night but I had to get going early so I can watch F1 qualifying that is going on right now…need more coffee….I did forget to come back here for another one so I do need to do a Red Wings one later today…I usually do one of those to start the season but I just was so worn out yesterday that I couldn’t think…didn’t get anything else done yesterday and today looks much the same with C coming into town and going out to watch the first half of the Michigan game….have to try to find my Michigan gear to wear….it looks like a huge sports day again with Michigan, State, and races going on today…there isn’t any soccer with the international break this week so that will make it a little easier…I do need to get back to F1 so I’ll do that now…more later…

October 9th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I did get a few things done,,,washed and waxed the car but then it rained…hope there was not enough time to get dust on it and leave it spotted….the car started a little slow this morning and I just figured it out…had the doors open and used the compressor to air up the tires and the last time I did that the battery went dead…I do have my new booster so I don’t have to worry about that any more….slept okay last night but feel a little slow this morning since I was not good last night…but, it was the first time since Sat so I feel good about that…today is the first day of the Wings season and I am ready for that…have the chips and dip ready and I am getting excited with all of the changes that have happened this year…but, I am going to do one on that later today….going to have lunch with T today and I am excited about that, too….looks like a full day today with pool..I think…too, so I need to get going and get on the bike right now…more later…

Poisoning our children for tax cuts for the rich…

Well…I have been trying to work up some outrage over the shenanigans of the repubs for a while but their trashing of the country for profit has gotten so brazen that I just have to say something. Right here in Michigan we see the results of all these giveaways to the rich with the lead poisoning of the people of Flint, caused by the emergency manager there making the decision to disconnect from the Detroit water system and to start pumping water from the Flint River since it would save the city 12 million dollars a year. For 16 months now, since the switch, the people of Flint have not had any water that is safe to drink since the EPA and Michigan DEQ says that there are no safe levels of lead in water…none, that means that any lead makes the water unsafe…but, Snyder and his cronies knew that and just kept doing study after study and dragging their feet since to do something might mean they would have to raise some taxes to pay for the fix…and the result is we have many of our fellow citizens that are permanently damaged since lead poisoning never goes away…it can’t be treated, and the results will be felt by the poorest of us for the rest of their lives…all just to keep cutting taxes for the rich. This is how the repubs govern folks…it’s all bottom line to them…balance the budget with no thought to what that kind of nonsense does to the people…you have seen it time and time again here in Michigan and across the country from the repubs..ideology before the people and to hell with who it hurts…I just hate these guys…geez…

The VRA and JEB!

Well…as you probably already know, the repubs on the supreme court gutted the Voting Rights Act by allowing states to make changes to their voting laws without any supervision by the federal government since “racism in voting is over”…and yesterday, ole JEB! agreed saying he wouldn’t approve the reinstatement of all of the parts of the VRA since “the problems were 60 years ago and are not happening now”. Well…whether JEB! is lying or he is so ignorant of what is going on in this country he should be disqualified from even running for president. As soon as the VRA was gutted, every repub controlled state started to put plans into action to disenfranchise the poor and minorities since they know that the time is coming that they can’t win any elections other than by cheating. No one likes their ideas other than the rich and racists so they institute voter ID, limit when people can vote, and the newest one, where the repubs move the polling places around up until the elections so no one in a majority minority precinct even knows where to vote…all to suppress the voters that will never vote for them. I hate to tell you this JEB! but your party is still doing the same old crap they did 60 years ago and the VRA was needed then since your party has no morals, and it is needed now since they still have no morals…open your frickin eyes, you idiot…geez…

October 8th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done…didn’t really have to so I guess I shouldn’t feel bad about that…running late today since the papers are really thick on Thursdays and I did do the grocery run….spent 32 bucks and didn’t get anything, really….will have to eat out of the freezer this weekend but that is okay…have plenty of stuff in there so I’ll replenish it next week….slept kind of crappy again but feel okay today…have been good since Saturday but I think that will end today…might have a cocktail or two tonight….I am getting excited with the Wings starting the season tomorrow and I have the traditional chips and dip for it…along with cocktails…I will have something to watch now that the season has started…might have to get caught up on my shows on plex today so they don’t build up…not much to do today…going to clean the car and the normal stuff but that is about it…more later….