January 20, 1975

Well…sitting here watching ‘Celeration Day”…the concert film with Led Zeppelin and it made me think back to when I saw them in person…January 20th, 1975 at the old Chicago Stadium, of course in Chicago. I know my friends have heard this story many times but I just realized today that I missed my chance to write about it on it’s 40th anniversary last January, so I thought I’d do a short one on it today. Getting the tickets is another story that I’ll talk about another time but it involved standing outside for a day at the box office…and had blood, ripped stitches and other cool stuff in it so maybe there is a post in there somewhere. The crazy day started when we checked into our room at a Holiday Inn at 1 south Halstead, in what we didn’t know at the time was the real inner city…we realized it when we noticed we were the only white faces in the place, and coming from west Michigan, it was a surprise to say the least. Okay, to the concert…we took a cab out to the stadium, which, at the time, was in the middle of a part of the city that looked mostly abandoned….the concert was cool but Robert Plant’s voice was totally fried and you could barely tell it was him…one funny aside, at the time I wasn’t really a Zep fan yet so I don’t know a lot of the songs but it was still fun….after the concert, the plan was to catch a cab back to the hotel but the cab driver that took us out neglected to tell us that they didn’t run out into that neighborhood after 11 pm since so many of them had been robbed…so, we set off walking through the worst neighborhood in Chicago, dressed for a cab ride, on the 20th of January, 20 blocks back to the hotel…a bunch of white kids freezing and stumbling through the dark. After the first block, my girlfriend at the time got some of the swirling dirt in her eyes and, wearing contacts, was basically blind the remaining 19 blocks. But, we made it okay…I think it may have been too cold for any muggers to be out and I was really glad we had turned the heat up to 85 before we left our room. It’s a day I remember vividly even 40 years later….the crazy crap you do when you are 21….

Oh, one last thing….the tickets cost $7.50….a lot of money at the time when I was renting a two bedroom house for 100 bucks a month…

Carly Fiorina is either a liar or just plain stupid…

Well…the repub presidential candidates have show themselves all to be liars, but one stands out in the crowd by being the best liar or just plain stupid. Carly Fiorina started her jaw dropping lies with the whopper that she saw a video that showed PP taking live babies and selling them for their parts…never taking that one back when it was a proven to be a lie….but now, she continues with a newer, better, and more delusional lie from the last debate this week. During the debate she rattled off a bunch of retired generals who she said were “retired” by Obama for telling him what he didn’t want to hear…two of the generals, Petreus, and McChrystal, were forced out for misconduct and one of the remaining, Jack Keane, retired in 2003, five years before Obama even took office and commented that he has never even spoken to Obama…but, did that stop ole Carly? Nope, she said that she didn’t “misspeak”, and that means she meant to tell this lie and didn’t give a damn that it’s not true….we all know that ole Carly is a liar,  now we can also say that she is just plain stupid to go with it…geez…

December 17th

Well…running a little late today just because I can…it was an okay day yesterday and I won at pool so that was cool…didn’t get anything else done and today looks the same…just not motivated to do much…and it is snowing out there and that is depressing…it shouldn’t be since this year is just so much better than last year…we had already had below zero temps last year and all I have to do is get through the next three days of cold to get back to the 40′s and 50′s so I guess I shouldn’t bitch too much…my back seem to be a little better today but we’ll see as the day goes on….it still twinges some when I move and I am still going to try to get it to crack later so the pain will really go away….it looks like full thermasuit for the ride today but that’s okay if I can get out for a ride in the snow…..not much to do today….going to try to get a few things done around here and do some cooking but that’s about it….more later…

The clown car stops in Vegas…

Well…as you know, I couldn’t bring myself to watch the creepiness that was the repub debate in Vegas last night but there were a few takeaways the came up in the news feeds this morning…the first one I’ve commented on before…the Donald’s vow that he would commit war crimes if elected by going after and killing the families of ISIS members…isn’t there a law against threatening a war crime? Isn’t that terrorism in itself? After this low point, the night degenerated into a talking point showdown…and the general consensus by pundits is that none of the people on the stage are presidential material….and that none of them can ever get elected…so, I think they should all just grift away and make money from the rubes that they lie to every day….I think that’s the purpose of most of them running anyway…or they truly are delusional and that is even worse…geez…

December 16th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I made a little cash so that was cool….it looks like I’ll be able to pay the rent in January so that takes a load off…slept okay and had dreams of landslides and Ada and that was weird…running for your life in front of a landslide is kind of exciting, though, so I’ll take it….my frickin back is still hurting like crazy and it is taking all the energy out of me, but trying the old things to help it is just making it worse….need to think that one through and see if I can figure out something new….the new tire on the back of the bike is making me smile…I didn’t realize how bad the old one was…reminded me of the cartoon bikes with square wheels that were in my youth….not much to do today…pool, I think, and making lunch but that is about it….I did do the grocery run this morning and got some russett potatoes that are just huge…one could make two meals for me so I’m not sure how to cook them…may have to make mashed to portion them out….more later…..

The repub debate…

Well…didn’t know if you knew, but there is another repub debate tonight…okay, I should have said didn’t know if you cared….I was going to do one about that but I just frickin can’t…how can anyone listen to these losers without wanting to tear your ears off so you don’t have to hear it anymore…Muslims bad, Obama worse, tax cuts, tax cuts….close the borders…built a 10 mile high wall…ISIS, ISIS, ISIS….we’re all gonna die! Yeah….I just can’t take it anymore…hope you can’t either…going back to the couch to watch tv….and no debate….

December 15th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I got a lot of stuff done so that was cool…slept okay but my back seems to be deteriorating to the point where it is hard to move around at times when it decides to stab me…I know what the problem is but I don’t know what to do about it..and that is the most frustrating part…at least my neck is starting to heal some but that is not enough….think I need some ibuprofen…I did have to get a new tire for the rear of the bike since the old one split across the tread on the way home Sunday…glad I had the tube protectors in it…rode home with them sticking out…the bike is so much smoother now and it was fun to go out yesterday….but 20 bucks for a bike tire? The tires on the Miata were only 40 bucks each….not much to do today…have to run an errand and then out with G later but the rest of the day is going to be trying to get my back to pop so it will stop hurting…more later….

Nathan Deal is the new worst person in the world….

Well….it any of you out there are from Georgia, I really do have pity on you for your asshole of a governor. If you haven’t heard this prick signed an executive order saying that no one that deals in social services for the state of Georgia can give aid to Syrian refugees…including the food stamp program that is paid for by the feds. Not only is this illegal, and I hope the feds get right on taking this asshole to court for this illegality…but, it is also one of the most immoral and reprehensible things I have ever heard of…to single out a family who is legally allowed to come here and basically say “you can just starve” is not what America is about…maybe in the repubs world of fear and nastiness….since they have been doing that to American citizens in every state that they control….but not in our world, not in the world of compassion that their bible tells them to make either…but, I know the prick will be in the pews on Sunday being the hypocriitcal, useless POS that he is…and the rest of the “Christians” will be patting him on the back for his “principled” stand on heaping more hurt on people who have already lost everything…easily the worst person in the world…geez…

How much more stupid can these folks get?

Well…I’m just sitting here shaking my head at this one…in North Carolina, a town called Woodlawn just refused a rezoning request from a solar energy company to build a solar panel farm in the town. Now, here comes the stupidity…a retired science teacher from the town testified that she was concerned the panels would prevent plants from growing since they will “suck up” all the photons from the sun; saying that she has seen that plants around the other farms that have already been installed are turning brown….the company building the farm tried to explain that the panels only use photons that hit them directly and they don’t suck up all of the photons in the area and that the plants could be dying, if they are, for many other reasons unrelated to the panels….my question is if this kind of stupidity is coming from a former science teacher, what the hell kind of schools do they have there? Oh, that’s right, they don’t believe in science, just faith….what a bunch of maroons….geez…

December 14th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I made a little cash so that was cool…didn’t get anything done around here but that will change today since I have lots of stuff to do and I can’t avoid it…slept crappy again last night and I am getting tired of it…and my neck still hurts so that is going to make doing what I need to do even more of a pain…it looks like no bike ride today since there is rain all the way to Tennessee that is aimed right at us but that’s okay, I can use a day off the bike to get rid of the everywhere soreness I have had for the past few days….the car is still starting fine and not leaking so that is cool and I don’t have to think about that anymore right now….not much to do today….just work around here that will take me til at least noon if I start right now…but, I need to finish the coffee first and get out to Kos to read a little…more later…

One last thing…if I hear the build a bear workshop commercial again, I am going to scream….